The Union In Peril Flashcards
Women’s Suffrage Movement
•Abolitionist movement grew
•Seneca Falls Convention in 1848
Led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and Susan B. Anthony
What were the sectional issues that divided the north and south?
•Competing economic interests
-North favored high tariffs to protect manufactured goods
-South opposed because it made price of imports expensive
•Western Expansion
-Compromises were created to keep balance
-Popular Sovereignty
-“Bleeding Kansas”
•Nature of the Union
-SC argued that sovereign states could nullify the Tariff of 1832
-“Nullification crisis
-States rights (Southern) vs Strong Central government (North)
-Slave revolts in VA
-Fugitive Slave Law
-Underground Railroad and Harper’s Ferry
Presidential Elections 1848-1860
•1848 -Zachary Taylor, Whig (Winner) •1852 -Franklin Pierce, Democrat (Winner) -Winfield Scott, Whig •1856 -John Fremont, Republican -James Buchanan, Democrat (Winner) -Millard Fillmore, Whig •1858, Race for IL Senate -Abraham Lincoln, Republican -Stephan Douglas, Democrat (Winner) -Debates got Lincoln national attention •1860 -Lincoln, Republican (Winner) -Douglas, Northern Democrat -John Breckinridge, Southern Democrat -Preston Brooks caned Charles Sumner
Causes of the Civil War
- Sectional disagreements
- N Abolitionists vs. S Slavery defenders
- Supreme Court in Dredd Scott
- Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
- Ineffective presidential leadership in 1850’s
- Series of failed compromise over expansion of slavery
- President Lincoln’s call for federal troops in 1861
What happened to the southern states in 1860?
Right after the election of Lincoln, SC seceded from the union.
Shaping of the Confederacy
•Jefferson Davis
-elected president of the confederacy on Feb. 9th, 1861