The Unwell Child Flashcards
What is the paediatric assessment triangle (PAT) comprised of?
- Appearance
- Circulation to skin
What should we assess for the appearance in PAT?
- tone
- Interactivity/mental status
- Consolability
- Look/gaze
- Speech/cry
What are some signs of increased WOB in children?
- Body position: sniffing position, tripod position
- Visible chest/abdomen movements
- Breathing pattern and pace (tachypnoea)
- Abnormal sounds: snoring, hoarse speech, grunting, wheezing, gasping
- Nasal flaring
- Accessory muscle use (head bobbing in infants)/minimal chest wall movement
• Sternal, supraclavicular, substernal, intercostal recession present
After PAT, what should be done in the assessment of the unwell child?
Primary survey (ABCDE), then secondary survey
How can we estimate the tube size required for an ETT?
- inner diameter (mm) = (age in years/4) + 3 (cuffed tubes) or + 4 (uncuffed tubes)
- Practical: diameter of patient’s little finger
How can we calculate what the lower limit of an acceptable BP is for a child?
Lower limit of acceptable BP: minimal SBP = 70+ (2 x age in years)
What is defined as bradycardia in children vs infants
<60 in children, <100 in newborns
How can we establish access to administer fluids given poor circulation in an unwell child?
- Venous access
○ Common sites: dorsum of hand/mood, medial ankle/forehead/scalp - Intra-osseous puncture
○ After 3 attempts to obtain venous access, or after 90-120s of trying, or if having active CPR
○ 1st line site: medial proximal tibia, 1-2cm below tibial tuberosity
What scales can we use to assess disability in the primary survey of an unwell child?
- AVPU (alert, response to verbal stimuli, response to pain, unresponsive) scale
- Paediatric GCS
What mnemonic can we use to guide the secondary survey of an unwell child?
- Signs/Sx
- Allergies
- Medications
- PMHx
- Last food/liquid
- Events
What are some signs of normal CNS activity in an infant?
- Wake regularly for feeds
- Suck strongly on breast/bottle
- Rousable to activity (random movements of limbs, not stereotyped/lateralised)
- Normal sounding cry
- Have a flexed posture with some tone
- Flexed to prevent heat loss, posture in womb
Stridor vs wheeze: where is the airway obstruction?
- Stridor: upper
- Wheeze: lower
What is an extremely important sign of abnormal respiration, that indicates serious illness in neonates?
- normal neonates never have apnoea
- Bronchiolitis, sepsis, pertussis common causes of apnoea in early weeks
What are some causes of tachypnoea to think about?
• Fever
• Acidosis
• Anaemia
• Asthma
• Pneumonia
• Bronchiolitis
• Cardiac Failure
• Psychogenic
• CNS pathology
What are some causes of tachycardia to think about?
Systemic • Fever • Hypoxia • Hypercarbia • Anaemia
• Hypovolaemia
• Arrhythmia
• Cardiac failure
Other • Pain • Anxiety • Drugs • Seizures
What is a very important cause of bradycardia you shouldn’t forget?
What are some causes of hypotension to think about?
• Pre-load ○ Hypovolaemia • Afterload ○ Vasodilatation (sepsis, anaphylaxis) ○ Drugs ○ Pump failure(tachyarrhythmia, myocarditis, tamponade, CHD)
What is important to remember about intubation in a severely hypovolaemic child?
*Don’t intubate if severe hypovolaemia because you need an anaesthetic, which is a negative inotrope and would reduce VC - always resusc first