The Whole Foods Diet: Flashcards
Our genes are not our fate, as changing lifestyles can change human genes.
A new study has found that animal protein dramatically increases the risk of premature death,
independent of fat and carbohydrates.
Americans today are the healthiest human beings to have ever walked the earth, with the lowest
level of obesity in the world.
A whole foods, plant-based diet prioritizes eating whole or unprocessed plant foods, with
minimal animal products, and the elimination of highly processed foods.
Research on health, disease and longevity clearly shows that individuals who eat a diet of
predominately plant foods have better long-term health outcomes than those who eat a diet heavy
in animal products.
For the first time in human history, obesity is a bigger health crisis globally than hunger, with more
people suffering from disability as a result of consuming excess calories.
The average American obtains approximately 54 percent of their calories from processed foods
each day
Commercial processing of food tends to decrease the calorie density of any given food by
removing water, reducing or removing fiber, and adding sugar and/or fat.
Studies have found that those on a high-calorie-dense diet tend to take in more calories and gain
weight, while those individuals whose diet was lower-calorie-dense tended to take in fewer
calories, even though they consumed more bulk, and ended up losing weight.
High consumption of red meat and processed meats has been connected with greater risk of death
from all causes, including chronic diseases.
The China Study conclusively demonstrated that regions in which people ate the most animal
products had the highest rates of heart disease, cancers, and other chronic degenerative diseases.
Studies have shown that vegetarians have a decreased risk of cancer, less obesity, and,
depending on the study you review, possibly greater longevity as well.
The Longitudinal Study of Aging Danish Twins suggested that genetics account for only 20- 30
percent of our life span, with the rest due to environmental and lifestyle factors.
- It is important to note that individuals living in the Blue Zone consume high levels of milk and
milk products, with the source almost entirely coming from cow’s milk.
- In the United States, each year more than 300,000 individuals have heart bypass surgery, with
many individuals not living out the next decade of their life
. Dr. Kim Williams has stated that the majority of medical professionals still operate as if we do not
have evidence that a whole food, plant-based diet can prevent and reverse heart disease.
Currently, the best scientific evidence we have tells us that meat, eggs, cheese, and dairy should be minimized (or eliminated) in a healthy diet