The Terror Flashcards
From when did the Cult of Stalin take off?
Stalin’s 50th birthday, in December 1929
How did many workers and peasants show their dedication to Stalin within their own homes?
They built ‘Red Corners’ filled with images of Stalin and Lenin
What did Stalin’s wife, Nadezhda Alliluyeva, do in 1932 and what effect is it thought to have had on Stalin?
Killed herself – this is thought to have made Stalin increasingly paranoid
What became the standard account of the history of the Revolution when it was published in 1938?
The ‘Short Course’
How did the ‘Short Course’ describe the contributions of leading Bolsheviks to the October Revolution?
It played up the contribution of Stalin and played down the contributions of figures like Trotsky
What did all writers have to belong to from 1932?
Union of Soviet Writers
What did all artists have to belong to from 1932?
Union of Soviet Artists
How did the artistic unions exert the Party’s control over artists?
The unions set guidelines that its members had to follow, and expulsion from the unions would lead to people being unable to find work
What was the artistic style that artists had to follow under Stalin?
Socialist Realism
What did Socialist Realism require artists to show in their work?
The truthful, historically concrete representation of reality in its revolutionary development
Who set out the principles of Socialist Realism at the first Congress of the Union of Soviet Writers in 1934?
Andrei Zhdanov
What organisation replaced the OGPU in 1934?
Who were the three leaders of the NKVD?
Yagoda, Yezhov and Beria
Why were the managers of the Shakty Coal Mine put on trial in the Shakty Trial of 1928?
They were put on trial for sabotage because they had questioned the pace of industrialisation and expansion at their mine
What did Kirov do at the 17th Party Congress in 1934?
He spoke out against Stalin’s policy of grain seizures and forced collectivization
What was the response of Congress to Kirov’s speech in 1934?
Delegates gave him a standing ovation
What happened to Kirov in December 1934?
He was murdered by Nikolayev, a disgruntled Party member
What did Stalin do in response to Kirov’s murder?
Stalin blamed Trotskyists and gave Yagoda, head of the NKVD the power to arrest anyone guilty of ‘terrorist plotting’. More than 100 party members were shot and thousands more were sent to prison camps
Who was tried in the first major show trial in 1936?
Kamenev and Zinoviev
What were Kamenev and ZInoviev accused of doing in their show trial?
Working with Trotsky
What was the result of Kamenev and Zinoviev’s show trial?
They confessed their guilt, despite the fact that no evidence was presented. They were sentenced to death and executed the next day
Why was Yagoda (probably) replaced as head of the NKVD?
He had failed to secure a confession from Bukharin for the murder of Kirov
What did the Stalin Constitution of 1936 proclaim?
That socialism had been achieved
What did the Stalin Constitution of 1936 set out?
It created the USSR as a federation of 11 soviet republics. The Congress of Soviets was replaced by the Supreme Soviet, and each republic also had its own supreme soviet
What did the Stalin Constitution of 1936 promise to minority ethnic groups?
It promised local autonomy to ethnic groups and support for national cultures and languages
What did the Stalin Constitution of 1936 guarantee to all citizens?
Civil rights such as freedom from arbitrary arrest, freedom of the press, freedom of worship, and free speech. They were also guaranteed the right to an education and to work, as well as some social welfare.
How were elections to the Soviets to be run according to the Stalin Constitution of 1936?
Everyone over the age of 18 could vote, including ‘former people’ previously denied the right to vote, but only approved Communist Party candidates could stand in the elections
Why did the Republics have no meaningful independence from the government of the USSR under the Stalin Constitution?
The government of the USSR retained control over the budgets of the republics
What happened when Party leaders in Georgia tried to use their right remove Georgia from the USSR guaranteed by the Stalin Constitution?
They were purged from the Party
What act began the Terror?
Yezhov’s issuing of Order 00447
What did Order 00447 require the NKVD to do?
Search out former kulaks and other anti-Soviet elements. Kulaks were to be shot, anti-Soviet elements were to be sent to Gulag
Within one month of Order 00447 having been issued, how many people had been arrested and how many had been sent to Gulag?
100,000 people had been arrested; 14,000 had been sent to Gulag
Which show trial took place in January 1937?
The Trial of 17
Name two people put on trial in the Trial of 17.
Radek and Sokolnikov
What was the outcome of the Trial of 17?
Thirteen of the accused were sentenced to death, the rest were sentenced to 10 years in prison
When did the Military Purge take place?
May-June 1937
Who were the first people arrested during the Military Purge and what happened to them?
Marshal Tukachevsky along with seven other top military officers - they were all executed
Why did Stalin carry out the Military Purge?
He was afraid that officers in the military were plotting against him?
After the trial of Tukachevsky, how many other high-rankings officers were purged from the military?
Two other ‘Marshals’ were purged, as were all 8 of the admirals of the USSR
Approximately what percentage of officers in the Soviet military were either executed or imprisoned during the Military Purge?
Which show trial took place in March 1938?
The Trial of 21
Which leading Party members were put on trial in the Trial of 21?
Bukharin, Rykov and Yagoda
What was one of the absurd crimes that the defendants were accused of in the Trial of 21?
Plotting to kill Lenin
What was the outcome of the Trial of 21?
18 of the accused were executed
How many Party members had been purged by the end of 1938?
One third
Roughly how many people were in Gulag in 1935?
Around 800,000
Roughly how many people were in Gulag in 1938?
Between 5.5 and 9.5 million
What happened to the large Korean minority in eastern Russia in 1937?
They were moved to Central Asia when Stalin feared the outbreak of war with Japan
What did Stalin do to Yezhov at the 18th Party Congress in 1938?
Denounced him for having gone too far in his purges, and replaced him as the head of NKVD with Beria
What happened to Yezhov in 1940?
He was secretly tried and shot
Where was Trotsky found by Stalin’s agents in 1940?
Mexico City
What happened to Trotsky in 1940?
Ramon Mercador murdered Trotsky on Stalin’s orders by plunging an ice pick into his head