The Tudors - Henry VIII Flashcards
95 Theses
Martin Luther
Translation of Bible
William Tyndale
Were people happy with the Church?
It can be argued that the people of England disliked the Church, however, it is more likely that the Church was reasonably popular in England.
What were the reasons for the break from Rome?
Political, Economical:
- Wanted to be in control of the country completely
- To not be run by the papacy
- Money generated by the Church to go to the crown
DIVORCE - “Great Matter”
Why was his marriage a catalyst for RC?
He and Catherine failed to produce a male heir, and Henry did not believe that a woman could rule because the last time this happened was Matilda in a time of civil war (and she was never crowned).
Proof that Henry wanted further change?
A. G. Dickins argued that Cramner and Cromwell were secret protestants who manipulated event in the direction of Protestantism, and Henry knew of these views.
As well as this he authorised the law that a copy of the Bible in English had to be put in every church.
The Lollards
Established by John Wycliffe in the late 14th century
Advocated for making an English Bible available to all, ending the monasteries and reducing the wealth and power of the Church.
Similar ideas to Martin Luther.
Were the Lollards a threat to HVIII?
Lollard ideas were still in circulation, although only a few were left in England in the 1520s, they were not a major threat.
Were the Lollards an influence on RC?
They played little influence on RC under HVIII but were more popular under HVII
The Humanists
Scholars who wanted to rediscover the ideas of classic Greek and Latin writers and apply them to the 16th century, these ideas opposed religious ideas.
Famous Humanists
Erasmus (1466 - 1536) Sir Thomas Moore: - Author of Utopia - Lord Chancellor 1529 - Discussed the divorce 1535 John Colet (Dean/Founder of Saint Pauls) John Fisher - Bishop, executed for treason
Was humanism a catalyst for RC?
No, instead it is more likely that their actions could have led to reforms in the Church in a positive way, making the Church more inclusive
The Lutherans
People who wanted to radically reform the Church according to ideas similar to Martin Luther, part of the group was led by Robert Barnes.
Did the Lutherans have any influence on RC?
Had a small influence on both Cramner and Hugh Latimer (a bishop) however, the influence of the Lutherans only really extended to academic groups.
Tyndale’s Bible
Translation of the New Testament of the Bible into English in 1525, sold well in England despite censorship and prosecution.
Was Tyndale’s Bible the catalyst for RC?
Yes, it was a protestant belief that the Bible should be directly accessed by all.
However, there is no evidence to say how great this influence was.
How popular was the Catholic Church?
Traditional View
Traditional View:
Ordinary clergy, masters, bishops, monks and nuns were seen as signs of corruption. Parish priests were seen as ill-educated and immoral, monasteries as failures at education and charity. There were pluralists for example people like Wolsey.
Lawyers were worried about the Church’s growing role in the legal system and the Hunne Case.
Unpopular institution, disliked by the court and people.
What is the Hunne Case?
Richard Hunne refused to pay the fee to the Church after the death of his child, he was sued by the Church and they won. He counter-sued, was arrested by the Church and was found dead in suspicious circumstances while in Church custody, the Church was blamed.
How popular was the Catholic Church?
Modern Appraisal
The vast majority of England was content with the Church and its structure and practises, they cont to leave money and go to services, and endorsed the burning of heretics.
Basically the opposite of the traditional view with only some criticisms about the monasteries and being out of date.
Reasons for RC
Henry wanted to fix a problem and did not think about the future consequences, only on solving the problem at the time.
Reasons for RC, Origins of Divorce
The “Great Matter” (Royal Divorce)
By 1527, Catherine was 42 and they had only 1 living daughter, this fueled Henry’s belief that his marriage was illegitimate and frowned upon by God. This is enhanced by the fact that he had an illegitimate son.
Worry over not having an heir leading to an unstable female rule or the Poles claiming the throne.
He liked Catherine very much but was more interested in having an heir, so fell for Anne Boleyn. He wanted to try having an heir with her instead.
Reasons for RC, Process of Divorce
Wolsey liaised with the Pope, it proved difficult. Catherine was strongly opposed, tried to prevent it. Her nephew, Charles V, held the Pope hostage: Sack of Rome in 1527.
Catherine appealed to Rome, having the case referred to the Pope.
1528 Cardinal Compreggo sent to England for trial.
1529 - no results, Henry increasingly angry, Wolsey fell and the court was divided.
Reasons for RC, Parliament and the Divorce
Act in Restraint of the Annates 1532 (updated 1534) Act in Restraint of Appeal 1533 Act of the Submission of the Clergy 1534 Dispensations Act 1534 Succession Act 1534 Act of Supremacy 1534 Act for Firsts Fruits and Tenths 1534 Treason Act 1534
Act in Restraint of the Annates
1532 - stopped some small payments to Rome and gave the King the sole right to appoint bishops
1532 - stopped some small payments to Rome and gave the King the sole right to appoint bishops
Act in Restraint of the Annates
Act in Restraint of Appeal
1533 - prevented people from appealing to the Pope on religious matters, likely in place due to Catherine’s appeal during the divorce
1533 - prevented people from appealing to the Pope on religious matters, likely in place due to Catherine’s appeal during the divorce
Act in Restraint of Appeal
Act of the Submission of the Clergy
1534 - prevented some of the communications of the clergy to Rome
Dispensations Act
1534 - stopped all payments to Rome
1534 - stopped all payments to Rome
Dispensations Act
Succession Act
1534 - ended the legitimacy of Catherine being HVIII wife, and Mary being his successor. It named his marriage with Anne valid and treason to criticise it.
1534 - ended the legitimacy of Catherine being HVIII wife, and Mary being his successor. It named his marriage with Anne valid and treason to criticise it.
Succession Act
Act of Supremacy
1534 - recognition of HVIII being the head of the CoE, being able to control the appointment of layman to his court (Cromwell made Vice-Regent and Vicar General)
1534 - recognition of HVIII being the head of the CoE, being able to control the appointment of layman to his court (Cromwell made Vice-Regent and Vicar General)
Act of Supremacy
The Act for First Fruits and Tenths
1534 - said all holders of all ecclesiastical posts are required to pass some of their income to the King.
1534 - said all holders of all ecclesiastical posts are required to pass some of their income to the King.
The Act for First Fruits and Tenths
Treason Act
1534 - made it a crime to criticise what the King had done to the Church, outlawed criticisms of his marriage and succession policies.
1534 - made it a crime to criticise what the King had done to the Church, outlawed criticisms of his marriage and succession policies.
Treason Act
Did the Acts of 1532 to 1534 have a large impact on the Church?
No, despite the higher up workings of the Church being drastically altered, much of church life for the everyday commoner was exactly the same. It did, however, provide the opportunity for more radical changes.
Dissolution of the Monasteries
Between 1536 and 1540
10,500 monks and nuns in 850 institutions (numbers had been falling)
Nobles bought the land, the crown needed money to fund the war against France.
Secular reason for the dissolution, money/land and a survey done by Cromwell found bad ‘corrupt’ behaviours were prominent making Protestantism look attractive, their purpose of education etc. was also replaced by the universities.
Was the dissolution of the monasteries helpful?
At the time the nobles and the King generated a vast amount of money from the dissolution, however, it caused there to be less charity and education services for those who needed it more.
The monks got new jobs within the Church but the nuns were treated badly.
Little short or long term effect for the noble but a great long term effect on the common folk.
Opposition? (Textbook Quote)
Dickens - “there was no one organised group, there was no leader, it came from all social groups at different times and in different ways and it seemed to have different objectives”
Pilgrimage of Grace
1536 major rebellion
1536 major rebellion
Pilgrimage of Grace
What was the Pilgrimage of Grace?
The only serious domestic threat to HVIII with three incidents in October through December in 1536 and early 1537. The timing has caused them to linked to RC but this link is tenuous.
What happened at the Pilgrimage of Grace?
October 1536
Trouble broke out in Lincolnshire but was quickly repressed. Approx. 10,000 men (some gentry) who dispersed once news of the Royal Army arrived.
This was mostly due to Cromwell’s commissioners and tax collectors alongside some religious upset.
What happened at the Pilgrimage of Grace?
End of 1536
Led by Robert Aske, who had religious motives, but many of his supporters were more concerned with economic grievances.
A large force assembled in Lancashire and Yorkshire, a mixture of commoners and many gentry. Many of which were concerned about the Statute of Uses and the Dissolution.
There was up to 30,000 men compared to Norfolk’s 8k and only 1 man is thought to have died.
What happened at the Pilgrimage of Grace?
Early 1537
Aske was executed along with the rest of the higher up rebels.
What caused the Pilgrimage of Grace?
Pontefract Articles 1536 Desire to keep the monasteries Fear for further 'radical' RC North/South divide, more social Economic problems in the North