The Stations of Light Flashcards
The Stations of Light commemorate Jesus’ _______________.
There are ________ Stations of Light.
Each of these stations depicts an actual moment along the disciples’ journey from the _______Tomb to the _______ Room.
Empty; Upper
The First Station
Jesus Rises from the Dead
The Second Station
The Disciples Discover the Empty Tomb
The Third Station
Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
The Fourth Station
Jesus Appears on the Road to Emmaus
The Fifth Station
Jesus is Recognized in the Breaking of the Bread
The Sixth Station
Jesus Appears to His Disciples
The Seventh Station
Jesus Gives His Disciples the Power to Forgive Sins
The Eighth Station
Jesus Strengthens the Faith of Thomas
The Ninth Station
Jesus Eats with His Disciples on the Shore of Tiberias
The Tenth Station
Jesus Forgives Peter and Gives Him a Mission
The Eleventh Station
Jesus Sends His Disciples into the Word
The Twelfth Station
Jesus Ascends into Heaven
The Thirteenth Station
The Disciples Gather to Pray
The Fourteenth Station:
Jesus Sends the Holy Spirit
The Stations of Light
- Jesus Rises from the Dead
- The Disciples Discover the Empty Tomb.
- Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
- Jesus Appears on the Road to Emmaus
- Jesus is Recognized in the Breaking of the Bread
- Jesus Appears to His Disciples
- Jesus Gives His Disciples the Power to Forgive Sins
- Jesus Strengthens the Faith of Thomas
- Jesus Eats with His Disciples on the Shore of Tiberias
- Jesus Forgives Peter and Gives him a Mission
- Jesus Sends His Disciples into the World
- Jesus Ascends into Heaven
- The Disciples Gather to Pray
- Jesus Sends the Holy Spirit