The Vertebral Column Flashcards
label the lumbar vertebrae
what are the three main distinguishing features of cervical vertebrae?
Bifid spinous process – the spinous process bifurcates at its distal end.
Exceptions to this are C1 (no spinous process) and C7 (spinous process is longer than that of C2-C6 and may not bifurcate).
Transverse foramina – an opening in each transverse process, through which the vertebral arteries travel to the brain.
Triangular vertebral foramen
what is the specialised function of thoracic vertebrae?
Their specialised function is to articulate with ribs, producing the bony thorax.
what are the distinguishing features of thoracic vertebrae?
- two ‘demi facets,’ superiorly and inferiorly placed on either side of its vertebral body. The demi facets articulate with the heads of two different ribs.
- On the transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae, there is a costal facet for articulation with the shaft of a single rib.
- The spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae are oriented obliquely inferiorly and posteriorly. In contrast to the cervical vertebrae, the vertebral foramen of thoracic vertebrae is circular.
what are the distinguishing features of lumbar vertebrae?
- Lumbar vertebrae have very large vertebral bodies, which are kidney shaped. They lack the characteristic features of other vertebrae, with no transverse foramina, costal facets, or bifid spinous processes.
- triangle shaped vertebral foramen, like cervical vertebrae
- Their spinous processes are shorter than those of thoracic vertebrae and do not extend inferiorly below the level of the vertebral body.
what type of joint are vertebral bodies?
The vertebral body joints are cartilaginous joints, designed for weight-bearing. The articular surfaces are covered by hyaline cartilage, and are connected by the intervertebral disc.
what is the function of the anterior longitudinal ligament
The anterior longitudinal ligament is thick and prevents hyperextension of the vertebral column.
what is the function of the posterior longitudinal ligament?
The posterior longitudinal ligament is weaker and prevents hyperflexion.
where is the ligamentum flavum located?
extends between lamina of adjacent vertebrae
what do the interspinous and supraspinous ligaments do and where are they located?
join the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae. The interspinous ligaments attach between processes, and the supraspinous ligaments attach to the tips.
where are the intertransverse ligaments located?
extends between transverse ligaments
label this diagram