The Skeletal System Flashcards
The Skeletal System consists of:
Bone, cartilage, and ligaments
How many bones are in the Skeletal System?
206 individual named bones in the human skeleton
Connective tissue that joins bone to bone
Connective tissue that joins muscle to bone.
Bone sizes
1. Longest and strongest bone 2. Smallest bones
- Femur
2. bones of the middle of the ear
Functions of the Skeletal System ( there are 5)
- Support-all body parts are supported by the skeleton
- Attachment for muscles-called skeletal muscles.
- Protection-brain,heart, lungs, nerves, and blood vessels.
- Production of Blood Cells-in bone marrow
- Bone tissue stores mineral salts
- Axial Skeleton
A. Cranium-houses the brain
A. Frontal B. parietal C. Temporal D. Sphenoid E. Occipital
- Axial skeleton
2. Facial-bones of the face
A. Mandible B. Maxilla C. Zygomatic D. Nasal E. Zygomatic Arch
- Axial skeleton
B. Vertebral Column
1. Single Vertebra
A. Spinous process
B. transverse process
C. Articular processes-superior and inferior
D. Body-where the disk fits
E. Vertebral Foramen-hole through which the spinal cord runs
B. Vertebral Column
2. 5 Vertebral Regions
A. Cervical-neck
1) 1st is called the atlas
2) 2nd is called the axis
B. Thoracic
-chest (ribs attach to these)
C. Lumbar
- small of the back
1) where most lower back
D. Sacral
- between the hip bones
1) attach to the ilium of the pelvis
E. Coccygeal
- tail bone
1) called coccyx in man
- Intervertebral Disk
A. Made of cartilage filled with a fluid
B. function-padding,cushioning, & flexibility
C. Ruptured disk can cause severe back problems.
C. Ribs
- Bone part connects to thoracic vertebrae
- “costal cartilage” connects to sternum
- 3 types
A) True ribs-attach to sternum
B) False Ribs-attach indirectly to sternum
C) floating ribs-do not attach to sternum
D. Sternum
- Common name-breastbone
2. End bone called- xiphoid process
III. Appendicular Skeleton
A. Pectoral Girdle (shoulder girdle)
- Scapula-shoulder blade
2. Clavicle-collar bone
B. Arm-or-Foreleg
- Humerus-head fits into scapula(glenoid cavity)
- Radius
- Ulna-humerus fits into trochlear notch
- Carpals-bones of the wrist
- Metacarpals-bones of the hand(palm)
- Phalanges-bones of the fingers and toes
C. Pelvic Girdle
1. Made of two Innominate bones 2. Each Innominate has three fused
A. Ilium-connects to sacral vertebrae
B. ischium
C. Pubis
3. Acetabulum-the socket where femur head fits
D. Leg-or-Hindleg
1. Femur 2. Patella 3. Tibia 4. Fibula 5. Tarsals 6. Metatarsals 7. Phalanges
1. Femur A. Longest and strongest bone B. head fits into acetabulum of pelvis 2. Patella-kneecap 3. Tibia-called shinbone 4. Fibula-long thin bone 5. Tarsals-bones of the ankle 6. Metatarsals-bones of the foot 7. Phalanges-bones of the toes and fingers