Theatre Appreciation, Test 2: Chapter 5 Flashcards
True/False: Gatekeepers and mediators influence performance and audience perception of it without, usually, their influence being recognized.
True/False: We live in an age of competing theatrical theories, none dominating.
True/False: Sophisticated audience members typically read lots of criticism.
True/False: Reviewers make value judgements about performances.
True/False: A dramaturg can function as a kind of research assistant.
True/False: In a media culture like ours, audience perception of a performance is likely to be shaped before the audience ever gets to the performance space.
True/False: Theatrical criticism consists primarily of giving the reasons why a critic does or does not like a play,
True/False: A reviewer is the same as a critic.
True/False: Contemporary dramatic theory is dominated by semiotics.
True/False: A good beginning question to ask about a play is, what theory is it based on?
True/False: All critics are, to a degree, biased.
True/False: Reviewers rely heavily on performance theories in doing their work.
True/False: Reviews should make a distinction between a play and a particular performance of it.
True/False: A public relations person may have responsibilities beyond advertising a play.
True/False: Agents function as go-betweens, smoothing the way for theatre artists and their potential employers to meet productively.
True/False: Critics ask the same kinds of questions, regardless of their theoretical assumptions.
True/False: Dramaturgs often write program notes.
True/False: Reviewers, like critics, are highly trained in theatre.
True/False: Agents often serve as mediators and so encourage a conservative tendency within theatre.
True/False: Performance theory is now more highly developed than dramatic theory.
True/False: Postmodern theories differ from modern theories in their heavy reliance on science and the scientific method.
True/False: Play readers mediate between playwrights and producing entities.
MC: Dramatic theories, to be good, should be:
General, systematic, internally consistent (d. all of the above)
MC: Reviews posted on web sites are:
often individual viewpoints and are not always from reliable and experienced sources (e. a and b)
MC: Good theories of performance are today based mostly on the writings of:
e. none of the above
MC: Performance theories are more difficult to develop than dramatic theories because performance:
b. is ephemeral
MC: If one part of a theory contradicted another part of the theory, the theory would lack:
b. consistency
MC: Which of the following is NOT a trait associated with postmodernism?
e. history as progressive
MC: Which of the following is NOT a function usually given to a dramaturg?
b. designing posters for plays
MC: The person paid to get an audience into the theatre is most likely the:
d. public relations person
MC: The person most concerned with consumer protection is the:
e. reviewer
MC: If a theorist is asking questions about gender in performance, he or she is most likely relying on the theories of:
c. feminism
MC: Casting directors shift through an acting pool to find the most suitable actors for a production. The casting director works for:
e. The Producing Entity