The Stresemann Era: Domestic and Foreign Policy, 1924-1929. Flashcards
Formed by Stresemann in 1919.
- Opposed TofV “death sentence”
- Supported a Constitutional Monarchy
- Opposed Communism
-Strategy to comply with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles in order to improve European relations and therefore improve Germany’s standing on the world stage.
Dawes Plan- Date and Provisions
- Allies had to leave Ruhr.
- 1 Billion Marks to be paid in 1st year. 2.5bn to paid every year after.
- All Allies decide sanctions upon failure to meet terms.
- loan of 800 million marks from US.
Dawes Plan- Advantages and Disadvantages
+ Reduced reparations & loans helped stabilise economy.
+ Eased tensions across Europe.
- Industry did not produce enough for Rep. payments AND itself.
- More imports than exports.
- Reliance on loans inextricably linked the economies of Germany and the US.
Dawes Plan- Motivations
“take advantage of the world economic situation as to conduct foreign policy by economic means, as this is the only respect in which we are still a great power.” -Stresemann.
Locarno Pact- Date and Provisions
October 1925 (Officially signed in December)
- Treaty between Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, and Italy.
- Agreed to maintaining Germany’s western borders (as in TofV)
- Eastern German borders undecided, to be settled through arbitration.
- Anyone who broke the treaty, apart from in self-defence, would be attacked by all other signatories.
Locarno Pact- Advantages and Disadvantages
+ Peace and stability
+ Lack of concrete promises in the East allowed opportunities for expansion.
- The removal of Allied troops in the Ruhr was slow meaning Locarno’s affects were not immediately obvious.
Locarno Pact- Motivations
At the time, generally seen as Good european.
CA- after WW2 evidence emerged showing that “Stresemann was also expressing strongly nationalist points of view over such questions as the future of Germany’s Eastern frontiers and the possible union with Austria.” A J Nicholls.
“Germany need feel no restriction on resorting to war in the east, if the occasion arose.” - A J Nicholls.
Treaty of Berlin- Date and Provisions
April 1926
Between Germany and USSR, built on Rapallo Pact of ‘22 w/ military and economic exchanges.
-Will not attack each other in next 5 years
-German banks would give credit to USSR businesses
-SECRET, German could rebuild its military in USSR.
Treaty of Berlin- Advantages and Disadvantages
+ Support from USSR (Big, strong)
+ Appeased Nationalists and Reichswehr
+ Strengthens Germany
- Little military rearmament achieved
- “Western observers were well aware that Germany had not fulfilled the Versailles disarmament clauses […] they realised also that the extent of Germany’s rearmament could not pose a real military threat.” -A J Nicholls
Treaty of Berlin- Motivations
- Used to pressure the west for peaceful relations as they did not want them to grow too strong.
- Lack of actual progress suggests that Stresemann realistically may have known his chances to improve Germany lay with Europe.
League of Nations- Date
September 1926
League of Nations- Advantages and Disadvantages
+ Raise matters that interested them
+ Veto proposals
- RW Nationalists saw this as capitulation to the Allies.
League of Nations- Motivations
Good German- Raise relevant/personal issues.
Good European- Political cooperation.
The Young Plan- Date and Provisions
- Reparations reduced to 37 Million over 58 years.
- Germany able to participate in negotiations, Allies withdrew 5 yrs early.
- No more restrictions on foreign transfers or railways.
The Young Plan- Advantages and Disadvantages
+ “If the amount of treaty revision achieved […] is compared with the previous situation, it is clear that all direct, indirect, and potential advantages were all on Germany’s side”- Werner Link
The Young Plan- Motivations
Germany- Long term
Europe- Short Term
Stresemann’s reputation in Europe?
1926- awarded Nobel Peace Prize due to Locarno.
“Western observers were well aware that Germany had failed to fulfil the Versailles disarmament clauses […] They realised also that the extent of Germany’s rearmament could not pose a real military threat.” -A J Nicholls.
Hindenburg’s election as President- Dates and Results?
Marx (Z + SPD backing) 45%
Thalmann (KPD) 6%
Hindenburg (DNVP) 48%
Social Welfare Provisions 1924-1929
- Workers’ rights e.g. max. 8hr work day
- Infrastructure improvements CA- funded by foreign loans
- Unemployment benefits (covered 17mill in 1927)
- War Pensions (40% of all Gov. costs)
Social Welfare Provisions’ Impact (‘24-‘29)
+ Reduction in ill health
+ Support for lower/middle classes
-Weimar couldn’t afford all provisions
-Higher taxes upset upper class
-Unemployment continued to rise, deficit worsened (“time
Bomb” R. Bessel.)
Recovery? (stats)
- Wages increased, strikes decreased
- Coal and steel industry grew (still behind pre-war levels)
- Reduction in payments (6.6bn to 37 million, 42 yrs to 58)
- Loans (800 million from US) stabilised economy
Illusion of Recovery? (stats)
- Unemployment rises
- Growth falls behind other western powers
- Farmer’s products’ prices fell, especially after ‘27. Led to unemployment and consequent rise in budget deficit.
- Middle/ Upper classes grew bitter due to reduction in class divide and disliked high taxes.
Recovery? (quote)
“By the Summer of 1929 Germany was the world’s second industrial power behind The States. Real wages rose, and the standard of living increased” -Bookbinder
Illusion of Recovery? (quotes)
“[The extent of the boom] has been exaggerated and superficial prosperity and growth of international structure misted a chronic state of political weakness.” -Carr
“Was partly illusory” -Stephen Lee