The Social Impact of Relgious and Economic Change under Edward Flashcards
In what way had the church changed before Edward’s reign and in what way had it remained the same?
Changed structurally by the royal supremacy.
limited doctrinal changes.
There were churchmen who held Protestant views such as Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of London, but in many areas religious beliefs had scarcely been touched.
What was Somerset’s view on reformation and how did this differ to Edward?
Somerset was a moderate reformer.
Edward had been brought up to favour more radical views.
Religious change under Somerset = cautious.
What was one of the first pieces of legislation passed under Somerset?
1547 - a new Treason Act:
Allowed religious issues to be discussed and removed censorship.
Protestant material could be brought into England legally for the first time
What act had been passed in 1545 under Henry and what act was subsequently passed under Edward?
An act had been passed in 1545 to dissolve the chantries.
Subsequent act passed in 1547 to end the practice of masses for the souls of the dead
What was there a spate of in London and what did this cause?
Iconoclasm (the breaking of images and action of attacking or assertively rejecting cherished beliefs and institutions or established values and practices) leading to widespread destruction so the Injunctions of 1538 against pilgrimages and other traditional catholic practices were reissued in 1547
What did Cranmer introduce in 1549?
The Protestant Book of Common Prayer.
Enforced by an Act of Uniformity - he was anxious to avoid religious tension
What did the 1547 Act of Uniformity include?
Who did it please?
Translated the traditional services into English
It used words which might still allow the Catholic belief in transubstantiation (Flesh + blood of body of Christ was taken, not in remembrance) = Gardiner was happy.
What was Northumberland’s approach to religious change?
He favoured increasingly radical religious reforms.
He sought to plunder more of the Church’s wealth
What was Northumberland’s more radical aim(this effected finance)?
He sought to plunder more of the Church’s wealth
What had influenced radical reform?
What did Edward see it as his mission to do?
Key continental reformers had moved to England and were influencing decisions on religious matters.
Edward VI saw it as his mission to destroy idolatry (worship of idols which were images or representations of god used as an object of worship - Like Josiah)
What were two of the religious changes under Northumberland?
The removal of alters and reforms to Church services, combining Lutheran and Calvinist elements.
The 1552 Book of Common Prayer (replacing that of 1549) accompanied by another Act of Uniformity -
What was Calvinism and Zwinglian
A more radical form of Protestantism put forward in Geneva by French reformer John Calvin
Zwinglian - religious ideas of Zwingli - protestant reform with more radical ideas than Luther - most important continental influence on the English Church during Edward’s reign
Who was Northumberland influenced by?
Zwingli and senior clergy such as Ridley and Hooper
What did the 1552 Book of Common prayer and new Act of Uniformity do? (4)
Removed remaining conservative ceremonies.
Gave Protestant writing to the baptism, burial and communion services. (removing the ambiguity of the 1549 prayer book).
Conservatives couldn’t accept anything in the book.
Banned traditional vestments (clergymen’s clothes) introducing simpler replacements
Restricted church music.
What was the final religious change made under Northumberland which confirmed the firmly protestant nature of official doctrine?
Cranmer’s Forty-Two Articles of Religion in 1553 (a revised version of 39 articles adopted in Elizabeth’s reign)
What happened to services and traditional religious practices?
Services became plainer and traditional religious practices declined
What did people become less inclined to do and why?
Leave money to their parish church, possible due to religious reasons but more likely on the basis that their legacy was likely to be confiscated. (The Church was slowly losing its wealth as land was taken from bishops and church property was seized)
Who admitted that traditional practices were not entirely destroyed?
Why was this?
When was this seen?
In 1550 radical reformer John Hooper, Bishop of Gloucester and Worcester admitted that the pace of reform was hampered by an uncooperative public and that the survival of old beliefs was carried out by the speed with which traditional practices were re-adopted following the accession of the Catholic Queen Mary in 1553
How may people have been affected by the religious changes that took place under Edward?
The loss of charitable function of monasteries and chantries including care for the sick and elderly, and the provision of education would have effected many communities
What was England’s economic situation in 1547 when Edward came to the throne + why?
Poor, following Henry’s expenditure on war and inflation
Why were unemployment levels high at Edwards accession?
Unemployment levels were high partly due to a growth in population at a time of increasing enclosure in the countryside and partly due to a fall in demand for English cloth exports in the 1540’s
What steps did Somerset and Northumberland take to attempt to improve the economic situation?
Somerset’s proclamation against enclosure and tax on sheep (which only harmed small farmers) and continued debasement of the coinage (which while it produced £537,000 to finance war against S’land it also produced further inflation and added to social distress and a poor harvest in 1548 added to the inflationary pressures).
Northumberland’s commission to investigate and improve royal finance administration under the influence of Walter Mildmay (although this took time to take effect - most of the benefits in the reign of Mary).
What significant events happened in 1549?
The Western Rebellion in Devon and Cornwall and major rebellions in East Anglia - especially Kett’s rebellion in Norfolk
What were the main causes of the Western Rebellion in June/July?
Religious grievances- also known as the Prayer book rebellion (the catalyst being the new book of common prayer) - but the rebels had had little chance to experience the new prayer book and actual religious grievances ran deeper- wanted to reverse the religious reforms which were destroying the way in which people had experienced religion - traditional rituals of the church and churches role in the community had gone.
The sheep tax (peasant labourers resented it as the imposition of an uncaring government in London hitting local farmers) - made worse by its implementation by insensitive local officials
Distrust between rural labourers and landowners
Prayer book - bible in English disliked by Cornish Catholics, eucharist had been changed and disapproved of plain vestments
What was the outcomes of the western rebellion?
The rebels besieged Exeter but were defeated by Lord Russell’s troops in August.
At first a pardon was offered but rebels refused and drew up demands.
2500 rebels killed by Norfolk’s forces in Devon
What was Kett’s rebellion motivated by?
Hatred of local government officials.
Resentment of enclosure / resentment by landowners of the Norfolk four- course agriculture system.
Local frustration about the maladministration of the Howards.
Little evidence of conservative religious tendencies
Who led the Kett’s rebellion and when?
What city did they capture?
In July 1549 rebels led by tanner Robert Kett (who was initially attacked before agreeing to end enclosure of his estates and lead the rebels) captured Norwich on 22nd of July
12th July - 1600 rebels camped at Mousehold Heath just outside Norwich where Kett not only maintained order/ discipline - also able to negotiate with the civic authorities in Norwich
How did Somerset respond to Kett’s rebellion?
Following the failure of the earl of Northampton to recapture Norwich…
…he Sent an army under the leadership of John Dudley (earl of Northumberland/Earl of Warwick)
The rebellion was brutally supressed and Kett was convicted of high treason and hanged
What were other risings in the same year motivated by?
Inflation and high food prices
Religious grievances
Resentment of taxation
What was Somerset preoccupied with during the Ketts and Western Rebellions?
Somerset was preoccupied in his dealings with France and Scotland
Did the rebels present any danger to the Somerset?
5 YES, 2 NO
NO) Most died out quickly either due to insufficient support or through prompt action from the local nobility and gentry.
NO) Rebels made no attempt to march on London.
YES) They did contribute to Somerset’s downfall.
YES) Somerset underestimated seriousness of western.
YES) Response to Kett’s was slow
YES) Kett’s captured Norwich
YES) Western sieged Exeter
How did Northumberland attempt to rectify the situation in England (1 foreign and 1 financial and 1 social)
By ending the wars
Reorganising financial administration.
Passing a new Poor law in 1552.
What was the Poor law in 1552
Created a ‘collector of alms’ in each parish, responsible for a register of those eligible for poor relief.
What did the reign of Edward witness a contest between?
Two reforming traditions; traditional Christian humanism (in the tradition of Erasmus) and a more radical approach to Protestantism (inspired by Calvinist teachings) with both sides publishing tracts using the new printing press
Who opposed the moderates?
+ one specific example
What stopped this from happening?
Reformers such a Hugh Latimer, court preacher 1547-50, wanted complete change in religious doctrine and thinking.
However Edward VI’s death destroyed both contending groups.
What does evangelical mean?
Term used in this context to describe anyone who favoured further religious reform - those opposed to further religious reform are described as conservatives
What were the two aims of the Book of Common Prayer?
Translated the services into English to enhance understanding of the key texts.
It included an ambiguous eucharist declaration which the Catholic Bishop Gardiner (a prisoner in the tower) thought it could still imply the acceptance of transubstantiation
How significant was Protestantism in the beginning of Edward’s reign?
Where did Catholicism remain strong?
Convinced Protestants were in a small minority - estimated 20% in London.
Somerset’s supporters e.g. Ridley .
(Kent, Essex = SE = influenced by Burgundy) and Bristol - examples of other places with entrenched protestant minorities.
Catholicism remained strong in the north + midland counties and the far south-west.
What were four religious changes that took place under Somerset and their reasons?
Feb 1547 -Denunciation of images in London (reflected radical attitudes among church men e.g. Ridley)
July 1547 - Injunctions issued (reflected radical attitudes in government)
December 1547 - Dissolution of chantries and religious guilds (crown needed money to pay for expensive foreign policy)
May 1549 - Introduction of Book of Common Prayer
(Act of uniformity - need for uniform approach to religious service)
What were the Royal Injunctions in 1547?
Denounced images, statues, stained glass windows, relics etc.
Processions and practices were lost e.g. Palm Sunday and Ash Wednesday.
What did Cranmer publish to encourage acceptance of the religious changes?
A book of homilies - homilies were ‘off the shelf’ substitutes for sermons whose purpose was to encourage obedience to both the Church and the State
What was the social impact on each of these religious changes/acts?
They amounted to a sustained attack on the religious experience of ordinary people and enabled a renewed plundering of church resources.
Injunctions attacked many Catholic practices and the attack on the chantries, destroyed one means of connecting the dead to communities they had part of.
Attack of guilds and confraternities meant that the Crown confiscated money and property which had underpinned charitable activities and celebrations.
In addition to a more Protestant approach, what did the financial difficulties of the crown following the expenditure of the protectorate lead the crown to pursue?
A systematic policy of asset stripping, extracting wealth from the Church through the plundering of the property of bishoprics e.g. the dioceses of Gloucester and Worcester were combined with 2/3 of the Worcester estate going to the crown
What does the fact that expenditure on church goods declined after 1540 suggest?
People increasingly felt there was no point in leaving money to the Church if there was a chance their bequests would be confiscated be the Crown.
By reign of Edward VI people were much less likely to leave their money to their Parish church.
What shows that in the reign of Edward VI, people were much less likely to leave their money to their Parish church?
1540-46, 70% of northern wills were left with parish church’s but only 30% were in Ed’s reign.
Also a decline in church attendance in the diocese of Exeter.
What did the protectors do which made the crisis at parish level (the uncooperative public) worse?
When was this proven?
Crisis made worse by fear of a Crown attack on church plate - many parishes tried to avoid this by selling their treasures.
This proved justify as in Jan 1553 the crown started confiscating Church plate (some resourceful parishes able to hide their treasures).
Which interconnected economic factors helped bring about discontent during Somerset’s period of rule?
Inflationary pressures.
Agrarian issues (particularly enclosure and harvest failures).
Who was Somerset’s economic policy based around and what was the outcome of his attempts?
Enclosure was the root cause of many of the country’s social and economic problems.
Somerset agreed to set up a commission to investigate it and issued a proclamation against it - enclosure commissioners appointed.
Little achieved except raising expectations of the poor and annoying landowners.
Rate of enclosure appears to have been slowing anyway so Somerset’s policy perhaps misguided
Why did taxation cause great discontent?
Money had to be raised to pay for the Scottish war - also financed by land sales and borrowing, adding to crowns financial problems
What caused even more short-term economic problems?
Somerset’s failed social experiment:
Increasing amounts of enclosure appeared to be result of the profits that could be gained by converting land from arable to pasture to graze sheep - wool for cloth export.
To deter the process, Somerset introduced a tax on sheep but it’s main effect actually created huge financial pressures on small farmers in upland areas who had little choice but to rely on sheep for subsistence.
How did Northumberland achieve a measure of stability in the national finances?
Brought an end to the wars against Scotland and France, not only ensuring a considerable reduction in crown expenditure but also brought in £133,333 as a French payment for the return of Boulogne.
He did however succumb to one final debasement but then abandoned it.
Crown income improved (although some of this achieved by increasing revenue from the Church by immoral methods e.g. melting of church plate for Bullion).
His commission into crown finances
Why did Somerset’s government find it difficult to cope with the rebellions?
Substantial numbers of troops engaged in the garrisoning in the south of Scotland and others were stationed in the south-east of England to ward off potential French invasion = Thin resources were overstretched.
What were the key reasons for rebellion and disorder?
In some parts of the country religious reasons predominated.
In the Midlands and East Anglia agrarian and social grievances were most important, with the Council receiving numerous reports of riots and of uprooting enclosure.
Resentment of taxation was a consistent factor.
What happened to most of the risings?
They died out fairly quickly either due to insufficient support or quick response from the nobility and gentry e.g. Earl of Arundel who calmed matters in strategically sensitive Sussex - he heard grievances and punished a few oppressive landlords and disorderly peasants even-handedly - similar methods worked in York and Cambridge + Midlands
Why could the south-west not use Arundel’s method and what was the result?
It lacked a resident aristocrat of Arundel’s stature to bring matters under control, both the Western Rebellion and Kett’s Rebellion in East Anglia required significant military action to supress them
How was the extent of resentment in Cornwall evident?
In the murder at Helston in April 1548 of William Body (an archdeacon) - his insensitive approach to the removal of traditional objects of veneration had preceded the introduction of the Book of Common Prayer by over a year and demonstrated the level of tension which already existed in the county
What was Norfolk foldcourse that helped trigger Kett’s rebellion?
A foldcourse was the right to graze sheep on an enclosed piece of common land - in some villages Norfolk and Suffolk suggested that these rights were held by peasant farmers but problems were caused in some villages by landowners denying access to the foldcourse (peasant holders of the foldcourse rights were anxious to defend their own enclosures).
The rebels wanted the government to act on the promise of reform which had been made by Somerset in his proclamation against enclosure in April - (contrasts Western rebels who wished to reverse the policy)
What are some examples of moderate humanism still exerting some influence despite it being weakened by divisions in the 1530’s?
Archbishop Cranmer had been influenced by humanism.
Humanist Sir John Cheke had been Edward’s tutor.
1547 injunctions required each Parish church to acquire a copy of the Paraphrases of Erasmus.
Humanist influenced reformers Peter Martyr and Martin Bucer were invited to work in England during Edward’s reign.
Define mercenary?
Professional soldier who offers his services to the highest bidder
What happened to Erasmian and radical reformers at the beginning of Elizabeth’s reign?
Both groups reformed with E showing a preference for moderate evangelical humanism
How significant was religious change under Edward?
The population had never been subject to so much religious change so quickly - many found it confusing
Perhaps rather than criticise the inept suppression of major rebellions in 1549, the government should be praised for implementing the policy with so little disruption