The UK's evolving physical landscape Flashcards
the scratching and scraping of a river bed and banks by the stones and sand in a river
all deposits laid down by rivers, especially in times of flood
Antecedent rainfall
the amount of moisture already in the ground before a rainstorm
a dome of folded rocks forming an arch
A curved passage through a headland created when a cave was eventually broken through by erosion
the wearing away of particles of debris by the action of other particles, such as river or beach pebbles
the flow of water back to the sea after waves break on a beach
the discharge or contents of a river which is just contained within its banks. This is when the speed, or velocity, of the river is at its greatest
an accumulation of sediment that grows across the mouth of a bay, caused by longshore drift
an area of sand or pebbles along the shore of a body of water
Beach profile
the shape of a beach resulting from how waves break
deposited sand formation
Carbon dating
uses radioactive testing to find the age of rocks which contained living material
Carboniferous period
a geological period of time, 250 to 350 million years ago
a large hole, either underground or in the side of a hill or cliff, often created when waves force their way into cracks in the cliff face
the bed and banks of a river
(coasts) follow the ridges and valleys of the land, so the rock strata is parallel to the coastline
Constructive waves
build beaches by pushing sand and pebbles further up the beach
Cost-benefit analysis
looking at all the costs of a project, social and environmental as well as economic, and deciding whether it is worth going ahead
a sheltered area
Cross profile
shows a cross section of a river’s channel and valley at certain points in the river’s course
Cross section
a view or drawing that shows what the inside of something looks like after a cut has been made across it
a low-lying area at the mouth of a river where a river deposits so much sediment it extends beyond the coastline
Destructive waves
waves which erode beaches
Dip slope
a gentle slope following the angle of rock *strata, found behind escarpments
a gentle slope following the angle of rock *strata, found behind escarpments
(coasts) alternate between bands of hard rocks and soft rocks, so the rock *strata is at right angles to the coast
means to reduce wave energy, which is absorbed as waves pass through, or over, sea defences
digging out drainage ditches and rivers to make them artificially deeper
Dry valleys
valleys where rivers once flowed
wearing away the landscape
continuous line of steep slopes above a gentle dip slope, caused by the erosion of alternate strata
where a river meets the sea
the changing of a liquid into vapour or gas. Some rainfall is evaporated into water vapour by the heat of the sun
a small island in a river
Fault scarp
when faults form a steep edge
large cracks caused by past tectonic movements
the length of water over which the wind has blown, affecting the size and strength of waves
Flood plain
flat land around a river that gets flooded when the river overflows
the force which resists the movement of one surface over another
formed or once covered by glaciers or ice sheets
a steep valley
Groundwater flow
movement of water through rocks in the ground
wooden or stone structures built at right angles to the coast to trap sediment from longshore drift, allowing a beach to build up
Hard engineering
building physical structures to deal with natural hazards, such as sea walls to stop waves
Helicoidal flow
a continuous corkscrew motion of water as it flows along a river channel