The Teacher And The School Curriculum Flashcards
A set of courses consisting an area of specialization
Consider as a system of dealing with people(application/teaching in the school)
Another term for Ordinary/Limited
Planned learning experience
Identification of proper goals(mission, vision of school)
Sum of total learning experience inside and outside the school
Entire range of experiences
Another term for Enriched/Broad
Types of curricula recommendation in the form of memoranda or policy, standards and guidelines came from government agencies
Recommend curriculum/ Ideal curriculum
Types of curricula that includes document based.
Example: Miniscule curriculum also known as lesson plan.
Curriculum guide, syllabus,
Written curriculum
Types of curricula that the teacher put life the written curriculum
The success of written and recommend curriculum
Taught curriculum/Implemented curriculum
Types of curricula that the support materials that teacher needs
Example: Print materials and non materials (learning materials)
Supported curriculum
This is the curriculum tht evaluated after has been taught.
(Assessment for, of, and as)
Assessed curriculum
Types of curricula that measured by tools in assessment which indicate cognitive, psychomotor and affective.
Learned curriculum
This is the unwritten curriculum
Peer influence, school environment, media, parental pressure, changes, calamities, etc.
Hidden or Implicit curriculum
The teacher is curriculum specialist
Teacher as Curricularist
Teacher as Curricularist required open-mindedness and full belief. Positive mindset and attitude
Teacher as Curricularist teacher uses unique snd out of the box strategy
Creativity and innovations as Hallmark of excellent teacher
Teacher as Curricularist that gives life to the curriculum plan
Teacher as Curricularist uses assessment tools like exam or quiz.
Desired learning outcomes
Teacher as Curricularist one has to master.
When a teacher attending seminars and workshops.
Mastery of subject. He/she studies masters or doctorate