The veldt Flashcards
- Why would Mrs. Hadley want a psychologist to come look at the nursery? (1)
Mrs. Hadley wants a psychologist to come look at the nursery because her children are imagining the African veld constantly, she is concerned that it is too dark and cruel for those kids to think of death in such a way that something might be wrong with them psychologically.
- How did Mr. Hadley feel about the Nursery at first? (1)
He admired the nursay. He referred to the mechanical genius who conceived the room and efficiency. mentioned that it was a miracle of mechanical
- What is ironic about the name of the house they are living in? (1)
The “Happy Life Home” is ironic because it doesn’t bring happiness to George and Lydia Hadley. It brings the opposite, making them feel unnecessary. It brings death.
- Was the cost of the nursery a problem for George Hadley? Quote to substantiate. (21
No, “But, nothing is ever too good for our children.”
- What is the “Filthy creatures” Mrs. Hadley is referring to? (1)
The Filthy creatures Mrs. Hadley is referring to is the vultures.
- How big is the nursery? (1)
The nursery is as big as forty feet across by forty feet long and thirty feet high.
- How old are Peter and Wendy? (1)
They are ten-year-old children..
- How do we know that Mr. Hadley also feels unnecessary? (3)
We know Mr. Hadley feels unnecessary because smokes more, drinks more and takes more sedative than usual.
- “You’ve been working too hard”, mxplain why this statement is not correct. (1)
This statement is not correct because she is a housewife, and the house does everything for them. She does not need to do anything
- Excluding the Veldt land, name three other things the kids also imagined in the last year. (3)
Wonderland, the Mock turtle and Dr. Doolittle. (there are more)
- Find one simile in the passage. (1)
Cheeks like peppermint.
- How long has the African Veld been imagined by the children? (1)
For about a month.
- Name the two thing Mr. Hadley commanded the nursery to do but didn’t listen. (2)
To go away and to change into Aladin.
- Name two thing Mr. and Mrs. Hadley found in the nursery. [2]
An old wallet and a scarf.
- What is his advice to Mr. Hadley about the Nursery? (1)
To turn the whole house and the nursery off.
- Who is Mr. David McClean? (1)
The psychologist
- What did Wendy change the Nursery to when Peter asked her to go check on the Nursery? (1)
To Rima and her forest.
- What was the original use of the nursery according to Mr. McClean? (1)
To study the patterns of the child’s mind and help the child.
- What did Mr. McClean sense about Mr. and Mrs. Hadley when asked if he noticed this before?
That they had spoiled their children more than most.
20 . “The house was full of dead bodies”, who/what is the speaker referring to? (1)
All the machines.
- Does Mr. McClean think that Hadley’s could take care of themselves? Quote to substantiate. (2)
No, “Why, you’d starve tomorrow If something went wrong in your kitchen. You wouldn’t know how to tap an egg”
- Why did those screams sound so familiar? (1)
Because it is their own screams.