The structure and function of neurons Flashcards
Name the three types of neurons
Where are sensory neurons found and what do they do?
Sensory neurons are found in the sensory organs. They carry messages through the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system. When these messages reach the brain, they are translated into sensations, such as vision and touch.
Where are relay neurons found and what do they do?
Relay neurons are found between the sensory neurons and the motor neurons and within the central nervous system. They allow sensory and motor neurons to communicate.
Where are motor neurons found and what do they do?
The cell bodies of motor neurons are found within the CNS and their axons extended to the peripheral nervous system. They connect to effectors such as muscles and glands which triggers a response.
How do you tell the difference between a sensory and motor neuron?
The sensory neurons cell body protrudes outwards whereas the motor neurons cell body is on the dendrite end. Motor neurons have long contrinous axons whereas sensory neurons have shorter axons which are split into two branches.
Name four parts of a neuron.
Cell body -Dendrites -Axon -Myelin shealth -Nodes of Ranvier -Terminal buttons
What is the function of the cell body?
The cell body processes the information from the dendrites and produces neurotransmitters
What is the function of dendrites?
Dendrites recieve information from other neurons and divert information towards the cell body.
What is the function of the axon?
Axons carry electrical impulses across the neuron and cause the neurotransmitters from the cell to be released.
What is the function of the myelin sheath?
The myelin sheath protects the axon.
What is the function of the nodes of ranvier?
The nodes of ranvier speed up electrical impluses by forcing them to ‘jump’ over each myelin sheath.
What are the function of terminal buttons?
Terminal buttons release neurotransmitters out of the neuron.