The World Wars Flashcards
Archduke Francis Ferdinand (WW1)
Assassinated in hopes that the Austro-Hungarian Empire would declare war on Serbia. Started WW1.
Schlieffen Plan (WW1)
A plan established prior to WW1 that in case of the outbreak of war, Germany would attack France first and then Russia. It failed lol
Fritz Haber
Father of Chemical warfare. Won a noble prize for chemistry and his creation of fertilizer
Zyklon B
A pesticide made by Harber. It was eventually used to gas Jews in camps.
Appeasement Diplomacy
(British Foreign Policy WWII)
Britain gave Hitler his territorial demands in an attempt to avoid war.
Volksgemeinshaft (WW2)
German propaganda to unify the people across classes in support of the war.
Battle of Britain (WW2)
A major World War II air campaign. British victory.
June 22, 1941 / Operation Barbossa (WW2)
Germany invaded the Soviet Union, ending the nonaggression pact between the two countries.
Kristallnacht (WW2)
Violent riots against Jews in November of 1938
Erwin Rommel (WW2)
A German field marshal who commanded the Afrika Korps during World War II
Holocaust (WW2)
The genocide and assassination of 6 million Jews under Nazi Germany
Lebensraum (WW2)
Translates to “living space.” Hitler’s desire to expand the country.