The Vietnam War Flashcards
Who owned Vietnam prior to WW2
What colony was Vietnam apart of
What politically caused the US to get invovled in the vietnamese war
1954 Geneve conference that year agreements made free elections would take place
USA didn’t allow elections to take place as fear of Ho Chi Minh and Communists winning would set the Domino theory.
1955 Americans helped Ngo Dinh Diem set up republic of south vietnam
Diem was a dictator and not liked causing Viet Cong to emerge and attack southern troops and in 1963 assassinate Diem
How was America Military involved in Vietnam
By 1962 Kennedy sent military advisers (11,500 by end of 1962)
August 1964 NV boats fired at US destroyer USS Maddox this caused US congress to pas Tonkin resolution (gave Johnson power to take all necessary measures to prevent spread of communism
on 8th March 1965 3500 US Marines landed at Da Nang US now at war with Vietnam
How did Ho Chi Minh escalate US involvement in Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh led Vietnamese resistance to Japanese during WW2 afterwards resisting the French
Declared he was communist causing American concern as would want to contain communism in Asia and prevent Domino Effect
How did Vietcong escalate US involvement in Vietnam
Unhappy with Diem’s corrupt leadership Vietcong formed in SV to resist him
Assassinate Diem in 1963 concerning America that SV couldn’t prevent spread of Communism
How did Tonkin Resolution escalate US involvement in Vietnam
After USS Maddox was attacked in 1964 LBJ went to congress to ask for more power to deal with Vietnam
Tonkin Resolution therefore passed allowing LBJ to increase American Military presence in Vietnam with 3,500 marines arriving in August 1965
How did Dien Bien Phu escalate US involvement in Vietnam
Americans funded the French against the Viet-Minh
However French defeated here causing America to postpone elections and at the Geneve Conference partition Vietnam USA would back dictator Diem in the south
How did JFK escalate US involvement in Vietnam
Rising Vietcong violence caused JFK to send military advisors to help SV government
Start of US military involvement
How did US actions cause US to struggle in Vietnam
Chemical weapons like Napalm and Agent Orange designed to clear dense jungle caused horrific wounds and illness damaging relations with troops and SV
Operation Rolling Thunder saw more bombs dropped on Vietnam than whole of WW2
Search and Destroy tactics focussed more on body count
than taking strategic points and holding them
US army was made up of inexperienced conscripts without training
US soldiers used drugs
American M16 unreliable in humid conditions of Vietnam
How did NVA / Vietcong Actions cause US to struggle in Vietnam
Vietcong fighting a war of liberation and for their homes so they knew the terrain.
Used guerrilla tactics - wore no uniforms and had no head quarters blending in with the local population
Well supplied via Ho Chi Minh Trail which smuggled supplies from north to south via Cambodia and Laos
Used booby traps damaging American morale
Developed vast network of tunnels which included field hospitals supplies and areas for rest
Actions of Nixon to end war in Vietnam
Increased bombing against NV
Ordered secret bombing raids on neighbouring Cambodia and Laos to disrupt Ho Chi Minh Trail
Introduced policy of Vietnamization this was replacing US troops with SV troops allowing US troops to be withdrawn
In 1973 peace treaty signed in Paris allowing withdrawal of US forces in return for returns of US poWs
How did China assist the North Vietnamese
sent 170,000 Chinese soldiers and military equipment also helping build roads, railways and airstrips
How did the USSR help the North Vietnamese?
trained Vietnamese pilots and gave them modern planes also supplied medicines food and oil also supplying SAMS artillery and AA guns and 3000 military advisors
Why did the USSR see helping North Vietnam as beneficial?
Vietnam war was humiliating for USA. USSR wanted to keep them bogged down in that conflict for as long as possible. The war was a proxy war in global conflict between Capitalism and communism. If Vietnam was communist it was a success for USSR
Positives Consequences of Vietnam for the USA and international relations
Despite Vietnam Cambodia and Laos becoming communist it didn’t lead to greater soviet or Chinese control in SE Asia relations often strained between Vietnam were often strained between Vietnam and the USSR and China as they didn’t want to be controlled by them
Vietnam didn’t destroy detente. in fact made USA more keen to pursue better relation between themselves and USSR and China
Negative Consequences of Vietnam for the USA and international relations
Huge military and civilian losses
The war had cost $120 billion
US Veterans suffered injury and psychological damage
Vietnam was economically and socially devastated
War was a humiliation for the USA
by 1975 all of Vietnam was communist and neighbouring Cambodia and Laos also became communist.