The Trinity Flashcards
What is the Trinity?
Taught to be only one God to reveal to be three persons through history
SOWA for Trinity being only one God but three persons
‘one God in three persons’ CCC 253
When and what is the Nicene Creed?
The Christian declaration of faith. Drawn up in 381ce (Constantinople)
What is important part of the Nicene Creed?
Belief in the Trinity
When is the Nicene Creed repeated?
Repeated every Sunday Mass and every major feast day
How is the Nicene creed both an individual and shared statement?
Indv statement of what a Catholic believes
Shared statement that unites Catholics as one body/church
How is the trinity seen in the Nicene Creed?
‘I believe in one God, the Father almighty…’
‘I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, Only begotten son of God…’
‘I believe in the holy spirit, the Lord , the life giver… ‘
What does doxology mean?
Expression of praise of God
What do Catholics believe about the Bible and the Trinity?
The Bible teaches the nature of God as a Trinity
What does the Bible teach?
- God is one
- God is the father
- God is the son
- God is the Holy spirit
Where in the Bible does it show God is one?
‘the Lord our God is one Lord’ [Deuteronomy 6:4]
Where in the Bible does it show God is the Father?
‘Pray then like this: ‘‘Our Father who art in heaven’’ ‘ [Matthew 6:9]
Where in the Bible does it show God is the Son?
‘the word was God… The word became flesh and dwelt among us’ (John 1:1, 14)
Where in the Bible does it show God is the Holy Spirit?
‘when Jesus was baptized […] he saw the spirit of God descending like a dove’ [Matthew 3:16]
What type of revelation is God?
A gradual revelation of himself
Where are the Trinity?
- ‘outside’ them (Father/Creator)
- ‘beside’ them (Son/Saviour)
- ‘inside’ them (strengthening as Holy Spirit)
Why is the explanation of the Trinity as God significant?
- it reveals some of the mystery of God
- provides a way for Catholics to understand how he connects to them in different ways
What does the Trinity teach about love?
- relationships of love within the trinity teach Catholics about love in their own lives
- human beings made in his image means they also able to receive and give love
What is baptism?
An entry rite into the Catholic Church
What is baptism performed in and instructed by who?
In most churches and denominations it is performed ‘In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit’
Who instructed for baptism to be done in the Trinity?
Jesus in Matthew 28:19
What is a sacrament?
An outward sign of inward grace/a religious ceremony/a visible sign of God’s grace
What is the most important act of worship for Catholics?
It is the Mass (Eucharist)
What is the Eucharist?
People receive the sacrament of the Eucharist: Jesus’ blood and body
What does the Eucharist start with?
It begins with the sign of the cross and ‘In the name of the father and of the son..’
What is the Eucharistic prayer?
It is an act of thanksgiving and praise to the Father in which the Son is present by the concentrated bread and wine from the coming down of the Holy Spirit
What happens at the end of the Eucharistic prayer?
The doxology, glory is given to the Father, through the Son, with the Son and in the Son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit