The West Galore, And More... Flashcards
George Custer
Union general who lost the Battle of Little Big Horn.
Sitting Bull
Indian chief at the Battle of Little Big Horn (Rosebud)
Crazy Horse
Lakota chief who traveled with Buffalo Bill as part of his circus.
Ghost Dance
A religious dance movement among Native Americans.
Indian Removal Act of 1830
President Jackson takes more land to the west…
Wounded Knee
Brutal massacre of Native Americans in South Dakota (1890)
Little Big Horn
Custer’s last stand, (1876)
Sand Creek Massacre (1864)
Brutal attack on Black Kettle.
Buffalo Bill
Soldier and performer who later had Sitting Bull in his circus.
Pacific Railroad Act (1862)
Set up railroads in OR and CA
Homestead Act
Gave away land for western settlers to maintain for a five year period followed by ownership.
Morrill Act
Provided land for the agriculture and engineering colleges.
Comstock Lode
Successful silver mine in Nevada
Andrew Carnegie
Steel Tycoon
Boss Tweed
Raman the Democratic Tammany Hall political program in NY
The Great Upheaval (1886-1892)
In the early 20th century, workers protest poor conditions, includes the Haymarket Riots and Pullman Strike.
Homestead Strike (1892)
Henry Frick slashes wages for steel workers and they revolt violently. Frick defends himself with the “sliding scale” counter argument.
Knights of Labor
Major anti-socialist and anti-radicalist workforce union. Demanded the eight hour work day, and was the main group involved at the Haymarket riots in Chicago.
James Naismith
Inventor of Basketball
Elisha Otis
Invented the Elevator
Walter Camp
The father of American Football
John Dewey
Education reformer in favor of compulsory education