The surgical aspects of implant treatment Flashcards
What preoperative preparations do we need to make before implant surgery
- Proper diagnostics
- Treatment plan
3Pt explanation, warnings and informed consent
How do we carry out asepsis of the implant site
- Chlorohexidine mouth rinse pre op
- Skin preperation
- Isolation of surgical field with barrier draping
- Protection of patient and staff from cross infection
What are the stages of traditional implant surgery 1st stage
- Asepsis
- LA
- Incision
- Flap reflection
- Bone preparation
- Positional guide
- Enlarging osteotomy site
- Placement, torque and primary stability
- Cover screw placement, wound closure and temporisation
What do we mean by bone preparation
Getting through the soft tissue remnants to the bone
Cresting a flatten or scallop ridge crest
Talk through atraumatic implant site preparation
- Low speeds/ high torque
- Sharp graduated drills
- Efficient cooling/ evacuation of debris
What can happen if don’t have adequate cooling during bone preparation
If temperature reaches above 47 degrees fro 1 min bone necrosis will occur
What are the 4 different bone types called
Describe bone quality I
Homogenous cortical bone
Describe bone quality II
Thick cortical bone with marrow centre
Describe bone quality III
Thin cortical bone with dense trabecular bone of good strength
Describe bone quality IV
Very thin cortical bone with low density trabecular bone of poor strength
Name the 3 positions we need to consider when placing our implant
- Mesio distal
- bucco palatally
- Apico coronally
What post operative considerations need to be made after implant surgery
- Avoid disturbing the surgical site
- Avoid alcohol, smoking and vigorous exercise
- Antibiotics
- Analgesics
- Cholorhexidine mouth rinse
- Ice pack
- Keep wel hydrated
- Balanced soft diet
After the first stage of implanted surgery is completed what do we wait for
For the bone and implant to integrate
Talk through the steps of the 2nd stage of implant surgery
- Simple crest incisor
- Reflection of soft tissues
- Removal of cover screw
- Check bone
- Placement of healing abutment
- Soft tissue sculpting
- Placement of sutures
- Allow soft toss healing for 4 weeks