The Unfair Contract Term Act 1977 Flashcards
In the case of other loss or damage, a person cannot exclude liability for negligence except it is reasonable to do so
A person can’t exclude liability for death ore personal injury caused by negligence
A clause cannot be inserted into a contract which means these elements of the Acts do not apply
S11(1) Knowledge Test
Insertion of the terms in the contract must be reasonable in light of what the parties were aware of at the time
Smith V Eric S Bush
The clause was not reasonable as the job is to provide accurate valuation reports.
S11(2) Factors that need to be considered
1- Bargaining Power
2- Customer given inducement to accept term
3- Customer knew the term
4- Reasonably practical
5- Made or adapted to special order
Watford Electronics V Sanderson CFL
This was a reasonable term as the parties has equal bargaining power
S11(4) Limitation Clause
1- Resources that D could expect to be available for meeting his liability should it arise
2- How far it was open to D to cover himself by insurance against a successful claim
George Mitchell Ltd V Finney Lock Seed Ltd
Clause was not reasonable
1- breach arose from seller’s negligence
2- Seller should have insured against crop failure