The U.S., Civil and Political Rights and Torture Flashcards
Traditionally, prior to 1945, what was the status of the individual in international law?
What are the three related areas of international law that have since developed to protect human dignity?
What’s the relationship between international human rights and international humanitarian law?
What are the primary goals of human rights law?
What are some of the overlapping human rights implementing mechanisms listed at the beginning of the chapter?
There are some rights that can be waived in times of emergency. What are some rights that can never be waived?
What’s the relationship between IHL and International Criminal Law?
What is positivism in international law?
Does the UN Charter contain an international bill of rights?
Where were the guidelines for US interrogations contained prior to 9/11?
What happened after 9/11 regarding interrogation?
What did these enhanced interrogation methods include?
What’s waterboarding?
In September 2002, the commanding officer at Guantanamo sought to use enhanced interrogation techniques. How did all four military branches respond?
What happened at Abu Ghraib?
Was there any push-back, in Europe for example?
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
Why do you think the US and the Soviet Union at first preferred a non-binding declaration over a binding treaty?
What is the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights?
Some rights cannot be derogated from. What are they?
What are some differences between the UDHR and the ICCPR? Has the US accepted these instruments?
What is the Convention Against Torture?
Is the US a party?
Do we have any domestic legislation incorporating that treaty?
What about extraterritorial application of human rights treaties?
What happened in Ireland v. UK at the European Court of Human Rights?
What were the methods?
What was the decision?
In the court’s view, what’s the difference between torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment?
Did the use of the five techniques amount to torture?
What happened in Public Committee Against Torture in Israel v. State of Israel (1999 Supreme Court of Israel Case)?
What are the values that the court says are clashing?
What’s the holding of the court about the appropriate balance to be struck?
What is the ticking time bomb argument?
What’s the Israeli Court’s response?
Under the Nuremberg principles, would legality under US law have worked as a defense in international law?
Did the US ratify the Torture Convention?
How did that legislation define torture?
What did the August 2002 Assistant Attorney General Jay Bybee memo provide regarding the torture convention and its implementing legislation?
What is Army Judge Advocate General Thomas Romig’s view of the OLC memo argument that customary international law cannot bind the executive branch?
What were some of the lawyering problems with the torture memos?
What was the congressional response to the OLC memos and the Detainee Abuse Scandals?
What was the international reaction to the US detention and interrogation policies?
What were some of the acts prohibited under the army field manual?
What was the significance of the 2006 Supreme Court Case of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld?
What did President Obama do upon entering office?
What did the Senate do in response to the torture saga?