The Skull Flashcards
When does the fetal skull start to develop?
Week 4
What are fontanels?
- Connective tissue membrane
- Connected to growing cranial bones.
- Overlies venous and CSF drainage routes
- Allows bones to slide over each other
- Joints ossify over the course of adulthood
How many fontanels are there?
6 total: 4 paired, 2 unpaired
What does it mean if the fontanelle is sunken in?
The baby may be dehydrated or suffering failure to thrive
What does it mean if the fontanelle is pulsating heavily?
May indicate increased ICP (intracranial pressure)
List the fontanelles.
- Anterior: Largest, frontal, diamond shaped, in the coronal suture
- Posterior: Occipital, in the lambdoid suture
- Sphenoid (paired): Antero-lateral
- Mastoid (paired): Postero-lateral
How many bones make up the skull?
22 bones
21 immovable, 1 mandible
Name the 2 divisions of the skull.
Neurocranium and Viscerocranium
What is the Neurocranium?
It is also known as the Calvarium. It protects the brain.
What is the Viscerocranium?
It protects the entrance to the respiratory system and digestive system.
How many bones make up the Neurocranium? List the unpaired and paired bones.
8 bones total
Unpaired: Frontal, Ethmoid, Sphenoid, Occipital
Paired: Parietal, Temporal
How many bones make up the Viscerocranium? List the unpaired and paired bones.
14 bones total
Unpaired: Mandible, Vomer (medial aspect of septum)
Paired: Maxilla, Zygomatic, Nasal, Inferior nasal concha, Lacrimal, Palatine
What is the strongest bone in the Viscerocranium?
Zygomatic bone
What is the Pterion?
The weakest part of the skull because it is the point of contact of 4 different bones (Frontal, Parietal, Greater wing of the Sphenoid, and Squamous part of Temporal)
What makes trauma to the Pterion so dangerous?
The middle meningeal artery passes beneath the Pterion. Trauma to this region will cause an Epidural Hematoma leading to death.
Where is the Coronal suture?
Between the frontal bone and both parietal bones
Where is the Sagittal suture?
Where the parietal bones meet at the midline of the skull.
Where is the Lambdoid suture?
Where the occipital bone joins the parietal bones
The hard palate is composed of 2 bones. What are they?
Vomer and Palatine
What makes up the nasal septum?
Perpendicular plate of Ethmoid, Vomer, anterior midline carilage
What bones make up the Anterior Cranial Fossa?
- Orbital plates of the Frontal bone
- Lesser wing of Sphenoid
- Cribiform plate of Ethmoid
What bones make up the Middle Cranial Fossa?
- Body and greater wing of Sphenoid
- Temporal
- Parietal
What bones make up the Posterior Cranial Fossa?
Occipital, Sphenoid, Parietal
Name the 3 parts of the cranial fossae.
Anterior, Middle, Posterior