the soldier Flashcards
(1) What opening quote reflects the speaker’s idealized patriotism and readiness for sacrifice?
“If I should die, think only this of me: / That there’s some corner of a foreign field / That is forever England.”
(2) Which beginning quote emphasizes the bond between the soldier and England?
“A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware, / Gave, once, her flowers to love.”
(3) What quote from the middle illustrates the nurturing influence of England on the speaker?
“A body of England’s, breathing English air.”
(4) Which middle quote describes the eternal purity the soldier attributes to his sacrifice?
“And think, this heart, all evil shed away,”
(5) What quote from the end reflects how one is indebted to their country ?
“Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given”
(6) Which final quote encapsulates the soldier’s idealized vision of an everlasting connection to England?
“In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.”