The Timeline of EP Flashcards
What is required when filing a patent application? A.78(1)
Request for grant of a European patent R.41
A description of the invention
One or more claims
Any drawings referred to in the invention or claims
An abstract
And satisfy the requirements laid down in implementing regulations
Which are the requirements for filing date?
An indication that a European patent is sought
Information identifying the applicant or allowing the applicant to be contacted
A description or reference to a prviously filed application
What is examined A90(1) receive a filing date?
EP is sought, Information identifying applicant and a description
What is included in the formal requirements?
Translation of application to EP language
Request of grant
Filing and search fee been paid
Designation of inventor made
Priority if required
Form of drawings
and two less common (chemical sequences and natural legal person)
What is included in European search report
Search report on the basis of the claims
Mention of the available prior art documents
Search strategy mentioned
What is included in the search opinion?
A first patentability assesment done by the search division
What is the Extended European search report?
The European search report + the search opinion
What is required to use priority?
During a period of 12M
First application that is duly filed
Who can apply for priority?
Any person who has duly filed an application, a utility model, or a utility certificate or his successor in title, shall enjoy priority.
To what countries does duly filed apply?
Any state party of the Paris convention or a member of the World trade organization, WTO. (Basically any country)
When is the publication of an application?
18 Months or at request of the applicant
What is in the publication?
The patent application as filed and the search report (EESR) if available.
What are the legal effects of the publication?
A.54(2): Content of application forms part of state of art.
A.54(3) Prior right comes into force.
A.67 Provisional protection
A.115 Third parties may file observations
A. 127 Data of the application is entered in the register of European patents.
A.128(4) The file at the EPO is open for public inspection.
A.92(8) legal effect publication of search report triggers
R.39(1) Six months period for payment of the designation fee.
R.70(1) Six months period for request of Examination
R70a Six months period to file comments on search opinion.
When do you need to send in the request for examination at the latest?
6 Months after publication of search report.
What do you need to do when requesting examination?
Send in request
Respond to EESR
Pay examination fee
What is PACE?
Programme for accelerated prosecution of a European patent application.
What happens if file a PACE?
When filed examining division strives to issue a communication within three months of recipt of request or applicant’s response to communication.
When can you request PACE?
Accelerated examination can only be requested after the examining division has become responisble for the application.
What is the top up search?
A search performed after publication to see if any new documents have been published between the first search and publication.
What should be done at intention to grant R71(3)?
Payment of fee for grant and publishing, also ecentual claims fees, designation fee and renewal fees.
File translation of claims in the other two official EPO languages
Time to respond to intention to grant R71(3)?
4 Months
Time to respond an communication when requirements not met A.94(3)?
2-4 Months, set by the Examiner.
When does a grant takes effect? A97(1)
The decision takes effect on the date of publication of the mention of the grant in the Bulletin