The Yellow Boat Flashcards
There’s not much of that around here.
I’ll try to change that. I’m here to work with Benjamin to try to make some sense out if this place.
Another docter?
Not exactly. The doctors work with the sick parts; my specialty is the well parts. My work is play.
He won’t eat, he won’t talk… He won’t even draw.
Is that something he likes to do? Drawing?
He’s just not Benjamin if he’s not drawing.
That’s good to know. Why don’t you two get a cup of coffee? Just let me have a look for a well part. Earth to Benjamin. Joy calling. Want to play? Tell you what. Whenever you want me to disappear, just flick your hand, like this. I’m gone. I’m back. I’m gone. I’m back. I’m gone. I’m back. You don’t need to talk. I can just sit here with you. I have some work to do. I want to make this doll for a boy here in the hospital. He hates being here, what with the shots and the medicines. But this doll needs a name. Can you think of a good name?
No is an excellent name! No needs some hair. What color should it be? Brown? Nah. Purple. How about his eyes? Orange.
Except when he cries. His tears are red.
Red tears…! And his mouth?
Mad green.
And his eyebrows are…?
Yellow. Scared yellow
So his mouth is mad, and his eyes are scared, and his red tears are so very sad. And he feels…?
Isn’t it amazing how you can have so many people in and out of here and still feel so alone? TAH-DAH!
So I’m not good at faces. Okay. I have to go. Maybe No can come back tomorrow?
Why do they want to look at yucky stomach stuff?
So they can figure out the right yucky medicines. I don’t think it will hurt. But you can yell “Stop!” If it does. So. Are you ready to help them?
I said id bring the bolts, didn’t i?
Good morning…
Evening! And how are we feeling today… Hmmmmm???? Remember when they took an X-ray of your insides? Well here it is! That’s you!
Gray is not what it feels like.
Then how does it feel?
You’re an explorer? Explorers don’t wear white. Whites boring.
Benjamin, why don’t you tell the doctors about the pain?