The "Solomoic Dynaty" & The Christian Highland Kingdom Flashcards
13th-16th C.
restorer of this dynasty was a local ruler in_____ called_____ who claimed to be the descendant of the_____
Amhara, Yekuno-Amlak, Aksumite kings
Yekuno Amlak founded the so-called “Solomonic” dynasty, using the legend of ________ and ________
Queen of Sheba and King Solomon
Yekuno Amlak and his followers took this dynastic name to justify their_____ by claiming that the Zagwe rulers were________.
legitimacy, illegitimate
the name “Solomonic” is placed in quotation marks because…
the claim of descent from King Solomon of Israel is legendary and cannot be historically proven
the claim of being descent from King Solomon of Israel was elaborated in the _____ in the ____ century.
Kibre Negest (“Glory of Kings”), 14th century
Ethiopian monarchs from ______ to ______ claimed descent from____.
Yikuno Amlak, Emperor Haile Silassie I, Menilek I
In 1270, when it came to power, the Christian Kingdom was confined to the territory of…
Southern Eretria, Tigray, Lasta and the northern part of Shewa
Yekuno Amlak and his successors, such as Amde-Tsion (r.1314-44), began to expand the dynasty’s territory to…
ancient highland provinces of Aksum and Zagwe in the north
regions of Gondar and eastern Gojjam in the northwest
Bizamo and Damot in the southwest
the Gurage lands and the Omotic populations of Wolaita and Gamo in the south
Ifat, Fatagar, Dawaro, Hadiya and Bali in the east and
_______ was the first “Solomonic” King, who embarked on a wider and rapid territorial expansion policy
The main motives of expansion by “Solomonic Dynasty” were economic and political, i.e.,
to control the trade routes and
territorial seizures
After Yikuno-Amlak’s reign ended in ____, ______ caused constant power struggles among his sons and grandsons for succession.
The succession issue appears
to have been _______ (partially/completley) resolved in ______, during the reign of _____, with the establishment of a ______ at ______in present-day _______.
1285, political instability, partially, 1300, Widim-Ra’ad (r. 1299-1314), ‘royal prison’, Amba-Gishen, southern Wollo
This practice (royal prision) continued until ______force destroyed _____in ______.
Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi’s, Amba-Gishen, 1540
the “restored” dynasty was centered around _____in today’s _____. However, it gradually shifted ____to the districts of _____, ______, and _____ in _____, and finally to the ______ regions dominated by the great heights of the ____ and ______.
Lake Haiq , South Wollo, southward, Menz, Tegulet, Bulga, northern Shewa, eastern Shewa,Yerer and Zequalla
The ______of medieval cities was not pleasant.
physical environment
______: tribute paying peasants either in kind or money.
______: nonhereditary right to collect tribute given to officials.
To effectively administer over this vast territory, the Christian Kingdom consolidated a feudal system of administration known as the _____.
gult system
Gult System
a system which guaranteed state officials the right to collect tribute from the local peasantry
Gult right
was a right given to an official to share the produce of the peasantry
the right to collect tribute from the local peasantry
a medieval substitute for salary
was not hereditary
bale-gult or gult owner
An official given Gult right by the state
Rist right
communal birthright to land
a claim to the hereditary ownership of land
The Christian highland rulers also continued Zagwe’s tradition of foreign relations with ____and the _____. They also extended these relations to Europe, but closer ties were established with _____and from _______ European countries.
Egypt, Middle East, Portugal, Spain