The Stress-Diathesis Hypothesis / Neurogenic Flashcards
What does this believe?
That there are other events which are taking place in the brains of patients with schizophrenia
What occurs in the hippocampus?
Reduced hippocampus volume - shrinkage if depressed
Negative correlation with the total hippocampal volume and days left untreated - suggesting that the longer that they wait, the more their hippocampus shrinks
What is the HPA axis?
Our central stress response system
Anterior pitutary
Adrenal cortex
What is responsible for the change in people with depression?
Need to look at depression as a disorder to do with anxiety and stress, which is ongoing
What occurs in the HPA axis?
In the hypothalamus, there is a CRF releasing factor which sends a message t the anterior pituitary to release ACTH. Once released, goes down to the adrenal cortex which then releases cortisol
What are the parts of the adrenal cortex?
Has a cortex - which releases cortisol
Has a middle part that is related to the flight or fight response
What is negative feedback in the HPA?
Amydgala is stimulated from a negative event
Feeds to HPA axis, which releases cortisol
The cortisol goes to the hippocampus, which receives a signal, the job is to deal with it and feedback to the HPA axis to stop releasing the ACTH because everything is okay
What is the role of the hippocampus in the HPA axis?
Negative feedback - needs to tell HPA to stop releasing ACTH because everything is okay
What happens in situations of chronic stress?
Chronic activation of glucorticoid receptors in the hippocampus: increased Ca entry too neurons, too much Ca entry means that the cells die. The hippocampus can’t feedback to limit cortisol production. So depression could be from: diminished activity in hippocampus and loss of feedback to HPA axis
What happens when given artificial cortisol?
People given dexamathasone
Controls: activates GR and the negative feedback system
Decreased levels of ACTH and cortisol in control.
Depressed patients: less sensitive to the cortisol - poor negative feedback and more sensitive to CRH (activation system very sensitive)
What are depressed patients according to the stress hypothesis?
Hyperactive HPA axis
High blood levels of cortisol
High brain levels of CRH
What happens when you inject CRH into an animal?
Symptoms of depression
Lack of appetite
Lack interest in sex
What does this theory believe the only difference is?
The genes to do with the HPA axis
Why is the HPA overactive?
Chronic high levels of cortisol
Loss of neurons in the hippocampus because excitotoxity - shrinkage of hippocampus
Loss of GR’s
Decrease in negative feedback from the HPA axis and hippocampus because the hippocampus is shrinking so not working
Do antidepressants result in increased neurogenesis in the hippocampus?
They don’t just increase monoamines but they eventually increase neurogenesis
Patients were taking:
MAO-I, SSRI’s or NE reuptake inhibitor for 2-4 weeks
Measured number of new born cells in the hippocampus
All of the drugs increase the neurogenesis in the hippocampus, doesn’t make a difference
Reverse the effect of hippocampus shrinkage