The Water Cycle Flashcards
What are the four physical subsystems that water is stored in?
Lithosphere (land)
Hydrosphere (liquid water)
Cryosphere (frozen water - snow and ice)
Atmosphere (air)
What is oceanic water?
Oceans dominate the amount of available water and cover approximately 72% of the planets surface.
What is cryospheric water?
The frozen parts of the earth’s surface.
Water stored in Sea ice, Ice shelves, Ice sheets, Ice caps, Permafrost (frozen ground)
What is atmospheric water?
Exists in all three states: gas, liquid and solid.
The most common atmospheric water is gas: water vapour.
What is terrestrial water?
Falls into four classes:
Surface water - lakes, rivers, wetlands
Ground water - collects in ground
Soil water - held in upper layers of earth
Biological water - stored in all biomass
What are processes driving change in the water cycle?
Cloud formation
Runoff generation
Cryospheric processes
How does evapotranspiration drive change in the water cycle?
The transfer of water from liquid to gaseous state. Water is also lost from surface when vapour is transpired by vegetation.
What does the rate of evaporation depend on?
Amount of solar energy
Availability of water
Humidity of air - closer to saturation point, slower evaporation
Temperature of air - warmer air holds more water
How does condensation drive change in water cycle?
As air cools is can hold less water - if cooled sufficiently it will get to a temp where it is saturated, unable to hold more water.
Known as dew point temperature
Water molecules need something to condense on if below dew point temp.
How does precipitation drive change in the water cycle?
Condensation is a direct cause of precipitation
When air temp is reduced to dew point but volume remains constant.
when warm moist air passes over cold surface, heat radiated to space and ground cools, cooling air directly in contact.
When volume of air increases but there is no addition of heat.
When air rises and expands in low pressure of upper atmosphere.
How does cloud formation drive change in water cycle?
Clouds form when evaporated water condenses onto condensation nuclei.
High temps needed for water to evaporate leading to high cloud cover along equator.
How does runoff generation drive change in the water cycle?
Atmospheric water transferred to oceans on surface or as groundwater flow.
Infiltration determines volume of runoff entering soil.
Occurs when rain falls on saturated ground (water table at surface) or rainfall intensity greater than infiltration capacity.
How do natural factors affect the water cycle?
Heavy precipitation, volume of water reaching ground increases and size of stores increase.
Seasonal changes affect water cycle. In winter snowfall and frozen ground interrupt water transfers and affect size of stores.
How do human-related factors affect the water cycle?
Deforestation - reduced interception and infiltration, resulting in overland flow increase.
Urbanisation- impermeable surface reduces infiltration
Farmers may use ditches to drain land encouraging water to flow quicker to rivers. Irrigation increases amount of water on land
What is a drainage basin?
The catchment area from which a river system gets its water. ‘Area of land drained by a river and its tributaries’.
Considered an open system with inputs/outputs of energy and stores/transfers of water
What are the inputs and outputs of a drainage basin?
Input: precipitation
Outputs: evapotranspiration- total output of water from drainage basin to atmosphere.
Runoff - water enters river Chanel and flows out of drainage basin.
What stores are in a drainage basin?
Interception - precipitation lands on vegetation
Surface water - water collects in ground
Soil water - water stored in soil
Groundwater - water in ground / rocks
Chanel storage - water in a river
What flows/transfers are in a drainage basin?
Stem flow - from leaves to ground
Infiltration - water absorbed into soil
Overland flow - if water unable to infiltrate may runoff surface.
Channel flow - lead water to nearest river then transfers by channel flow.
What is the water balance?
The water balance in a drainage system shows the balance between inputs and the outputs together with changes in ground storage. It affects how much water is stored in the basin.
River flow is studied by measuring river discharge, what is the equation to calculate?
Discharge (m3 per seconds) = cross sectional area (m2) x velocity (metres per second)