The Treaty of Versailles Flashcards
When was the treaty signed?
28th July 1919
Where was the treaty signed?
in the Palace of Versailles
Who was the Big Three?
- David Lloyd George
- Woodrow Wilson
- Georges Clemenceau
Who did not attend the Paris Peace Conference and why?
- USSR: communism
- Germany, Hungary, Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey: losing side
What was Article 231?
- War guilt clause
- Germany had to take all the blame
What were the reparations?
- £6,600 billion
- 132 billion gold marks
- would have taken over 60 years to pay back
What were Germany’s military restrictions? (5)
- army only 100,000 men
- conscription banned
- Rhineland demilitarised
- no Air Force allowed
- navy reduced to 6 battleships
What were the territorial restrictions? (5)
- lost Alsace-Lorraine to France
- split into 2 for the Polish Corridor
- thus, lost Danzig
- Colonies given to Britain, France and the LON
- forbidden to join with Austria
- lost 13% of its land
- 6 million people no longer living in Germany
What was the agreement about the LON?
- Germany had to accept its creation but could not join
How did Germany react to the Treaty? (4)
- they didn’t agree with article 231 = ‘diktat’
- humiliated by the article 231, territorial & military restrictions
- left vulnerable as they were surrounded by enemies
- many people are starving as the British blockade ports
What parts of the treaty was Clemenceau happy about?
- Germany was punished
- Germany’s military power was reduced
- Germany economically damaged
What parts of the treaty was Clemenceau unhappy about?
- didn’t believe it was harsh enough
- wanted the reparations to be even higher
How did the French people react to the Treaty?
- voted Clemenceau out
- did not think he did good enough job
What parts of the treaty was Lloyd George happy about?
- revenge and reparations for the British
- maintained naval supremacy
- British empire now covered 1/3 of the Globe
What parts of the treaty was Lloyd George unhappy about?
- was unable to maintain a trade relationship with Germany
- thought the treaty was too harsh
- Germany was no longer a buffer to Communism as it was too weak
What parts of the treaty was Woodrow Wilson happy about?
- formation of the LON
- self-determination for many countries
What parts of the treaty was Wilson unhappy about?
- it was too harsh