The Whole Test 8 Days Flashcards
Change in velocity over time. The rate at which something speeds up or slows down.
Any change in the structure or functioning of an organism that is favored by natural selection and makes the organism better suited to its environment.
The mixture of gases in the Earth’s atmosphere is commonly known as air. Earth’s atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding our planet that is retained by Earth’s gravity. Dry air contains roughly 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% trace gases, primarily water vapor.
One member of a pair or series of different forms of a gene.
To separate into separate parts or basic principles to determine the nature of the whole.
A structure found in a living thing (e.g., heart, lung, liver, backbone).
Anatomical feature
The skill of selecting and using information in new situations or problems
A solution in which the solvent is water
Aqueous Solution
Involves the growth of a new organism by fission of cell nuclei. Asexual reproduction usually involves one parent and leads to offspring that are genetically identical to the parent and to one another.
Asexual Reproduction
A small rocky body orbiting the Sun, sometimes called minor planet or planetoid.
A layer of gases that may surround the Earth and other material bodies of suffient mass.
A basic unit of matter consisting of a dense central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons.
The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of a single atom.
Atomic mass number
The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
Atomic number
Change in velocity and/or direction with respect to time. Acceleration is a vector quantity, so both velocity and direction are required to define it.
Average acceleration
The measure of distance that an object travels in a given time interval.
Average speed
Change in position and/or direction with respect to time. Velocity is a vector quantity, so both speed and direction are required to define it.
Average velocity
The different kinds of organisms in a specific ecosystem or on the planet as a whole.
A circuit or pathway by which a chemical element moves through both living and non-living components of an ecosystem, including the Earth as a whole.
Biogeochemical cycle
A method by which biologists group and categorize species of organisms. Biological classification is a form of scientific taxonomy.
Biological classification
The temperature at which a liquid changes state and becomes a gas. The boiling point changes as pressure changes.
Boiling Point
The biogeochemical cycle that describes the transformations of carbon and carbon-containing compounds in nature.
Carbon Cycle
The biological membrane separating the interior of a cell from the outside environment. It is a semipermeable lip bilayer found in all cells.
Cellular membrane
The process by which molecules (glucose) are converted into useable energy in cells.
Cellular respiration
Problems that can be solved using science concepts and principles, inquiry, and the technological design process.
A distinguishable trait, quality, or property
A chemical change occurs whenever compounds are formed or decomposed. During this type of reaction, there is a rearrangement of atoms that makes or breaks chemical bonds.
Chemical Change
Any of a material’s properties, such as color, pH, or ability to react with other chemicals, that becomes evident during a chemical reaction.
Chemical properties
A process that results in the conversion of chemical substances (reactants) to other substances (products). Products generally have different chemical properties from the reactants.
Chemical reaction
An organelle found only in plants and photosynthetic protists; contains chlorophyll, which absorbs the light energy used to drive photosynthesis.
An organized structure of DNA and supporting regulatory proteins found in cells.
Chromosomes contain many genes
A proposition based on evidence and logical argument.
To arrange in some sort of order by categories or groupings.
Encompasses the temperatures, humidity, atmospheric pressure, winds, rainfall, atmospheric particle count, and numerous other meteorological elements in a given region over long periods of time.
A system in which matter may circulate, but may not enter or leave.
Closed System
A small Solar System body that orbits the Sun and, when close enough to the Sun, exhibits a visible coma (atmosphere) and/or a tail made of gas and/or dust.
Refers to materials and processes that most students have experienced.
group of organisms is said to have common descent if they have a common ancestor. In modern biology, it is generally accepted that all living organisms on Earth are descended from a common ancestor or ancestral gene pool.
Common ancestors
Participate in the discourse of science. Communication includes but is not limited to discussions, journaling, and sharing the results of investigations effectively and clearly in both written and oral forms.
To examine two or more objects or events to establish similarities and differences.
An examination of two or more objects or events to establish similarities and differences.
A substance consisting of two or more different elements chemically bonded together in a fixed proportion by mass that can be split up into simpler substances through a chemical reaction.
An abstract, universal idea of phenomena or relationships among phenomena
A statement of the findings of an investigative process that is supported by investigative evidence (data) and links to the current body of scientific knowledge.
The change of the physical state of matter from a gas to a liquid.
The transfer of heat energy through matter by kinetic energy from particle to particle with no net displacement of the particles.
Assurance that the conclusions of an investigation are reliable and valid.
To preserve. In physics, the Conservation Laws specify quantities that are preserved during transformations.
A physical law stating that the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant. Also stated as: energy cannot be created or destroyed—only changed from one form to another.
Conservation of Energy
A physical law stating that the total amount of mass in a closed system remains constant. Also stated as: mass can be neither created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction—only rearranged.
Conservation of Mass
Sustained purposeful concentration and attention to details in an attempt to reach the truth or arrive at a decision about the validity of evidence or a claim.
A group of stars that appear to form a visible figure or picture as viewed by people in a particular culture.
The limitations imposed on possible solutions to problems or challenges. Constraints are often expressed in terms of available money, materials, or time.
An organism that gets its chemical energy for growth and development from other organisms. Animals in a food web are consumers that obtain food energy by eating other animals or plants.
To examine two or more objects or events to establish differences
A standard condition that other conditions can be compared to in a scientific experiment.
Control (or Experimental Control Setup)
A laboratory investigation in which the values of all variables are kept the same except for one that is changed from trial to trial (manipulated or independent variable) and one that is measured (responding or dependent variable).
Controlled experiment
The physical movement of molecules within fluids (e.g., liquids, and gases). Convection is one of the major modes of heat transfer and mass transfer.
Used literally, core refers to whatever is in the center of an object, as the core of an apple,
or Earth’s core. Used metaphorically, core refers to what is most important, as in “core content.”
Earth’s core is most likely a solid sphere about 1,220 km in radius. It is believed to consist of an iron-nickel alloy, and is likely surrounded by a liquid outer core, extending to about 3,400 km from the center of our planet.
Core of the Earth
A known relationship between two variables in which it is not possible to infer whether or not a change in one variable caused a change in the other variable.
A form of chemical bond characterized by sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms, or between atoms and other covalent bonds.
Covalent Bond
A standard on which to judge success (plural form: criteria).
A critical review of a specific topic, process, or investigation
Earth’s outermost shell that is composed of a variety of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Earth’s crust includes the oceanic crust, about 7-10 km thick, and the continental crust, about 35-40 km thick.
The outermost part of the Earth’s interior mantle contains the lithosphere which is divided into eight major tectonic or crustal plates that float on the asthenosphere and move in relation to one another.
Crustal plate
Refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activities significance and importance within a society.
To break down tissue of a formerly living organism into simpler forms of matter.
Organisms that consume the remains of dead organisms and, in doing so, break down the tissues into simpler forms of matter that can be used as nutrients for other living organisms
A chemical reaction in which two molecules or functional groups combine to form one single molecule, with the accompanying loss of a small molecule. When this small molecule is water, it is known as a dehydration synthesis.
Dehydration synthesis
Mass per unit volume
The factor of a system being investigated that changes in response to the manipulated (independent) variable and is measured.
Dependent variable
Refers to the geologic process following erosion, in which particles of sand or soil are no longer transported from their source by wind or water and are added to a new landform.
Deposition of sediments
The skill of developing a detailed picture, image, or characterization using diagrams and/or words, written or oral.
Either the final plan (proposal, drawing, or model) or the result of implementing that plan in the form of the final product of a design process.
Design (Noun)
The process of originating and developing a plan for a product, structure, system, or component to meet a human need or want.
Design (Verb
Systems or subsystems of the natural world built entirely or in part by people. Also called the constructed world.
Designed world
The skill of distinguishing accurately between and among pieces of evidence.
Wide variety. Species diversity refers to the abundance of different species within an ecosystem.
Large molecules inside the nucleus of living cells that carry genetic information. The scientific name for DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid.
A body gravitationally bound to the Sun with sufficient mass to be approximately spherical in shape, but not enough mass to have pulled in debris from the neighborhood of their orbit. Plutoids are dwarf planets that orbit further from the Sun than Neptune.
82. e.g.: Abbreviation meaning “for example” or “for instance.” Refers to examples given in Performance Expectations
Dwarf planet
An astronomical event that occurs when one celestial object moves into the shadow of another. The term eclipse is most often used to describe either a solar eclipse, when the Moon’s shadow crosses Earth’s surface, or a lunar eclipse, when the Moon moves into the shadow of Earth.
A natural unit consisting of all plants, animals, and microorganisms (biotic factors) in an area functioning together with all of the nonliving physical (abiotic) factors of the
The result or consequence of an action, influence, or causal agent.
An interconnection of electrical elements such as resistors, inductors, capacitors, transmission lines, voltage sources, current sources, and switches that has a closed loop, giving a return path for the current.
Electric circuit
One of the four known fundamental forces in the universe; includes the forces between charged particles and between molecules and ions.
Electromagnetic force
One of the four known fundamental forces in the universe; includes the forces between charged particles and between molecules and ions.
Electromagnetic force
The array of electromagnetic waves, from the shortest and most energetic gamma rays to the longest radio waves. The visible light spectrum is a small part of the middle range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Electromagnetic spectrum
A self-propagating wave that includes visible light, radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays. EM radiation is composed of an oscillating electric and magnetic field that moves through empty space or transparent matter.
Electromagnetic waves
An elementary subatomic particle that carries a negative electrical charge.
A pure chemical substance composed of all atoms that have the same number of protons.
Based on actual measurements, observations, or experience rather than on theory.
The amount of work that can be done by a force.
The movement of energy from one location to another.
Energy transfer
Change of energy from one form to another.
Energy transformation
Natural surroundings, including living and nonliving components. May also refer to a region or to all natural systems on planet Earth.
Biological molecules that catalyze (increase the rates of) chemical reactions. Almost all enzymes are proteins.
The condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced.
99. Erosion: The carrying away or displacement of solids (sediment, soil, rock, and other particles), usually by wind, water, or ice by down-slope movement in response to gravity or by living organisms
Mistakes of perception, measurement, or process during an investigation; an incorrect result or discrepancy
A proven or demonstrated inference or theory
To make judgments or appraisals based on collected data.
The change in state of a substance from liquid to gas.
Observations, measurements, or data collected through established and recognized scientific processes
A series of gradual or rapid changes, some regular, some random, that account for the present form and function of phenomena both living and nonliving.
To use a scientific method of observation to explore, test, or inquire about a theory, hypothesis, inference, or conclusion
An investigation under which the conditions for a phenomenon to occur are arranged beforehand by the investigator.
To apply scientific ideas to describe the cause of a phenomenon or relationship, and/or to render a complex idea plan.
The skill of making a process plain and comprehensible, possibly including supporting details with an example.
Explain how
The skill of making plain and comprehensible a theory, hypothesis, inference, or conclusion, possibly including supporting details with an example.
Explain that
The death of all members of a species of plant or animal. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of that species, although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point.
Agent or condition that could cause a change
In geology, a fault or fault line is a rock fracture that shows evidence of relative Earth movement. Some faults may extend hundreds or even thousands of kilometers.
The process by which the output of a system is used to make changes in the operation
of the system. Feedback can be negative, which reduces the disturbance to a system, or positive, which tends to increase the disturbance to a system.
The union of an egg nucleus and a sperm nucleus.
The scientific study of free-living plants or animals in which the subjects are observed in their natural habitat without changing, harming, or materially altering the setting or subjects of the investigation.
Field Studies
Nuclear fission is the process by which the nucleus of a large atom is split into two smaller atomic nuclei.
The complex eating relationships among species within an ecosystem. In a diagram of a food web organisms are connected to the organisms they consume by arrows representing the direction of energy transfer.
Food Web
A push or pull. In physics, it is whatever can cause an object with mass to accelerate. Force has both magnitude and direction, making it a vector quantity.
The shape, appearance, or configuration of an object or organism.
The preserved remains or traces of animals, plants, and other organisms from the remote past.
A substance that can be burned for heat energy, such as coal, oil, or natural gas, formed from the decayed remains of prehistoric animals and plants.
Fossil Fuel
The force resisting the relative motion of two surfaces in contact or a surface in contact with a fluid (e.g., air on an aircraft or water in a pipe). Also referred to as “friction.”
Frictional force
The normal and specific contribution of a bodily or cellular part to the economy of a living organism.
Combining two or more distinct things. Nuclear fusion refers to the process by which multiple nuclei join together to form a heavier nucleus.
A state of matter consisting of a collection of particles (molecules, atoms, ions, electrons, etc.) without a definite shape or volume that are in more or less random motion.
A segment of inheritance information that, taken as a whole, specifies a trait. In common language the term “gene” sometimes refers to the scientific concept of an allele.
The regrouping of genes in an offspring caused by the crossing over of chromosomes during meiosis.
Genetic recombination
To produce
A generation is defined as “the average interval of time between the birth of parents and the birth of their offspring.”
Inherited or affected by genes
A set of instructions coded in DNA molecules that specifies the traits of an organism
Genetic Information
A measure of the tendency of individual genotypes in a population to vary from one to another.
Genetic variation
The average temperature, humidity, rainfall, and other meteorological measures of Earth as a whole over a long period of time (usually taken to be about 30 years).
Global climate
Energy associated with gravitational force. Factors that affect an object’s gravitational potential energy are its height relative to some reference point, its mass, and the strength of the gravitational field.
Gravitational potential energy
The force by which any two masses are attracted to one another. The term is sometimes used to refer to Earth’s gravity
An ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by a particular species. It is the natural environment in which an organism lives or the physical environment that surrounds (influences and is used by) a species population.
A form of kinetic energy produced by the motion of atoms and molecules. Also known as thermal energy, heat may be transferred from one body or system to another due to a difference in temperature.
The passing of traits to offspring. This is the process by which an offspring cell or organism acquires the characteristics of its parent cell or organism.
Difficulties for individuals or populations that call for a solution.
Human problems
The designed or modified environment (also called the built
environment) created by people to meet their needs. The term also describes the interdisciplinary field concerned with the design, management, and use of the human-made environment.
Human-made or man-made
A testable explanation for a specific problem or question based on what has already been learned. A hypothesis may be stated in an “if-then” format that predicts a causal relationship or correlation between two variables.
A general perception, thought, or concept.
Igneous rock: Rocks formed when molten magma cools. Igneous rocks are divided into two main categories: Plutonic rocks result when magma cools and crystallizes slowly within the Earth’s crust (e.g., granite), while volcanic rocks result from magma reaching the surface either as lava or fragments that are ejected into the air (e.g., pumice and basalt).
Igneous rock
The factor of a system being investigated that is changed to determine that factor’s relationship to the dependent (responding) variable.
Independent (manipulated) variable
Fossil that is used to determine relative age of layer of sedimentary rock.
Index Fossil
To arrive at a decision or logical conclusion by reasoning from evidence.
A logical conclusion based on evidence
The rapid expansion of knowledge of the natural world, in part brought about by new knowledge and new technologies into the scientific, technological, and communication enterprises.
Information explosion
The branch of technology devoted to the acquisition, processing, storage, retrieval, and application of data. The term also applies to the hardware (e.g., computers and cell phones) and software developed to utilize data.
Information technology
The addition of matter, energy, or information to a system.
The diverse ways in which people study the natural world and propose explanations based on evidence derived from their work.
A material that is a poor conductor of energy such as electricity or heat.
A state of honesty; freedom from corrupting influence, motive, or bias in the collection and interpretation of data and observations.
The mutual influences among variables in a system or between subsystems, which may be correlational or causal.
Inferences drawn from data collected during a scientific investigation.
A property of something or action which is essential and specific to that thing or action, and which is wholly independent of any other object, action, or consequence.
To plan and conduct an organized scientific study to answer a question.
A multifaceted, organized scientific study of the natural world. Investigations may include such activities as making systematic observations; asking questions; gathering information through planned study in the field, laboratory, or research setting; analyzing data to find patterns; summarizing results, drawing conclusions, and communicating findings both orally and in writing.
An atom or molecule that has lost or gained one or more electrons, giving it a positive or negative electrical charge
A type of chemical bond that often forms between metal and nonmetal ions through electrostatic attraction.
Ionic bond
A formation of atoms held together by ionic bonds. Crystals of sodium chloride (salt), for example, does not form molecules. Rather, ions of sodium (Na) and chorine (Cl) are held together by ionic bonds in a three-dimensional ionic crystal.
Ionic crystal
Isotopes are differing forms of the same element that have nuclei with the same number of protons (the same atomic number) but different numbers of neutrons. Therefore, isotopes have different mass numbers.
Energy of motion
Kinetic Energy
An observed regularity of the natural world that scientists have observed repeatedly. Natural Laws can be used to accurately predict what will happen in many situations.
A description of the stages of development of an organism or planetary object such as a star.
Life cycle
A fluid that takes the shape of the part of the container that it occupies, and that forms a
distinct surface.
A set of one or more premises supported by evidence that leads to a clear conclusion.
Logical argument
A series of steps thoughtfully designed to meet a clear goal.
Logical plan
A convex lens which is used to produce an enlarged image of an object.
The factor of a system being investigated that is changed to determine that factor’s relationship to the dependent (responding) variable.
Manipulated (independent) variable
Earth’s mantle is a viscous layer between the crust and the outer core. Earth’s mantle is about 2,900 km thick and makes up about 70% of Earth’s volume.
A measure of how much matter there is in an object.
Anything that has mass and that takes up space.
Physical rearrangement of fluids or small particles by continuous movement.
Mechanical mixing
A process of cell division that produces reproductive cells known as gametes. Each gamete contains only one set of the unpaired chromosomes and half as much genetic information as the original cell.
The temperature at which a solid melts and becomes a liquid.
Melting point
Fundamental concept of heredity that each organism has characteristics that are encoded in its genes and passed on from one generation to the next.
Mendel Ian Genetics
Rocks modified by temperatures and pressures that are high enough to change the original minerals into other mineral types or into other forms of the same minerals.
Metamorphic rock
The organelle in eukaryotic cells that carry on cellular respiration, release energy from food molecules and storing it in ATP.
The production of two identical nuclei in one cell usually followed by cell division and the production of two cells with the same genetic makeup as the original cell.
A substance made by combining two or more different materials without a chemical reaction occurring (the objects do not bond together).
A simplified representation of a system. Models are useful for studying systems that are too big, too small, or too dangerous to study directly.
A stable unit of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds.
A natural satellite or moon is a celestial body that orbits a planet or smaller planetary body.
Change to the nucleotide sequence of the genetic material of an organism.
A constant change in the location of a body.
Change to the nucleotide sequence of the genetic material of an organism
The process by which heritable traits that are favored by environmental conditions become more common in successive generations, and heritable traits that are less favored by environmental conditions become less common. Over time, this process may result in the emergence of new species.
Natural Selection
Living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) aspects of the physical universe
Natural World
A subatomic particle with no net electric charge and a mass slightly larger than that of a proton.
The position of a species or population in its ecosystem. A shorthand definition of niche is how and where an organism makes a living.
The biogeochemical cycle that describes the transformations of nitrogen and nitrogen-containing compounds in nature.
Nitrogen cycle
In physics: the central structure in an atom that contains neutrons and protons. In biology: the central structure in a living cell enclosed in a membrane that includes most of the genetic information in the cell.
A food or chemicals that an organism needs to live and grow, or a substance used in an organism’s metabolism that must be taken in from its environment.
The skill of recognizing and noting some fact or occurrence in the natural world. Observation includes the act of measuring.
A system in which matter may flow in and out, as opposed to a closed system in which matter may not flow in or out.
Open system
Initial investigations of interesting phenomena without prior
hypotheses about what may be discovered, or even what variables may be most important to observe and measure.
Open-ended explorations
The gravitationally curved path of one object around a point or another body, such as the orbit of a planet around a star.
A living thing such as an animal, plant, fungus, or microorganism. In at least some form, all organisms are capable of reacting to stimuli, reproduction, growth and maintenance as a stable whole.
Matter, energy, or information that flows out of a system.
Recurring events or objects that repeat in a predictable manner.
Any product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapor deposited on Earth’s surface, such as rain, snow, or hail.
Refers to the appearance of the illuminated portion of the Moon as seen by an observer, usually on Earth.
Phases of the Moon
Events or objects occurring in the natural world
A metabolic pathway that converts light energy into chemical energy. Its initial substrates are carbon dioxide and water; the energy source is sunlight (electromagnetic radiation); and the end products are oxygen and (energy-containing) carbohydrates, such as sucrose, glucose, or starch.
Any change not involving modification of a substance’s chemical identity, such as a change of state from solid to liquid, or liquid to gas.
Physical change
A dwarf planet outside the orbit of Neptune. Plutoids have sufficient mass to be approximately spherical in shape, but not enough mass to have pulled in debris from the neighborhood of their orbit. (Pluto is both a dwarf planet and a plutoid.)
The collection organisms of a particular species that can breed and reproduce.
The number of individuals of a particular population living in a given amount of space.
Population density
The rate at which the number of individuals in a population increases. Usually applies to a given ecosystem, but could refer to a region or the entire Earth.
Population growth
Extrapolation to a future event or process based on theory, investigative evidence, or experience.
Rule or law concerning the functioning of systems of the natural world.
An organism that produces complex organic compounds from simple inorganic molecules using energy from light or inorganic chemical reactions.
Essential attributes shared by all members of a group.
A small particle with an electric charge of +1 elementary charge. It is often found as a subatomic particle in the nucleus of an atom, but is also stable in an ionic form in which it is also known as the hydrogen ion, H+.
A grammatical form of sentence that invites an answer.
Energy in the form of rapidly propagating waves or particles emitted by a body as it changes from a higher energy state to a lower energy state.
An instrument used to measure the amount of liquid precipitation over a set period of time.
Rain gauge
To disassemble, mix up, and put back together in a new arrangement.
To create a new and improved solution to a problem after an earlier solution was tested and found to be lacking in some respects.
Connections observed among systems, subsystems, or variables. Different types of relationships exist, including causal relationships and correlations.
An attribute of any investigation that promotes consistency of results during repeated trials.
The factor of a system being investigated that changes in response to the manipulated (independent) variable and is measured
Responding (dependent) variable
A cell organelle constructed in the nucleus. It consists of two subunits and functions as the site of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm.
Knowledge of the natural world derived from systematic investigations; also, the activity of adding to the body of scientific knowledge.
Any particulate matter that can be transported by fluid flow and which eventually is deposited as a layer of solid particles on the bed or bottom of a body of water or other liquid.
Rocks formed by deposition of solid particles at the bottom of a body of water, followed by compaction and cementation. Common sedimentary rocks include shale, sandstone, and limestone.
Sedimentary rock
The production of new generations involving the combination of chromosomes from both a male and female parent. Because each parent contributes genetic information, the offspring of sexual reproduction are usually not identical to either parent.
Sexual reproduction
The imitation of some real thing, state of affairs, or process. The act of simulating something generally entails representing certain key characteristics or behaviors of a selected physical or abstract system.
The attitude in scientific thinking that emphasizes that no fact or principle can be known with complete certainty; the tenet that all knowledge is uncertain.
The Sun and those celestial objects bound to it by gravity, including eight planets, moons, dwarf planets, plutoids, asteroids, meteoroids, and other small bodies.
Solar System
The state of matter characterized by resistance to deformation and changes of volume.
The ability of a given substance to dissolve in a liquid.
- A device or process created through technological design to meet a human need or want. 2. A mixture in which particles of one substance are evenly distributed through another substance.
A group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.
The rate or measure of the rate of motion. The distance travel divided by the time of travel.
Shaped like a ball.
Matter can exist in various states (or forms), which may depend on temperature and pressure. Traditionally, three states of matter are recognized: solid, which maintains a fixed volume and shape; liquid, which maintains a fixed volume but adopts the shape of its container; and gas, which occupies the entire volume available. Plasma, or ionized gas, is a fourth state that occurs at very high temperatures.
State of matter
The scientific term “steam” is equivalent to water vapor, an invisible gas. In common language the term refers to visible mist made up of droplets of water that have condensed when steam meets cooler air. The distinction is not necessary at the elementary level.
The subset of interrelated parts within the larger system.
Policies that enable people to obtain the resources they need today without limiting the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Sustainable development
An assemblage of interrelated parts or conditions through which matter, energy, and information flow.
A sequence of steps used to define and solve a problem. The steps may include: defining the problem in terms of criteria and constraints, gathering information about the problem through research, generating ideas for possible solutions, synthesizing or selecting of one or more promising ideas or solutions, constructing a plan or model to test the proposed idea or solution, redesigning if needed and communicating the results.
Technological design process
Ways that people change the natural world to solve practical problems or improve the quality of life. Technology is the result of technological design.
A physical property that determines the direction of heat flow between two objects placed in thermal contact. If no heat flow occurs, the two objects have the same temperature; otherwise, heat flows from the hotter object to the colder object.
An integrated, comprehensive explanation of many facts capable of generating hypotheses and testable predictions about the natural world.
An instrument for measuring temperature.
A device used to accomplish a task that a person alone cannot accomplish. The most basic tools are simple machines.
Move from one place to another
Change from one form to another.
Repetitions of data collection protocols in an investigation
Unusually large waves created when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly
displaced by an earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, or other disruption.
An attribute of an investigation that describes the degree of confidence that data collected and logical inferences are accurate representations of the phenomena being investigated.
Any changed or changing factor used to test a hypothesis or prediction in an investigation that could affect the results.
A measure of the tendency of individuals in a population to differ from one another.
A vector quantity whose magnitude is a body’s speed and whose direction is the body’s direction of motion.
The gas phase of water
Water vapor
A disturbance that propagates through space and time, usually with transference of energy. Examples of wavelike phenomena are light, water waves, and sound waves.
A measure of the maximum disturbance in the medium during one wave cycle (the maximum distance from the highest point of the crest to the equilibrium).
Wave amplitude
The number of occurrences of a wave per unit time.
Wave frequency
The distance between two sequential crests (or troughs) of a wave.
The decomposition of earth rocks, soils and their minerals through direct contact with the planet’s atmosphere or biological agents.
The strength of the gravitational pull on an object.
The flow of air or other gases that compose an atmosphere.
1. Which type of molecule stores genetic information in living organisms? A lipid B nucleic acid C enzyme D complex carbohydrate
3. Which of these actions is most likely the fi rst step of a scientifi c investigation? A organizing data into tables and graphs B researching results of similar studies C documenting procedures in a written record D determining the results from analysis of data
5. Which part of a sodium atom is transferred when an ionic bond is formed with another atom? A proton B inner electron C neutron D outer electron
7. A newly formed star is composed mostly of which of these two elements? A iron and uranium B sodium and neon C carbon and oxygen D hydrogen and helium
8. How would a disease that damages the mitochondria most directly affect the functioning of cells? A Protein synthesis would be stopped. B Waste materials would remain trapped in the cell. C Hereditary information in the cell would be destroyed. D Energy obtained from food molecules would be reduced.
- When traveling in Nevada, a student and
her family drove throughout the basin and
range bioregion. Which of these are native
organisms typically found in this bioregion?
A the cottonwood tree and the iguana
B the Joshua tree and the black-tailed
C the redwood tree and the bald eagle
D the palm tree and the ring-necked
10. Argon, atomic number 18, has an atomic weight of 39.9. Potassium, atomic number 19, has an atomic weight of 39.1. Which of these statements best explains why potassium has a lower atomic weight than argon? A Potassium is reactive, while argon is typically inert. B Potassium atoms lose electrons more easily than argon atoms. C Potassium is typically a solid, while argon is typically a gas. D Potassium atoms usually have fewer neutrons than argon atoms.
11. Sickle-cell anemia is a disease that affects the shape of red blood cells and impairs their ability to transport oxygen. Which of these statements best explains why sickle-cell anemia is classifi ed as a hereditary disease? A Both males and females can be carriers of the disease. B A gene controls the protein synthesis for the components of red blood cells. C The disease is highly contagious from a carrier to another person. D Red blood cells are transmitted between mother and offspring during pregnancy.
- At which point did greenhouse gases first
begin to affect temperatures on Earth?
A when the first land plants appeared
on Earth
B when the atmosphere first formed
on Earth
C after the hole formed in the ozone layer
D after humans started using fossil fuels
14. The cell cytoplasm divides at the end of the process of mitosis. Which of these would be the most likely consequence if the cytoplasm divided at the beginning of the process of mitosis? A Each daughter cell would have two nuclei. B Each daughter cell would have different numbers of chromosomes. C Each daughter cell would have no nucleus. D Each daughter cell would have membranes of different thicknesses.
16. Mammals and fish are both vertebrate classes of animals. Which term best describes the development over time of the differences between these two related classes? A homeostasis B law of superposition C spontaneous generation D descent with modifi cation
18. Changing which of these factors would have the greatest effect on the strength of the electrostatic force between two charged objects? A the total mass of the objects B the atmospheric pressure on the objects C the distance between the objects D the gravitational fi eld between the objects
- Which of these changes would most likely
result in a temporary decrease in average
surface temperatures on Earth?
A a signifi cant increase in decomposer
bacteria populations
B a major volcanic eruption releasing
signifi cant amounts of ash
C a signifi cant amount of continental ice
melting into ocean water
D a large increase in the amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere
- Although all modern breeds of dogs are
members of the same species, they exhibit
a wide range of physical characteristics.
Which of these statements provides the best
evidence that this range of characteristics is
the result of artifi cial selection?
A The rate of change between modern dog
breeds has decreased.
B Some modern dog breeds are
poorly adapted to living in natural
C The ancestors of modern dog breeds
were more genetically diverse than
breeds today.
D Many modern dog breeds are well
adapted to living in both small and large
21. Which of these best models how rays of light are affected by a mirage? A shining a laser beam through a glass lens B using a curved mirror to observe an image C separating white light into different colors with a prism D concentrating light in a small area with a magnifying glass
22. Which statement best explains how light is affected by the mirage shown in the picture? A Most of the light is absorbed by the hot pavement’s surface. B Warmer air near the surface of the pavement causes the light to bend. C Cooler winds blowing across the surface of the pavement change the direction of the light. D Most of the light is converted into energy by heat from the pavement’s surface.
- The behavior of light observed in a mirage
best supports which statement about light?
A Light moves like a wave.
B Light behaves like a particle.
C Light travels in straight lines.
D Light moves at a constant speed.
24. Which statement best describes most of the species of organisms that became the fossils found in the canyon? A Most of the species have become extinct. B Most of the species evolved into other species. C Most of the species in the same layer had the same genetic material. D Most of the species migrated to other locations better suited to their needs.
25. A fossil of a plant that has small leaves and a thick stem is found in the canyon. The scientists believe that the modern-day cactus plant evolved from this plant. Which trait most helped this species of small plant to evolve into a modern-day cactus plant? A the ability to self-pollinate B having a high rate of photosynthesis C having a high degree of genetic variation D the ability to interbreed with another species
26. Which statement about Earth’s past is best supported by the evidence the scientists discovered in the canyon? A Each layer in the canyon was formed by a different process. B The fossils in the canyon were formed in locations many miles away and carried downstream. C Each layer in the canyon was formed during a different geological era. D The fossils in the canyon were formed from organisms that lived in different types of ecosystems.
27. Which two phenomena most directly cause storms to move from west to east over the Sierra Nevada mountain range and the Great Basin Desert? A the rotation of Earth on its axis and fl uctuations in Earth’s magnetic fi eld B uneven heating of Earth’s surface and the rotation of Earth on its axis C the tilt of Earth on its axis and the uneven heating of Earth’s surface D fl uctuations in Earth’s magnetic fi eld and the tilt of Earth on its axis
28. In 1911, approximately 52% of the precipitation that fell in the Lake Tahoe region of the Sierra Nevada mountains was snow. Today, approximately 34% of the precipitation that falls in the Lake Tahoe region is snow. Which statement describes how rivers and streams that fl ow from the Lake Tahoe region into the Great Basin Desert will most likely be affected if this trend continues? A Rivers and streams will contain less water in each season of the year. B Rivers and streams will contain more water in the summer and fall but less water in the winter and spring. C Rivers and streams will contain more water in each season of the year. D Rivers and streams will contain more water in the winter and less water in the spring and summer.
29. Over the next century, the temperature in the Great Basin Desert is expected to increase anywhere from 2 to 5 degrees Celsius due to global climate change. Which statement best explains how the movement of heat will likely be affected in the Great Basin Desert due to global climate change? A Radiation will transfer more heat from the desert’s fl oor to Earth’s atmosphere and conduction will move more heat out of Earth’s atmosphere into space. B Conduction will move more heat from Earth’s surface to the atmosphere and radiation will move more heat around in the atmosphere. C Radiation will transfer the same amount of heat from the sun to Earth’s surface and more heat will be moved around in the atmosphere via convection. D Conduction will transfer the same amount of heat from the sun to Earth’s surface and more heat will move through the desert’s fl oor via radiation.
30. Which term describes the most likely role of the predator in this environment? A producer B decomposer C primary consumer D secondary consumer
31. Which best predicts how the populations of the predator and prey will change from year 91 to year 95? A Both populations will increase. B Both populations will decrease. C The prey population will decrease and the predator population will increase. D The prey population will increase and the predator population will decrease.
- Which information would be most useful
to construct a model of the populations
of a predator species and prey species in
an area?
A the average population size, birth rate,
and death rate of each species
B the initial population size, reproduction
rate, and amount of genetic variation of
each species
C the initial population size, reproduction
rate, and survival rate of each species
D the average population size, survival
rate, and amount of genetic variation of
each species
33. Each of the plastics that is stamped with resin codes is best classifi ed as A an alloy. B a homogeneous mixture. C a colloid. D a heterogeneous mixture.
34. A plastic whose molecules arranged in a rigid lattice shape at 243°C would most likely have which resin code? A 1 B 2 C 5 D 6
- Based on the information in the table, which
two resin numbers could be used to separate
plastics based on their ability to fl oat or sink
in water?
A 3 and 4
B 5 and 6
C 1 and 3
D 2 and 7
- Which of these would be most helpful in
increasing the rate of plastics recycling?
A developing different plastics that all
look and feel the same
B developing different plastics that all
have the same melting point
C developing a single plastic that can have
several different densities
D developing a single plastic that can be
modifi ed for many different uses
- Atoms of the element fl uorine have seven
outer electrons. Which charge is a fl uoride
ion most likely to have?
A 1-
B 1+
C 2-
D 2+
38. Which of these is directly determined by DNA? A the amount of protein a person needs B the compounds available for protein synthesis C the order of amino acids in a protein D the location where the proteins are synthesized
39. Which of these changes is an example of nuclear fusion? A Uranium decays into lead and helium. B Two hydrogen isotopes combine to form helium. C Sodium and chlorine combine to form sodium chloride. D Water is separated into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis.
41. The table below shows the classifi cation of three stars that can be seen from Earth. Visible Stars Star Name Clasification Aldebaran orange giant Antares red supergiant Rigel blue supergiant
Which list shows these stars arranged in order from highest to lowest surface temperature? A Antares, Aldebaran, Rigel B Antares, Rigel, Aldebaran C Rigel, Aldebaran, Antares D Rigel, Antares, Aldebaran
42. Which of these changes would most likely increase crop productivity in a farmland area? A introducing non-native insect species to the area B reducing the atmospheric carbon dioxide present in the area C removing predators from the food web in the area D increasing the population of nitrogenfi xing bacteria in the area
44. Which of these are an example of ionizing radiation? A microwaves B gamma rays C radio waves D infrared waves
45. A pathogen infects an organism. Which statement best describes the general effect of the infection on the organism? A The organism cannot reproduce. B The organism experiences uncontrolled cell growth. C The organism cannot obtain energy. D The organism experiences a disruption in homeostasis.
- A sealed terrarium that contains soil, plants,
and a small bowl of water is placed in a
window. If the intensity of solar energy
reaching the terrarium through the window
is increased by 10%, how would the water
cycle within the terrarium most likely be
A The rate of evaporation would increase.
B The temperature of the soil would
C The amount of oxygen gas in the air
would increase.
D The total amount of water vapor would
- Changing which of these factors would
have the greatest effect on the gravitational
force between two objects?
A the masses of the objects
B the volumes of the objects
C the temperatures of the objects
D the polarity of the charges on the objects
- The allele for pattern baldness (B) is
dominant, and the non-bald allele (b) is
recessive. Susan’s mother’s genotype is bb
and her father’s is BB. Susan and her three
brothers all have the same genotype (Bb).
All of Susan’s brothers have pattern
baldness, but she does not. Which statement
best explains why it is possible for Susan
to have the same genotype as her brothers
without having pattern baldness?
A Pattern baldness is a sex-linked trait.
B Pattern baldness causes random
C Pattern baldness is a heterozygous trait.
D Pattern baldness skips every other
50. All of the following are examples of classifi cation schemes used in science except A continental drift. B Linnean taxonomy. C the periodic table. D the Mohs hardness scale.