Theban Cycle Flashcards
What are the main tales in the Theban Cycle?
1) The misdeeds of King Laius
2) Oedipus
3) The Seven Against Thebes
4) The princess Antigone
5) The Epigonoi (Descendents) -2nd generation champions from Argos, who successfully captured Thebes
What did Tantalos do while being invited to dine in with the Olympians?
He killed his own son, Pelops, boiled him and served him up as the main dish.
What did the Olympian Gods do with Pelops, after he was served at dinner?
They brought him back from the dead, and “rebuilt him”.
Which god was Pelops in a homosexual relationship while he was a boy?
What was weird about the woman Pelops wanted to marry? What happened when he tried to get her to marry him?
She may have been in an incestuous relationship with her father, her father tried to stop the marriage by challenging Pelops to a chariot race
How did Pelops win the chariot race against Hippodameia’s father?
He bribed the fathers charioteer to tamper with the axle pins of the chariot.
Oinomaos (father) died in the crash.
What did the charioteer do after the fatal crash of Oinomaos?
He turned against Pelops and tried to rape Hippodameia
Pelops hurled him into the sea but not before he was able to curse Pelops and his descendents.
What area was named after Pelops?
Peloponnese (‘Pelops Island’)
Who are the 3 famous children of Pelops and Hippodameia
Pittheus, atreus and Thyestes
What was Atreus’s revenge upon Thyestes for sleeping with his wife?
He served him the minced and boiled body-parts of Thyestes children.
What was the instance in Greek Mythical history of homesexual activity between humans, not gods and humans?
King Laius of Thebes
What is the story behind the family curse that began with king Laius of Thebes?
He visits Mycenae and falls in love with Chrysippus, a teen (or pre teen) prince. He abducts him and brings him home to Thebes to be his unwilling sex partner.
What does Chrysippus do after being abducted and sexually abused by King Laius of Thebes? What does this cause for King Laius of Thebes?
He kills himself from shame, which causes a curse to be laid of Laius by Chrysippus’s father, Pelops.
Note** curses in Greek mythology are always efficacious (effective), of course. (Also,
although not relevant here, curses from dying people are extra strong.
What happens when King Laius of Thebes gets his young wife pregnant?
In a drunken stupor, he impregnates her - despite knowing a prophecy that any son of Laius by Jocasta will grow up to kill him
What is the story of Oedipus’s birth?
An oracle told him mother Jocasta not to have children, or else the son will kill his father. When Oedipus was born, his parents pinned the baby’s ankles together and gave it to a herdsman to expose Mount Kithairon, but the herdsman saved the infant out of pity and handed it to another herdsman.