The working memory model Flashcards
Who came up with the WMM?
Baddeley and Hitch (1974)
What did Baddeley and Hitch believe?
That memory is not just one store but a number of different stores
What are the 4 parts of the working memory model?
Central executive, visuospatial sketchpad, episodic buffer and phonological loop
Describe the central executive
It’s an attentional process which monitors incoming data and allocates slave systems
It has a very limited capacity - data arrives from the senses but it can’t hold it for long
It involves reasoning and decision making tasks
Describe the phonological loop
Deals with auditory information and preserves word order
Limited capacity
Coding is acoustic
Baddeley further subdivided it into:
- Phonological store (stores the words you hear)
- Articulatory process (allows maintenance rehearsal - capacity is 2 seconds)
Describe the visuospatial sketch pad
Visuo and/ or spatial information is stored here
It has a limited capacity (3/4 objects)
Logie in 1995 suggested subdivision:
- Visual-cache (stored visual data)
- Inner scribe (records the arrangement of objects in the visual field)
Describe the episodic buffer
Added in 2000
Temporary store for information - integrates visual, spatial and verbal information
Limited capacity - about 4 chunks
Maintains time sequencing - recording events (episodes)
Links working memory to LTM
Give strengths of the WMM
- The case of KF - Patient KF (brain damage) had poor STM for verbal information (when someone read the numbers to him) but he could process visual information (read them himself) His phonological loop had been damaged. This suggests there are seperate visual and acoustic stores.
- Word effects supports phonological loop - Baddeley (1975) found participants had more difficulty doing 2 visual tasks, than doing a visual and verbal task at the same time. Both visual tasks use the same limited resource. Dual task performance activities provide evidence for the existence of the visuo-spatial sketchpad. The MSM can’t explain this
Give a limitation of the WMM
Lack of clarity of CE - Cognitive psychologists suggest that the CE is unsatisfactory and doesn’t explain anything. They believe the CE should be clearly explained rather than just for “attention”. Some psychologists believe it is many seperate components. This means the WMM hasn’t been explained fully
Describe the capacity of the central executive
Very limited capacity
Describe the capacity of the phonological loop
Limited capacity - 2 secs worth of information
Describe the capacity of the visuospatial sketchpad
Limited capacity - 3/4 objects
Describe the capacity of the episodic buffer
Limited - about 4 chunks
Describe the coding of the central executive
Modality free (not limited to sight or sound or any one sense since it needs to manipulate all manner of information)
Describe the coding of the phonological loop
Describe the coding of the visuospatial sketchpad
Describe the coding of the episodic buffer
Modality free