What is medi?
The context in which our actions take place and meaning.
We refer to a complex set of interrelated elements forming networks that might be called landscapes.
We can talk about the physical, historical, economic, social and cultural medi or environment… or all at once.
Natural and social phenomena do not occur under a disciplinary prism, but in the form of problems, interests, conflicts or explanation, which are best understood when studied and analysed in relation to specific knowledge or disciplines and areas.
The different aspects and dimensions that constitute the medi interact and interrelate.
The concept of Medi encompasses the various elements, situations, phenomena and issues within both human-made and natural context. It aims to study the natural and social realities, considering factors like time and space.
Which are the different perspectives of a plate with potatoes, eggs and mushrooms?
Anthropological perspective: traditional english breakfast.
Human geography perspective: combination platter that allows a quick meal between work hours.
MAthematics perspective: total surface area of the plate.
Nuritionist perspective: fried foods can foster increased bad cholesterol.
Biological perspective: potatoes vegetables, mushrooms fungus, and eggs animal cells.
Ethics perspective: vegans eat potatoes and mushrooms but not eggs.
Which is the challenge as teachers?
- World phenomena integrate diverse dimensions.
- Dynamic, complex and changing.
- Curriculum offers new opportunities to work in an interdisciplianry way.
How can we organise the different diciplines?
If we could look at the world of phenomena from different perspectives,.
If we could explain and interpret phenomena of the world from different disciplines.
What is interdisciplinarity?
The study of the environment requires an interdisciplinarity teaching and learning approach.
The interdisciplinarity and learning approach are characterised by:
An integrative approach of the different disciplines (dialoge among disciplines)
A globalised view of the different elements of reality through synthesis or analyse in order to understand problems or phenomena and make infromed decisions.
A methodology that promotes a dynamic relationship among disciplines: problem solving, project work,…
What is the disciplianry dialogue?
Each discipline brings its model for understanding the phenomenon.
Each discipline enriches the other and the global context.
IT is not reductionist, takes the linits of each discipline.
What does the dsciplinary dialogue allows us to do?
- Take the challenge to approach the pheonomena of the world from a global perspective.
- Escape from the hyper-specialisation that leads to a fragmented, compartmentalised and separated knowledge
What is discipline?
It’s a specific branch of knowledge, an specialisation
What is multi-disciplinareity?
Many diciplines: juxtaposations or additions of contents from different areas without much relationships among them
What is inter-disciplinareity?
Between disciplines: interrelation between contents from different areas.
What is meta-disciplinareity?
Beyond the disciplines: basic competences allow applying different types of knowledge from different areas to solve everyday life problematic situations.