The Trinity Flashcards
What are the five biblical propositions for the doctrine of the Trinity?
1.) there is one God
2.) the Father is God
3.) the Son is God
4.) the Holy Spirit is God
5.) the Father is not the Son or HS. The Son is not the Father…
Describe the proposition for the Trinity that says there is one God.
There is one God and therefore there is none like God.
Several places throughout scripture it describes One God who alone is God.
Deuteronomy 4:35 - the Lord is God there is no other beside him.
Romans 3:29 - God is the God of the Jews and the gentiles.
Exodus 8:10 - Moses tells us there is no one like the Lord our God.
Describe the trinitarian proposition that says the Father is God.
Scripture distinguishes between the Father and others.
Paul uses the expression several times, “The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Describe the trinitarian proposition that says the Son is God.
John 1 tells us “The word became flesh” and “ in the beginning was the Word.”
Titus 2 describes Jesus Christ as our “Great God and savior.”
Titles used in the OT are applied to Christ in the NT.
- alpha and omega
- king of kings and lord of lords
- shepherd, savior, etc.
Describe the trinitarian proposition that says The Holy Spirit is God.
OT passages that refer to YHWH refer to the Holy Spirit in the NT.
In Acts 5, Ananias lies the the HS and it is described as lying not to man, but God.
Describe the trinitarian proposition that says the father is not the Son, etc.
Each is God and each has the divine attributes equally. But they are distinct.
We see language such as the Father sending the Son, and the Father loves the Son.. this distinguishes the two.
The Father speaks to the Son and the Son speaks to the Father.
(This would make no sense in a modalistic context)
The HS is identified as “another helper”
Jesus is said to “send” the Holy Spirit.
What did Arianism teach?
God was not always Father. He was once only God.
The Logos or Son is a creature. God made him out of non-existence.
According to Arius, The Son was the perfect creature.
What are the names of the two “processions” in trinitarian theology?
Processions is a designation of origin of the Son and Holy Spirit.
- it is an eternal origin.
Eternal generation - is the term used to describe the procession of the Son from the Father.
Eternal spiration is the term used to describe the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son.
What are the four “real” relations resulting from the two processions?
Eternal generation results in two relations.
1. Paternity- relation of the Father to the Son
2. Filiation - relation of the Son to the Father.
Eternal Spiration:
1.) active spiration - relation of the father and Son to the Holy Spirit
2.) passive spiration- relation of the Holy Spirit to the Father and Son.
Other than the Arians, what other group taught a subordination of the Son around the 4th century?
Basil of Ancyra taught the Father and Son are homoiousion. That is “like” in ousia.
Not same in essence/substance.
What are Ayres 3 Central Principles for Pro-Nicene theology?
- Regardless of terminology, there was a clear concept that whatever is predicated of the divine nature is also predicated in the three persons equally.
- There is a clear expression that the eternal generation (begetting) of the Son does not create something external to God.
(no creator/creature distinction) - Clear expression of the doctrine that the persons of the Trinity work inseparably.
What are three ways Grudem supports the Eternal Subordination of the Son to the Father?
- claims all three members are equal in power and all other attributes, but the Father has greater authority.
- Grudem sees authority as the fundamental difference between the members.
- He describes the relationship of a human family analogously to that of the Trinity where the Father has authority, etc.
What is the problem with Grudem’s claim that all members of the Trinity have equal power and attributes but different authority?
How can there be different levels of authority if they are equal in every way?
What is the problem with Grudem’s claim that the fundamental difference between the members of the Trinity is due to their authority?
The fundamental difference is their personal properties such as the eternal generation and eternal spiration.
It has to do with things that describe directionality such as “from.”
What is the problem with Grudem’s analogy of the family in relation to the Trinity?
It is more analogous to tri theism where all three are separate beings.
Why do orthodox trinitarians assert the ad extra works of God are undivided?
The term used for this is Opera Trinitatis Ad Extra Sunt Indivisa.
This is important because it affirms the oneness of God in His work and grounded in the power of God.
He is one essence, power, will, etc.
We are confessing the one being or one nature of the three persons.
What is the term used for the ad extra undivided work of God?
Opera Trinitatis Ad Extra Sunt Indivisa
What is the divine decree?
Opera Dei Interna
The divine decree is the internal work of the triune God.
The divine decree moves and directs the external works of the triune God.
The WCF chapter 3 of God’s divine decree qualifies three things. Why are these qualifications important?
Any view that results in fatalism makes God the author of sin.
God eternally decreed whatsoever comes to pass in a way that ESTABLISHES the liberty and contingency of second causes.
God decrees that secondary causes will act freely and contingently to achieve the decreed effect.
What are the three qualifications of WCF chapter 3 related to God’s divine decree?
It states that God decrees “whatsoever comes to pass”
- neither is God the author of sin.
- nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures
- nor is the liberty and contingency of second causes taken away
… but rather established.
Describe the Supra Lapsarian position.
Did God decree the predestination of man supra lapsum (above the fall) or infra lapsum (below the Fall)?”
Supra lapsarians believe man is predestined and creatable and fallible.
- man is predestined a creatable possibility and capable of falling into sin.
Describe the Infra Lapsarian position.
Did God decree the predestination of man supra lapsum (above the fall) or infra lapsum (below the Fall)?”
Man is predestined, created and fallen.
What are the two parts of predestination? Define each.
1) Election - The positive part of predestination, according to which God chooses in Christ those individuals who will be his eternally. (Muller, p.104)
2) Reprobation – The eternal decree of God according to which he wills to leave certain individuals in their corrupt condition, to damn them because of their sin, and to leave them to eternal punishment apart from the divine presence.
How is the doctrine of predestination grounded in the OT?
In the OT language it is often God choosing an individual for some purpose or task.
- Nehemiah 9:7 tells us God chose Abram out of Ur.
- Psalm 33 - God chooses Israel as his people to work out his redemptive plan.
We don’t find it in the Bible that some, such as Abraham, were so smart and sought God so intensely that God chose them.
How is the doctrine of predestination grounded in the NT?
Just as in the OT, in every case God is the one initiating, the one choosing.
“For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14
There is a distinction between the external call and the internal effectual call.
- The external call is the indiscriminate proclamation to all.
Mark 13:20
“And if the Lord had not cut short the days, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened the days. – Mark 13:20
3 verses that can be used to describe God’s internal effectual call of God’s regenerating work.
- Luke 9:35 - Refers to Christ as “My Chosen One.”
- John 6:35-45 - All the father gives to me will come to me…
- Romans 8:33 - it is God who justifies.
The Bible doesn’t teach universalism.
It does teach that God chose purely out of his good grace to save some hateful sinners for his glory.
What does creation ex nihilo imply?
1) God eternally existed.
2) Until and unless God creates, God alone existed.
3) God spoke: “Let there be…” His will is the cause of the universe.
4) Creation was not created out of anything preexistent.
a. Creation is not same substance. (Homoousio)
5) The universe is contingent – it is ontologically dependent upon God (both in terms of original creation and ongoing existence).
- God not only brings creation into existence but he also upholds it.
- Creation is always dependent on God.
Who is the Author and who is the object of predestination?
The Triune God is the author of predestination. God chose us, we do not choose Him.
The objects are all God’s rational creatures, including angels
What does creation ex nihilo not mean?
1) Creation out of nothing does not mean that God created the universe out of some material called nothing.
2) Does not mean the universe is without cause (ex nihilo nihil fit still applies).
3) It does not mean that God created the universe out of his own being (creation ex deo).
What are the two parts of reprobation?
Reprobation is the passing over of some.
1) preterition - the determination of God to pass by some.
2) condemnation - the determination of God to punish those he passed over for their sins.