The Subconscious Mind Flashcards
What are the three distinct components of the brain?
- The Old Brain
- The Midbrain
- The New Brain
The old brain is sometimes called what?
“Lizard Brain” or “Primal Brain”
Why do we call the Old Brain the “lizard brain”?
Because they assert that it’s the part of the brain that would have been there before we evolved into mammals. It conjures up a mostly correct image of a part of our mind over which we have very little influence.
Our primal instincts, those we cannot overcome, are kept in this part of the mind.
“The lizard brain is hungry, scared, angry, and horny. The lizard brain only wants to eat and be safe.
The lizard brain will fight (to the death) if it has to, but would rather run away. It likes a vendetta and has no trouble getting angry.”
- Seth Godin
What is the midbrain also called?
Emotional brain.
What does the midbrain control?
The midbrain deals with emotion and guides our decisions based on what we feel, rather than what we think.
It’s truly in charge of our emotional responses, and whilst we can, to some extent, exert control over our emotions. It takes a lot of work. Most of the time, our emotions drive us rather than the other way around.
What is new brain also called?
The rational brain or mammal brain
What does the new brain control?
It’s where our identities are kept and where conscious thought occurs.
Which part of the brain makes quick decisions without consulting the rest of the brain?
Primal (old) brain
Why do you need to influence the emotional (mid-) part of the brain?
It feeds the primal brain and influences the rational (new) brain.
Which part of the brain do you need to convince by the emotional and primal parts of the brain so it doesn’t veto the purchase?
Rational brain
T or F: If your website sells to all three brains, the chances are you’ll make more sales with less effort than if it only speaks to one or two of those brains.
The old brain deals with __1__, midbrain with __2__, and the new brain with __3__.
- instincts
- emotions
- rational thought
How many brains do we use to make decisions?
Which part of the brain is the emotional centre of decision making?
The Midbrain
Which part of the brain handles primal decision-making?
The Old Brain
Which part of the brain triggers the fight or flight response?
The primal (old) Brain
All animals have an ___ brain.
Old brain
Which part of the brain takes care of all the details of running a body like breathing, circulation, digestion, etc.?
The Old Brain
Which part of the brain manages our primal urges: the need for shelter, safety, for food and drink, and sex?
The Old Brain
Which part of the brain knows how to tell the rational brain to get out your credit card and type in the numbers?
The primal brain. We often make purchasing decisions based on the messages sent by the old brain to the new brain.
Which part of the brain is all about primal decision making, or, decisions made at the most instinctual of levels?
The Old brain.
If we can convince users they will feel safe and attractive, we’re tapping directly into the…
Old brain.
- Done in the right way, that can influence their decisions regarding calls to action.
The Old brain deals with which major impulse(s)?
Fight, flight or freeze
Which other impulse does the old brain deal with?
a. sexual impulse
b. caring impulse
c. nurturing impulse
Sexual impulse
How should you make a potential cusomter’s old brain feel when you’re selling something online?
Attractive and safe
Which part of the brain consists of the limbic system?
The midbrain
What are the four things in the limbic system of the midbrain?
- Amygdala
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
- Hippocampus
Which part of the brain deals with emotions?
The midbrain
What does the amygdala handle?
It’s handles our emotions and makes value judgments
What’s a value judgement?
Value judgements are the brain’s shortcut to decision making, instead of using a decision-making process like SWOT analysis.
What part of the midbrain is responsible for value judgements?
The Amygdala
Which part of the midbrain is purely concerned with emotions? It’s here that our deepest emotions are porcessed: joy, grief, passion, etc.
Which part of the midbrain works with the putuitary system to control our body temperature?
Hypothalamus. It also deals with pleasure and pain responses. It’s as caught up in sexual matters as it is in our urges to fight or argue.
Which part of the brain releases dopamine and deals with reward?
The midbrain.