The Vertebreal column Flashcards
7 vertebrae of the neck region
Cervical vertebrae
the main function of the _____________ is to support the weight of the head
Cervical spine
The first vertebra, allows for the nodding or “yes” motion of the head.
C1 or atlas
Lacks a body and spinous process, Supports the skull
C1 or atlas
Allows flexion and extension of neck
C1 or atlas
Has a body and spinous process, Dens (odontoid process) projects superiorly
C2 or axis
Acts as a pivot for rotation of the atlas and skull, Participates in rotating the head from side to side
C2 or axis
This vertebra is the peg-shaped axis, which has a special projection called the odontoid process, that the atlas pivots around. This joint allows for the side-to- side or “no” motion of the head.
C2 or axis
Body is wider laterally, Spinous processes are short and bifid (except C7)
C3 - C7
All articulate with ribs, Have heart-shaped bodies from the superior view, Each side of the body of T1 – T10 bears demifacets for
articulation with ribs
Thoracic vertebrae
12 vertebrae of the what vertebrae
the main function of the ___________ is to protect the organs of the chest by providing attachment for the rib cage.
These vertebrae are much larger in size for their weight-bearing function.
the main function of the __________ is to bear the weight of the body
Lumbar spine
This vertabrae has 5 vertebrae
Bodies are thick and robust (strong and big bone), Transverse processes are thin and tapered, Spinous processes are thick, blunt, and point posteriorly
Lumbar vertabrae
Vertebral foramina are triangular, Superior and inferior articular facets directly medially, Allows flexion and extension – rotation prevented
Lumbar vertabrae
5 fused vertebrae
the _______ functions as a keystone (or wedge), stabilizing the bony pelvis.
Shapes the posterior wall of pelvis, Formed from 5 fused vertebrae, Superior surface articulates with L5, Inferiorly articulates with coccyx
The sacrum
Is the “tailbone”, Formed from 3 – 5 fused vertebrae, Offers only slight support to pelvic organs
It helps you sit down comfortably by providing a third point of impact and lots of muscles and tendons attach to it.
curving inward
curving outward
Cervical and lumbar curvature
Thoracic and sacral curvatures
an abnormal lateral curvature
occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty.
an exaggerated thoracic curvature
an accentuated lumbar curvature – “swayback”
A narrowing of the vertebral canal