The split of Germany and the formation of NATO (S1.4) Flashcards
What were some areas of disagreement on Germany, between the West and the East?
Denazification (how far, and how fast)
Democratization (western-style liberal democracy or soviet-style land reform)
How many died in Germany from WWII, how many POWs were there, and what was the average calorific intake per day post-WWII?
4 million dead killed in fighting/bombing
Eight million POWs
1,080 calories.
What was the German population mostly made up of and how many foreign-born slave workers lived in Germany post-WWII?
Mainly composed of women, the elderly, the infirm and children
Four million foreign-born slave workers
What percentage of all housing was destroyed or damaged beyond repair?
How many railway bridges over the Rhine and the Danube were destroyed, how many wrecked ships blocked the Rhine, and what percentage of the railway network was impassable?
All 33 railway bridges over the Rhine
22/34 over the Danube
1,500 wrecked ships blocked the Rhine
33% of the railway network was impassable
What was the main agreement surrounding Germany made at Yalta?
Germany (and Berlin) was to be divided into four zones (US, UK, France and Soviet)
What happened in April 1946 in the Soviet zone, and how was this viewed in the West?
Foundation of the SED through the unification of the SPD and KPD (April 1946)
> West saw this as proof the USSR were aiming at taking over Germany
What happened at the Paris Conference of Foreign Ministers? (April-July 1946)
USSR insisted that Germany provide it with $10 billion in reparations
Byrnes (US Secretary) insisted this could occur, but only when Germany was ‘back on its feet’
What happened in May 1946, what did it do, and how did the Soviets view this?
Stopped the Soviets take reparations from their zones in May 1946
> Exacerbated tensions in Germany
> Seen as an attempt to create a new anti-Soviet bloc by the USSR
What happened in January 1947?
Merged the British and American zones economically (Bizonia)
> Clear indicator that four-power control had failed
How did the Soviets respond to Bizonia?
USSR attempted to scuttle and oppose it, at the Moscow Conference, and London Conference.
What happened at the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers? (Spring 1947)
- Soviets attempted to destroy Bizonia by demanding a new central government
- Opposed by Bevin through ‘political unity to follow economic unity’
> Seen as a successful failure for the West
What happened at the London Conference? (Autumn 1947)?
USSR accused the West of unjustly denying reparations
> All issues were aired out and bitter divisions were revealed
What happened in June 1948?
- Trizonia formed
- Deutschemark launched
How did Stalin respond to the formation of trizonia/launch of the deutschemark, and how did he justify this?
- Stalin argued that the West had no reason to stay in Berlin if they were against German reunification but for a West Germany
> On the 24th of June, 1948, Stalin launched a ‘blockade’, cutting off all ground and water traffic to Berlin from the West.
How did the West respond to the Berlin Blockade?
Launched the Berlin Airlift (June 1948-May 1949)
Who was Lucius D. Clay, and what was his role in the Berlin Blockade?
US Military Governor in Germany
> Leadership was crucial in the Berlin Airlift
> Stood firm to Soviet demands; became a central and pivotal figure.
What happened by May 1949, and what was the impact for Stalin?
By May 1949, Stalin ended the blockade in failure, and had forced through the complete opposite of his aim (aimed to unite Germany, and instead cemented its divsion)
What happened in May 1949?
Initial formation of the FDR with Grundgesetz (Basic Law)
Who was Konrad Adenauer?
First Chancellor of the FDR from 1949 to 1963.
> Leader of the CDU, which became the dominant force in the country under his leadership.
> Pro-western and anti-Soviet
What was formed in September 1949?
Federal Republic of Germany (FDR)
Who was Walter Ulbricht?
Walter Ulbricht was a German communist politician.
> Leader of the SED from 1950-1971
> Established the German Democratic Republic (DDR)
What was formed in October 1949?
German Democratic Republic (DDR)
What was formed in the DDR?
Stasi (secret police), allowing for communist oversight; “surveillance socialism”
What did Adenauer say about the influence of the Soviets on Germany, and what does this reflect about himself?
“A divided Germany is better than a communist Germany,”
> Reflects anti-communist sentiment of Adenauer himself and broader western policy driving the creation of the FDR.
What did Ulbricht say about how the DDR would be run?
“It has to look democratic, but we must have everything in control”
> Authoritarian; contrasted with Adenauer
How much in Marshall Aid did West Germany recieve, and what did this contribute and lead to?
Joined the OEEC (Organisation for European Economic Cooperation).
> West Germany received approximately $1.4 billion in aid from 1948 to 1952, which contributed to the “Wirtschaftswunder” (economic miracle) in the 1950s, leading to rapid industrial growth and rising living standards.
What was formed in April 1949?
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
What was the Brussels Treaty?
The Brussels Treaty, signed by the UK, France, and Benelux in March 1948, laid the groundwork for the North Atlantic Treaty, providing collective security and promoting economic cooperation.
Why was NATO such a critical moment in Cold War geopolitics?
It marked the first peacetime military treaty involving the US, a departure from its isolationist stance.
How did Truman justify the creation of NATO?
Truman justified NATO’s formation by stating, “By this treaty, we are not only seeking to establish freedom from aggression but we are also striving to promote and preserve peace throughout the world,” framing NATO as a defensive alliance against Soviet expansion.
What was Article 5 of NATO, and what did this intend to ensure?
Article 5, the collective defence clause
> Declared that an attack on one NATO member would be considered an attack on all.
> Intended to ensure solidarity among member states in the event of Soviet aggression.
What did General Hastings Ismay state about NATO’s purpose?
NATO’s purpose was to “keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down,” emphasising the alliance’s anti-communist stance.
What did the Soviet Union do in immediate response to NATO?
- Solidified the Eastern Bloc
- Molotov denounced NATO as a “war-mongering pact” and accusing it of advancing US imperialism.
When was NATO’s true potential realised?
However, NATO’s full significance only became apparent later, with the inclusion of West Germany in 1955.
What happened in August 1949, and what were the consequences?
USSR tests its first nuclear weapon
> US nuclear monopoly is over; also important as many details of the Manhattan Project were leaked to the Soviets (fuels McCarthyism)
What happened in October 1949, and what were the consequences?
Establishment of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in October 1949 under Mao Zedong.
> America lost a valuable ally (Jiang Jeshi, who moved to Taiwan)
> Early sign that passive containment could fail (spent $2.6 billion)