The Water Cycle Flashcards
What does the term “Natural Hydrologic Cycle” describe?
It describes the continuous (natural) movement of water (moisture) within our environment.
From a civil/resources persective, The Natural Hydrologic Cycle can be viewed as a method or approach to keeping track of what?
Where water…
1 - originates from
2 - is temporarily stored
3 - is ultimately travelling to
What two components is the Hydrologic Cycle broken into?
1) Elements - physical entities that store or transmit the water
2) Processes - actions by which the water travels through the cycle
Name 5 elements of the Hydrologic Cycle.
- Atmosphere
- Surface of the Earth
- Soil Moisture Zone/Vadose Zone
- Groundwater zone/Phreatic Zone/Zone of Saturation
- Channels, Lakes, and Oceans
Name as many processes of the Hydrologic Cycle as you can.
1 - Precipitation (P) 2 - Surface Retention or Initial Abstraction (Ia) 3 - Infiltration (F) 4 - Inter-flow (inter-Q) 5 - Percolation (Perc) 6 - Groundwater Flow (GW) 7 - Direct Runoff (DR) 8 - Total Runoff (TR) - the sum of surface runoff and interflow 9 - Streamflow (Q) 10 - Evaporation (E) 11 - Transpiration (T)
Surface Retention/Initial Abstraction (Ia) consists of what two things?
i - Interception by vegetation
ii - depressional storage in shallow surface puddles
Total Runoff is the sum of what?
Surface runoff + Interflow
Describe Transpiration
moisture taken up by the plant from its root zone for its development, and released back into the atmosphere.
What is transpiration often lumped with?
Transpiration is often lumped together with evaporation, which is collectively called Evapo-Transpiration (ET)
What is Direct Runoff?
water that travels across the topographic surfaces (downhill) and represents the water resulting from precipitation that was in excess of:
1 - water taken up by surface retention
2 - the infiltrated water
What is Streamflow (Q)?
- The movement or transmission of water to lower water level elevations further downstream
- ultimately making its way to ocean basins.
Describe Evaporation (E)
- Resulting from an exchange of energy (thermal, solar) between water and its surrounding environment.
Describe Goundwater Flow (GW)
- The contribution of water from the groundwater zone to nearby water bodies
- Only applicable if the watertable is above nearby water bodies
- very slow process
- aka Baseflow in streams, creeks, rivers
Describe the process of Precipitation (P)
- the return of moisture from the atmosphere back to Earth’s surface due to condensation
What are two types of rapid or super-cooled rain particles?
Glaze, rime
How can ‘Hydrology’ be defined?
a science dealing with the occurrence, movement, and storage of water on the surface, above the surface and, below the surface of the earth
What are some smaller sub-topics Hydrology can be broken into?
eg. groundwater hydrology, urban hydrology, snowmelt hydrology
How can ‘Hydraulics’ be defined?
The science dealing with the influence and behavior of water in channels, lakes, reservoirs, dams, pipes, culverts and other conduits and structures
Is Hydrology or Hydraulics considered more precise?
As part of watershed analysis, does a hydraulic analysis or hydrology study come first?
A hydrology study comes first