The Six Extraordinary Yang Organs Pt.1 Flashcards
They function like a YIN organ’ but have the shape of a YANG organ
This is the definition of?
The Six Extraordinary Yang Organs
Define the The Six Extraordinary Yang Organs
They function like a YIN organ’ but have the shape of a YANG organ
What is the definition of The Six Extraordinary Yang Organs
They function like a YIN organ’ but have the shape of a YANG organ
- Regulates menstruation
- Houses the fetus during pregnancy
- In men, the prostate is the organ equivalent to the Uterus in Women
These are the functions for which Extraordinary Organ
What are the functions for the Uterus
- Regulates menstruation
- Houses the fetus during pregnancy
- In men, the prostate is the organ equivalent to the Uterus in Women
List the functions for the Uterus
- Regulates menstruation
- Houses the fetus during pregnancy
- In men, the prostate is the organ equivalent to the Uterus in Women
- Controls Intelligence
- Is the Sea of Marrow and it controls the senses of sight, hearing, smell and taste
These are the functions for which Extraordinary Organ
What are the actions for the Brain
- Controls Intelligence
- Is the Sea of Marrow and it controls the senses of sight, hearing, smell and taste
Describe the functions for the Brain
- Controls Intelligence
- Is the Sea of Marrow and it controls the senses of sight, hearing, smell and taste
These are the functions for which Extraordinary Organ
- Fills the bones
- Contributes to making Blood
- Nourishes the Brain
Describe the functions for the Marrow
- Fills the bones
- Contributes to making Blood
- Nourishes the Brain
List the functions for the Marrow
- Fills the bones
- Contributes to making Blood
- Nourishes the Brain
- Are the structural framework of the body
- Are the cavity that houses Marrow and are functionally related to the Kidney
These are the functions for which Extraordinary Organ
List the functions for the Bones
- Are the structural framework of the body
- Are the cavity that houses Marrow and are functionally related to the Kidney
What are the functions for the Bones
- Are the structural framework of the body
- Are the cavity that houses Marrow and are functionally related to the Kidney
- Houses Blood and are the vehicle for the circulation of Qi and Blood
- Transports refined food essences, Qi and Blood all over the body
These are the functions for which Extraordinary Organ
Blood Vessels
What are the functions for the Blood Vessels
- Houses Blood and are the vehicle for the circulation of Qi and Blood
- Transports refined food essences, Qi and Blood all over the body
Describe the actions for the Blood Vessels
- Houses Blood and are the vehicle for the circulation of Qi and Blood
- Transports refined food essences, Qi and Blood all over the body
These functions describe which Extraordinary Organ
- GB is considered an Extraordinary Yang Organ because, unlike other Yang organs, it stores “pure” substance “BILE” and does not deal with food, drink, or waste products
- The Main significance is on a psychological level: GB affects our capacity to make decisions and our courage to act on them
- The Qi of the GB “This being a Yang Organ” gives the Ethereal Soul “Hun” the capacity for “movement”
Gall Bladder
Describe the actions for the Gall Bladder
- GB is considered an Extraordinary Yang Organ because, unlike other Yang organs, it stores “pure” substance “BILE” and does not deal with food, drink, or waste products
- The Main significance is on a psychological level: GB affects our capacity to make decisions and our courage to act on them
- The Qi of the GB “This being a Yang Organ” gives the Ethereal Soul “Hun” the capacity for “movement”
List the functions for the Gall Bladder
- GB is considered an Extraordinary Yang Organ because, unlike other Yang organs, it stores “pure” substance “BILE” and does not deal with food, drink, or waste products
- The Main significance is on a psychological level: GB affects our capacity to make decisions and our courage to act on them
- The Qi of the GB “This being a Yang Organ” gives the Ethereal Soul “Hun” the capacity for “movement”
- Heart
- Liver
- Kidney
- Spleen
- Stomach
- Ren
- Chong
- Du
These Internal Organs all act upon which Extraordinary Organ?
The Uterus
Which Internal Organs act upon the Uterus?
- Heart
- Liver
- Kidney
- Spleen
- Stomach
- Ren
- Chong
- Du
Promotes transformation of Yin-Yang Via Bao Mai
These are the actions for which Organ in relation to the Uterus
What are the actions of the Heart in relation to the Uterus
Promotes transformation of Yin-Yang Via Bao Mai
List the functions of the Heart in relation to the Uterus
Promotes transformation of Yin-Yang Via Bao Mai
These are the actions for which Organ in relation to the Uterus
Provides Blood
Describe the actions of the Liver in relationship to the Uterus
Provides Blood
List the functions of the Liver in relation to the Uterus
Provides Blood
Provides Essence and Minister Fire Via Bao Luo
These are the actions for which Organ in relation to the Uterus
Describe the actions of the Kidney in relationship to the Uterus
Provides Essence and Minister Fire Via Bao Luo
List the functions of the Kidney in relation to the Uterus
Provides Essence and Minister Fire Via Bao Luo