The Year I Flew Away Flashcards
How many magical mangos slices does Gabrielle get?
3 magical mango slices
What language was taken away when she took the mango slices?
How did Gabrielle grow her wings at the end?
She convinced everyone else to share her culture
When Gabrielle and Rocky are running away from Lady Lydia, what does she do to stop them?
She splits the ground open and then makes the tree’s branches try to ensnare them
How did Gabrielle make her wishes?
By eating three magical mangoes
Who does Kayla have a crush on?
Donnie from her favorite rap band
Why did Rocky run off with the magic snail in chapter 16?
Because Lady Lydia promised that she would turn him into a rabbit if he got it for her
Where is Carmen from?
Why didn’t Gabrielle get invited to a birthday party even though she spoke perfect English?
Tianna told that person not to invite her
Who is Tianna?
A mean girl from Jamaica
Why did Gabrielle get suspended from school?
She got into a fight with Tianna
What is one of the reasons Gabrielle doesn’t like teenagers?
They are mean
What did the boy mean when he said that she was the last one?
If Lady Lydia got her to take a bite out of the last mango slice, she would regain her powers
What does Lady Lydia want?
To turn Brooklyn into a place of black and white, where every leaf, snowflake, and grain of sand is exactly the same, even the humans
How did Madam Monday stop Lady Lydia?
By using a powerful spell to trap her in a graveyard