The Tricky Ones Flashcards
Drucker the Trucker
Management by Objectives:
Transparency, Agreement and Understanding of Objectives between all parties
Peter Drucker 1954:
The practice of management
Simon Says: Be Rational!
Look through alternatives
Make decision that’s good enough, satisfactory
i.e. acceptable threshold
Herbert Simon 1956
Rational Choice Theory
you need 20/20 Vision to look ahead and see everything
Comprehensive Plan:
Longtime, about 20 years, one generation ahead
Like the name, It’s everything!:
future land uses for entire planning jurisdiction
Work with Local Government
Descriptive vs. Predictive Policy Analysis
Descriptive: What is
Predictive What will be
Descriptive Policy Analysis
What is: describe policy after the fact:
Define Problem
Set eval criteria
Identify Alternatives
Evaluate Alternatives
Display and distinguish alternative policies
Monitor it, yo.
Check the Big 3 to know what it’s gonna Be
Predictive Policy Analysis:
three data sources to help guide implementation of project future states:
Bureau of Data Analysis
Bureau of Labor Statistics
3 components of Traffic Analysis
Traffic Analysis Zone
Tazmanian Devil, the devil is in the details:
area delineated by state/local agencies
-based on census blocks and tracts
-delineated by roadways / geographical areas
-Identified by number under 3000 people
Traffic Impact Analysis:
How a development will affect community’s transportation network
Traffic Impact Analysis:
Forecast Additional Traffic
Determine Improvements
Assist Communities in land use decisions
Traffic Impact Analysis:
Considerations for Large Communities
Community determines appropriate mixes of transportation modes
*including public transit
Let’s travel to Grandma’s House [GDMA]
Travel Demand Forecasting:
Mode Split
Travel Demand Forecasting:
Trip Generation
Estimate of Number of trips
*categorized by trips generated by different types of land use
Travel Demand Forecasting:
Trip Distribution
Estimate of where the generated trips will go
Travel Demand Forecasting:
Mode Split
Estimate of which trips will use cars vs other
-e.g. transit, bike, walking