The Tempest- Shakespeare Flashcards
What does prospero call miranda which is an extended metaphor or religious symbol?
When was the tempest first preformed?
1611, 2 years after England colonised Virginia in 1609
Erin Yorke critic say about miranda?
Although innocent and niave, miranda is no pawn in the hands of men… She still exerts her power
What does Phillip Brooke say caliban represents?
Caliban represents native Americans being negative to give support for colonisers
Structurally what happens to miranda?
Her lines and radical ideas get reduced as the play progresses and her relationship with Ferdinand does
What is a masque typical of
17th century theatre
Prosperous lines to show masque shaped by his intent on abstenance
Do not give dalliance, to much to the vein be more abstenious
Caliban call impregnating miranda
Thou didn’t prevent me, I had peopled this isle with calibans
What is prospero likened to having with is a subversion of god
Having ‘god like power’
What kind of slave does miranda call caliban
Who was being colonised at the time Shakespeare wrote this
How did miranda propose
I am your wife, if you’ll have me. Parrelell unconventional character
Although queen Elizabeth was on the throne what was society still like
David daniell said
First performance of the play was spectacular and masque like
Caliban claim the island is…
Mine by sycorax my mother
Caliban is called abhorred slave what is Ariel?
Whose travel diaries did people believe inspired Shakespeare
William strachey’s shipwreck of Bermuda
Hazlitt said?
Miranda is portrayed as a ‘goddess of the isle’
David g.nuzmam said?
The play is support of the Bermuda colonised project
Audience were
Highly religious
Miranda offers to…
Bear his logs
Ceres is a symbol of…
Agriculture and prosperity,
Juno is a symbol of
family love and harmony to come
What is colonial exotic?
Us and them
Binary opposites e.g prospero god like
Indigenous monstrous
What does caliban think is a benefit of learning language
You taught me language, and my profit on’t is, I know how to curse
Prospero claims he has done a lot for miranda…
I have done nothing but care for the
What does miranda remember about her past
Had I not once four or five women that tendered to me,suggesting she was higher rank in women’s hierarchy
Miranda says about looking at caliban
Tis a villain sir, I do not love to look on
What does prospero call Ariel when wants to leave…
You liest, you malignant thing, hast thou forgot the vile witch sycorax
Ariel claims…
He’ll is empty all the devils are here
Miranda say about teaching caliban language
I pitied the and too pains to make thee speak
Ferdinand reply to proposal
If a virgin… I shall make the queen of Naples
Miranda defends her father
My fathers of better nature than he appears sir
Gonzalo tells Sebastian
You rub the sore when you should bring the plaster
What does Alonso say when he wakes up
Why are you drawn? Wherefore this ghastly looking
Miranda asked do you love me?
Ferdinand, do love, prize, honour you
Caliban gets called
Servant monster Brave monster Monsieur monster Ignorant monster Deboned fish Half fish, half monster
Prospero says to Ferdinand
Worthily purchased take my daughter
Caliban says to Stephano and trinculo
For aye, thy foot licker
Prospero states about magic
This rough magic I here abjure
Miranda says about mankind
How many goodly creatures, are there here
How beauteous is mankind
Miranda’s function according to mills
The stereotype of pure maternal white woman a important standard against indigenous creatures
Cartelli says
The partially victimised and silenced miranda
Sachdev say…
Sycorax operates on a symbolic level… Monstrous female character maintains Miranda’s character
Francis A Yates say about reconciliation …
Reconciliation though a younger generation
Francis a Yates thinks prospero is based on
John dee mathematician who learnt how to conjure spirits
John bate thought
Forces a person response, as has no focus
David suchet thinks about casting caliban as many animals
One overall feeling of being completely miscast
Michel billington
Deeply moving cry for forgiveness of the colonial past and appeal to spirit of truth and reconciliation
Prospero says the will break and drown…
I’ll break my staff and drown my books
Stage directions so appears like god
At a distance unseen
Prospero causing storm mimics…
The great flood and leads to communal baptism
Gonzalo says what is like lord prayer
The wills above be done
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
John Peter
Prospero is a policital creature who has learnt form his own mistakes
Charles spencer
How the urge to power can turn a paradise into a hell