The work of Wilhelm Wundt Flashcards
Wundts book was called…
Principles of Physiological Psychology
- 1st textbook of psychology
Wundts book was published in…
Wundt set up the ………… at the ………… in the year ……… .
- first laboratory of experimental psychology
- university of Leipzig, Germany
- 1879
Wundt graduated as a ……… from …………… in the year ……… .
- doctor
- University of Heidelberg
- 1856
After graduating, Wundt…
- joined university staff
- taught laboratory course in physiology
Wundt delivered 1st university course on ……………… at …………. .
- scientific psychology
- Heidelburg University
Wundts main interest was/wasn’t…
- wasn’t medicine and physiology
- was psychology
What did Wundt’s book outline?
major connections between science of physiology and the study of human thought/behaviour
Wundt mainly studied ………… in his lab.
sensations and feelings by employing experimental methods.
By Wundt creating an academic laboratory devoted to the study of experimental psychology…
this officially took psychology from a sub-discipline of philosophy and biology to a unique scientific discipline.
Who would go to Wundts lab?
- men from all over the world
- they go back and teach this
Scientific method refers to…
acquiring knowledge through systematic and objective investigation to discover general laws
(controlled research)
Ticking metronome
- observers = presented with sensory events (sight/hearing)
- ticking metronome = can be exactly replicated
- stimuli = always presented in same order, same instructions given to all
- all asked to report thoughts, images, sensations about stimuli to allow for the analysis of the component parts of the experience.
all of this = !!!STRUCTURALISM!!!
Structuralism is…
the break down into thoughts, images and sensations
Introspection is…
a process by which someone examines their own conscious experience as objectively as possible
Showed that introspection could be used to…
study mental states in replicable laboratory experiments
Wundt was trying to make the human mind…
like any other aspect of nature that a scientist observed
Father of…
experimental psychology