The Unsettled 20's - P7 Flashcards
limited government, consumerism, culture wars
American Plan
striking unions can be penalized for illegal restraint of trade (laissez-faire economics)
Welfare Capitalism
companies, not the government, are responsible for employee’s well being
Welfare Capitalism
companies, not the government, are responsible for employee’s well being
18th Amendment and Volstead Act
Red Scare
fear of communism in the US
Primary Cause: mail bombs
Secondary Cause: nativism/fear of communism/anarchy
Palmer Raids
raids of organizations suspected of crimes
Sacco & Vanzetti
Italian anarchists were convicted and executed for murder despite scare evidence against them because of their political party
National Origins Act (1924)
lowers immigration each year to 2% of what it was in 1890
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)
Builds on the Page act which banned Chinese women
Red Summer
race riots in cities (Chicago 1919)
Harlem Renaissance
a flourishing of African American artists, writers, intellectuals, and social leaders in the 1920s, centered in Harlem, New York City
Marcus Garvey
advocated mass migration of AA to Africa and founded the UNIA
Dollar Diplomacy
the connection between America’s economic and political interests overseas; businesses would gain from diplomatic efforts while strengthening america’s economic presence
Teapot Dome Scandal
Secretary Albert Fall accepted bribes for leasing oil reserves on public land
Volstead Act
made the manufacture and distribution of alcohol illegal within the borders of the United States
UNIA (universal negro improvement association)
arose to mobilize AA workers and champion black separatism