The Thar Desert, Rasthan, India Flashcards
What is the environment of the desert like?
Much of desert is: ⚫️ sandy hills ⚫️ small trees ⚫️ shrubs ⚫️ grasses ⚫️ clumps of thorn forest vegetation
The climate in the Thar Desert?
Hot and rainfall is low
What are the soils like?
The soils are generally sandy and not very fertile.
They drain quickly so there is very little surface water.
⚫️ Economic opportunities in the desert ⚫️
What is subsistence farming?
Farming to produce food for the farmer and his family.
Why is this challenging?
Because of the climate, it has unreliable rainfall and frequent droughts.
Explain how the kohl is tribe survive.
By hunting and gathering fruit and natural products such as honey.
What has been the impact of irrigation in the Thar Desert?
3500km 2 of land is under irrigation.
⚫️ Irrigation and commercial farming ⚫️
What is commercial farming?
A type of farm where crops and/or livestock is sold to make a profit.
Explain the impact of irrigation
Irrigation gives needed water for crops to grow because of the lack of rainfall.
⚫️ Mining and industry ⚫️
What minerals and stones are found in Rajasthan?
Rajasthan is rich in minerals.
Sanu limestone is the main limestone for India’s limestone industry.
What are these used for and why are they important?
The limestone is used in the building industry and the minerals are used for cement, fertiliser and plaster in construction work.
⚫️ Tourism ⚫️
Why do tourists go the thar Desert?
Because of its beautiful landscape and desert safaris
How does this benefit local people?
Local people benefit by acting as guides and by looking after the camels for the guide.
⚫️ Future challenges ⚫️
Population pressure-
Water management-
Excessive irrigation-
Soil erosion-
Population pressure- the Thar Desert is the most densely populated desert in the world, with a population density of 83 people per km2, and the population is increasing
Water management- excessive irrigation is some places has led to water logging. Slats poisonous to plants have been deposited on the ground.
Soil erosion- over cultivation and overgrazing have led to soil erosion by wind and rain. This is called salinisation.
Fuel- the main source of fuel, firewood, is running out. Maure is being used instead of being used to improve the quality of soil.
Tourism- popular because of beautiful landscapes, wealthy people go there. Local people benefit by doing guided tours on camels. The environment will suffer if tourism becomes overdeveloped.
⚫️ Sustainable management ⚫️
What are the main aims of the 1977 government-funded Desert Development?
Restore the ecological balance of the region by: ⚫️ Conserving ⚫️ developing ⚫️ harnessing land ⚫️ water ⚫️ livestock ⚫️ human resources
⚫️ Forestry ⚫️
How can they use trees and plants to make money?
To develop a breed that suits the harsh desert climate and is able to provide fruit of it in low level rainfall. Then the fruits can be sold for a profit.
Sustainable qualities of the pros opus cineraria tree.
⚫️ Crops get shade and if spread out from the trees, moist growing conditions.
⚫️ it provides animal fodder
⚫️ wood is strong and is used as local building material
⚫️ a lot of foliage(leaves) is produced for animals to eat
⚫️ they are planted in blocks
⚫️ sustainable sand dunes ⚫️
What is the problem with having unstable dunes?
They form a threat to farmland, roads and waterways.
How can dunes be stabilised
⚫️ planting blocks of trees
⚫️ establishing shelter belts of trees
⚫️ fences alongside roads and canals
⚫️ Thar Desert National Park ⚫️
Why has the Thar Desert National Park created ?
It has been created to protect some 3000km 2 of this dry land and endangered and rare wildlife.