The Simple Harmonic Oscillator (again) Flashcards
What is the equation for the potential V of a SHO?
V = 1/2k’x^2, where k’ = m*ω^2
What is the equation for the energy En of a SHO?
En = (n+1/2)ћω
What is the equation for the ground state eigenfunction u0 for the SHO?
u0 = (mω/πћ)^1/4 *exp(-(mωx^2)/2ћ)
How can we find , , <p> and </p><p>?</p>
Use = integral from -inf to inf of u* Q(hat)u dx -> by symmetry, =0 and <p> = 0 on the SHO graph</p>
What do we get for the equation of ?
= integral from -inf to inf of u0x^2u0 dx = (mω/πћ)^1/2 *(π^1/2 *ћ^3/2)/(2m^3/2 *ω^3/2) = ћ/2mω
What do we get for the equation of <p>?</p>
<p> = mωћ/2</p>
What happens if we plug our results for and <p> into the generalised HUP formula?</p>
Δx = sqrt(-^2) = sqrt() = sqrt(ћ/2mω), and Δp(x) = sqrt(mωћ/2) -> multiply these together and we get ΔxΔp(x) = ћ/2 >= ћ/2, as required by HUP
What is u0(x)?
A minimum uncertainty state.
How can we calculate E0 with operator formation?
= integral from -inf to inf of u0* H(hat)u0 dx, where H(hat) = p(x)(hat)^2/2m + 1/2k’x(hat)^2 -> rearrange and get E0 = ћω/2
How can we factorise H(hat) and transform it into dimensionless variables?
H(hat) = -ћ^2/2m *d^2/dx^2 +mω^2/2 *x^2 -> transform to dimensionless variables by adding in g = sqrt(mω/ћ) *x and ε = 1/ћω *E, which are the reduced length and reduced energy respectively.
What is the factorised version of H(hat)?
H(hat) = 1/2*(g^2 - d^2/dg^2)
What is the equation for the raising operator?
a(+hat) = 1/sqrt(2) *(g-d/dg)
What is the equation for the lowering operator?
a(-hat) = 1/sqrt(2) *(g+d/dg)
What does [g, d/dg] equal?
Equals -1
What do we get if we multiply the raising and lowering operators together in each direction?
a(+hat)*a(-hat) = H(hat) - 1/2, other direction gives H(hat) + 1/2
How can we use the results for multiplying the raising and lowering operators together?
Use to find [a(+hat), a(-hat)] and [a(+hat), H(hat)] by subbing it in to the equation and rearranging.
What does [a(+hat), a(-hat)] equal?
How do we operate with [a(+hat), H(hat)] on u(n)?
Multiply by u(n) and expand out the equation, then rearrange for H(hat)*u(n)’
What do we get for H(hat)*u(n)’?
H(hat)u(n)’ = (ε(n) + 1)u(n)’, where u(n)’ is the eigenfunction and ε(n)+1 is the eigenvalue
What does the raising and lowering operator take ε and u(n) to?
ε -> ε+1 –> E -> E+ћω and u(n) -> u(n)’. Lowering takes E->E-ћω
What must there be a bottom ring for?
For which a(-hat)u0(g) = 0, so get H(hat)u0 = 1/2*u0
What is the final result after all of this?
ε0 = 1/2, so E0 = ћω/2 -> expected