The Sherlock Holmes Tarot Flashcards


0 - Inspector Lestrade / The Fool (The Game)


However you begin, always follow the clues. Enthusiasm and youthful energy increase your detective skills. Take the chance to try out fresh approaches. Trust the evidence. Be prepared to play with new possibilities that present themselves. Your sense of optimism and adventure will see you through. You may lack the spontaneity or curiosity to go deeper, so seeking your heart’s desire may not yet be on the agenda. Ignorance and innocence protect you, but try not to push your luck too far. KEYS: childlike trust, protection, carefree enthusiasm, the folly to be wise, optimism, adventure, spontaneity, youthful energy.

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0 - Inspector Lestrade / The Fool (The Fog)


To behave foolishly endangers both you and your colleagues, though your impulsive nature may lead to new lines of enquirer. Naivety brings you into some dangerous places. You reveal your agenda too easily. Your trust is likely to be abused. Foolhardy bravado beckons you on, sometimes too far. You feel marginalized but don’t want to seem foolish. Escaping into childlike states of mind brings you feelings of security. Distrusting the wisdom of others or scorning direct options makes you feel stronger, but may lead you astray. KEYS: overwhelming pride, making mistakes, negligence, apathy.

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1 - The Great Detective / The Magician (The Game)


Engage with the mystery in hand. Be aware that you can become a conduit for detection. Concentrations and engagement bring connections that will transform your approach to the case. Get down to the practical tasks; be as cunning as you can. Use all your talents and skills to make an impact and innovate in every way. When you grasp your power and follow its creative lead, you feel powerful and dynamic. Accurate perception and reading the patterns clearly can train your will to begin interpreting the evidence. Learn or practise a skill. Be single-minded and determined. Believe in yourself, and you will not be afraid to act decisively; self-confidence aligns you with life’s ebb and flow. Make strong connections with what motivates you. Become one with your mind. Whatever you conceive will manifest around you. KEYS: imaginative insight, mastery through disciplined skill, initiative, the impulse to create, perception on all levels, alignment with life patterns, self-confidence.

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1 - The Great Detective / The Magician (The Fog)


Difficulties arise from being too clever for your own good. The potential for self-sabotage, deception and manipulation is intrinsic in the fledging detective. Denying he power that is innately yours causes the flow of information to be disrupted. Over-confidence can lead to megalomania and arrogance to the corruption of power. Use your imaginative insight to feed creativity and compassion. Over-reaching the mark is risky. Discover the correct focus and concentrate. Self-doubt may cause plans to fall apart. KEYS: weakness of will, lack of decisiveness, an imposter or liar.

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2 - Irene Adler / The High Priestess (The Game)


In her role High Priestess, she offers a way into the deeper mysteries, but also suggests you should take an opportunity to retire into your own space and consult the interior wisdom that guides you. Knowledge is power. All wisdom is valuable. Every clue has its place in the pattern of the whole. Your may get help and advice from an older woman, but you also give counsel, supporting the understanding of others. Follow what you know is right for you. Look to your dreams for indications of the way forward. KEYS: esoteric knowledge, enlightenment, inspiration, the ability to impart instruction, wisdom, counsel, learning.

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2 - Irene Adler / The High Priestess (The Fog)


Ignoring your intuition betrays your knowledge and cramps your style. Compromised values close off ways to you that could lead to revelation. Disrespecting the wisdom you possess blocks your true path. Deliberate secrecy obscures the evidence. Easily captivated by signs and symbols, you may lose touch with the common-sense basis of the enquiry. Working from shallow or superficial knowledge leaves you open, and secrets that you would rather keep to yourself may be revealed. KEYS: selfishness, intrigue, misjudgement, laziness.

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3 - The Queen Empress / The Empress (The Game)


Keeping watch for danger to others. Concentration on things essential to the case. Abundance and fertility support your plans. Your appreciate beauty after a phase of being surrounded by the mundane, the plane or the unadorned. Share your resources generously, but remember that spending everything to create a good impression can be time-consuming and may confuse the issue. Be careful that you are not too demanding. Try to foster creativity in yourself and others but don’t let your maternal love become smothering. Look out for signs and clues. KEYS: energy in creative growth, material and spiritual wealth, fulfillment, strength, abundance, fertility, motherhood, health, harmony.

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3 - The Queen Empress / The Empress (The Fog)


You can’t see the wood for the trees, and may be out of phase with nature and natural rhythms. The urge to take immediate action circumscribes your resources. An inability to share or a failure to respond when help is offered. Superficial attractions lure you in. Extravagance or too many riches tends to waste your creative abilities. Thwarted passion or abuse of the feminine diminishes your self-image. Frustrated creativity turns your inwards. Be wary of over-indulgence or of letting yourself go. Be careful. KEYS: vanity, anxiety, lethargy.

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4 - The Prince-Consort / The Emperor (The Game)


Helping to turn abstract ideas into reality, you become a leader in the field of detection. Masculinity, put to good use through leadership and fatherly wisdom. Your ability to perceive the truth creates a secure environment and offers protection to others. Fatherly love strengthens the workplace, the family or the environment. Authority and energy help organized force to move forward. Authenticity results when you take up the challenge. You may find yourself holding power or securing boundaries for the benefit of all rather than just serving yourself. Taking a more realistic attitude to life encourages a fairer structure in an organization, but always check that aspects of your leadership do not become domineering. KEYS: leadership, fatherhood, authoritative energy, the wielding of power for good, willpower, organization, courage, responsible love, dynamism.

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4 - The Prince-Consort / The Emperor (The Fog)


Arrogance or perfectionism that is capable of destroying an enterprise. An immature approach weakens your authority and may lead to disorganization. The inability to work things out merely postpones coming to terms with the issue for another time. Indecisiveness means others have to do your work for you. If you defer control, you leave the field open to others. Failure to maintain good boundaries may diminish your self-image. KEYS: stubbornness, misuse of power, failure, abduction and abandonment.

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5 - The Seven-Per-Cent Solution / The Hierophant (The Game)


A giver of skillful insight who inspires others, especially those in need of practical wisdom. A preserver of traditional ways. An urge to rebel. By transforming the mundane into the mystical, you suggest new ways to live. The introduction to new methods frees up your vision. Mentoring the young or inexperienced, you bring things into focus for them. Follow your own path and seek the initiation of wisdom. Be careful of seeming too self-important. Don’t get bogged down in following procedures. Let your true light shine out. Uncover the hidden clues and show them to others. KEYS: revelation, inspiration, insight, tradition, preservation of heritage, initiation, advice or counsel, transformation of the mundane into the spiritual.

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5 - The Seven-Per-Cent Solution / The Hierophant (The Fog)


Holding fixed or dogmatic views limits your ability to see clearly. Abiding by narrow rules of investigation may prevent you from inspiring others. Doing things by rote. Traditional methods become bound by red tape. Imbuing others with your own feelings of guilt. Causing friction between the generations. Be careful not to become enthralled by popular opinion. Unprincipled behavior leads to ostracism. Flouting the conventions can bring freedom, but also self-doubt. Projecting your own ideas upon others. KEYS: rigidity, giving away too much, depending on institutional ways.

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6 - Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Watson / The Lovers (The Game)


The evidence supports the belief that love is in the air. The marriage of true minds and hearts or a deep bond of friendship. Unions, mergers, contracts and agreements have a particular magic. Emotional ties develop into full-blown relationships. Making a choice or important decision. The way you explore or fail to register loyalty and commitment defines your relationships. Issues of trust may need to be renegotiated. Ambivalent relationships or infatuation may need clarification. Determine your own values before merging with those of another. KEYS: marriage of minds and hearts, love (sexual and spiritual), the vision of inner beauty, emotional ties, trust, platonic friendship, fulfillment of desire.

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6 - Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Watson / The Lovers (The Fog)


Unreliable partnerships or betrayal by friends. You are likely to engage in a struggle for dominance. Unrequited love may dominate your life. Misunderstandings between close friends or partners. Divergence of approach may harm a relationship. Staying true to yourself will take you through this. Broken contracts. Separation or divorce. Jealousy, envy or possessiveness limits the scope of a relationship. Poor or confused choices endanger stability. You lose sight of the goal. KEYS: poor choices, broken promises, disillusionment, immaturity.

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7 - The Hanson Cab / The Chariot (The Game)


Purpose and the determination to move ahead in the case. Mastery or skill or ability brings a successful outcome to the investigation. Self-confidence and self-discipline enable the harnessing of abilities. Navigating life with a clear sense of direction. Determination and courage ensure that you arrive at a solution to the problem before others. You make a great leap forward with your hands on the reins. Success and fame are the rewards of achievement, so be prepared to handle them. Your appearance may be a mask to hide your true worth - or a disguise to help achieve your goals. KEYS: harnessing of abilities towards a great purpose, victory, self-confidence, self-discipline, tests and trials, achievement, travel, determination, courage.

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7 - The Hanson Cab / The Chariot (The Fog)


Plans come unstuck and clues prove to be false leads. Familiar paths lead to different places. Things cease to work properly. Over-confidence is deflated by failure. Fears derail you. Rash judgements change the way you approach the case. Journeys are delayed or cancelled. Letting anger get the better of you diverts you from the truth. Overshadowed or threatened by the success of others, you may attempt to steal power to get to the truth. Self-doubt may plague your sense of worth and bring confusion to your activities. KEYS: quarrels, disputes, an accident, bad news.

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8 - Dr. John H. Watson / Strength (The Game)


The strength to keep going when the problem appears to have no solution. The eagerness of the detective to attack the problem. The strength of will which enables you to transcend limits. You are resourceful, but may need to tame the desire to meet opposition in a combative way. Strength held in check remains a reserve which you can tap into. You should always be ready to turn to a powerful friend or guide who can help you face challenges without fear. KEYS: self-discipline, enduring strength, balanced exercise of one’s abilities, health of mind, body and spirit, moral certitude, without self-righteousness, courage to accept challenges, fortitude.

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8 - Dr. John H. Watson / Strength (The Fog)


Weakness, an inability to grasp the problem or to find the energy necessary to combat the situation. An inability to master your fears. The urge to fight your way through a seemingly impenetrable situation. Feeding you fears gives them strength over you; acknowledging your limitations helps you survive. Learn to delegate or ask for help. KEYS: reversal of fortune, delay and stasis.


9 - Mycroft Holmes / The Hermit (The Game)


The search for illumination and wisdom to solve the case. A mentor or role model awaits your discovery. A time for reassessment and inner contemplation. Originality and inventiveness give you an edge in every case you accept. As plans mature, allow for a period of stillness and thought in which answers can be uncovered. Take the advice of an older or wiser person. Listening to a colleague can provide powerful solutions. Prudent reflection can prevent you from making a bad choice or taking the wrong road. KEYS: guidance, spiritual truth, illumination, wisdom, wise counsel, introspection, a necessary space for reassessment, maturity.


9 - Mycroft Holmes / The Hermit (The Fog)


The guidance you seek may come from misleading sources. Operating without a guide or compass causes you to lose focus. You are haunted by the fear of being alone or unwanted. The pursuit of perfection leads you to hesitate. Getting back into the game after a period of withdrawal. Retreating into a private world. Getting lost in introspective reasoning. Claiming a skill you don’t really possess. Resist the temptation to act in a mature way. Failing to listen to your inner certainty leads to false clues. KEYS: self-inflicted isolation, fear, disguise, sullen silence.


10 - Bradshaw’s Directory / The Wheel of Fortune (The Game)


You may your own luck. Fortune and destiny, fateful encounters and experiences await you. Giving and receiving gifts. The cyclic nature of life moves you forward. The results of your actions change the pattern of your life. Ideas, projects or relationships move you onward. Taking a proffered chance means you will not suffer regret. Things approaching you now may surprise you. Be adaptable or flexible at all times; consider every aspect of the evidence. Neglected opportunities may come back to haunt you. Being fatalistic keeps the wheel turning. KEYS: cyclic change, evolution, sequential patterns which result from any action, adaptation, incarnation or manifestation of a project.


10 - Bradshaw’s Directory / The Wheel of Fortune (The Fog)


Unpredictable events may prevent you from uncovering the clues. You experience a run of bad luck that causes you to keep missing opportunities. You may feel as though you’re stuck on a treadmill. Sudden mood swings make it hard to get a clear perspective of the issue. Speculation or gambling causes you to lose focus. Recurrent events follow you if you fail to attend to them. You blame your own poor luck rather than acknowledging circumstances that affect your progress. KEYS: increase, bad speculation, negligence.


11 - The Courts of Justice / Justice (The Game)


Justice, truth, and honesty are your friends. Give or receive fair good measure. Be impartial rather than taking sides. Weigh the evidence carefully. Your integrity is vindicated and your case upheld. Your balanced attitudes enable equitable agreements. You may be called upon to become a mediator between parties. Measuring up to the situation or perceiving your true motives is essential. You may find yourself seeking justice for yourself or another. A legal case requires you to defend your methods. KEYS: justice, equity, rightful rule, vindication of integrity, perception of motives, fair exchange, honest relationships, good measure, balanced reaction.


11 - The Courts of Justice / Justice (The Fog)


Self-justification brings a lack of understanding. Legal difficulties or false accusation mean you must clear your name. The rule of law is overset. Negotiations break down. You may have to deal with corrupt individuals or institutions. Propaganda or prejudice cloud the case. Unfairness or injustice persists until an advocate or mediator is appointed. The need to get even can blind you to the truth. Rational decisions may require the abandonment of mercy. KEYS: bigotry, bias, intolerance, abuse of the law.


12 - The Crooked Man / The Hanged Man (The Game)


Your visionary skills, which enable you to find the necessary clues to the puzzle, may be tested and you may have to pay a high price for commitment to your approach. If you allow less important indicators to be stripped away, the real answer appears. Review your options and consider other ways of reaching your goal. Insight is gained through trust, and even misdirection can bring answers. Getting caught up in the suspicions of others weaves a web in which you may be trapped. Sitting on the fence is to no avail; only total commitment to the evidence will bring answers. KEYS: wisdom gained through hardship and experience, spiritual insight, changing one’s life, interior healing, meditation, purification, the stripping away of inessentials.


12 - The Crooked Man / The Hanged Man (The Fog)


You may find yourself required to change direction, but older agendas must be dealt with first. The trail grows cold and you are stuck or waiting for things to move on. Larger forces guide small events. You may ignore, or be neglecting, your duty. Following the opinions of others restricts your ability to act. Explore the details before you try to move. KEYS: self-sacrifice, idealism, repentance, submission to duty.


13 - The Gallows / Death (The Game)


Abrupt and unsettling change. The breaking of old patterns. A new turn in the path. Transformation and the overturning of outworn or stale ideas or situations. You may need to take ruthless action; try to remain compassionate. Accept the inevitable and welcome new evidence. If you have a tendency to hang onto ideas rather than letting go of what is no longer useful, look around for new clues. Experiment with eliminating outworn attitudes. Health issues may emerge if you consistently ignore your vocation. KEYS: elimination of outworn ideas, stale relationships and static customs, fallowness, disruption of old patterns, renewal, ruthless yet compassionate action.


13 - The Gallows / Death (The Fog)


As for Sherlock Holmes, being idle challenges you. You may try to force your way through a door as it closes. Change is frustrating and seems to take you nowhere. Hanging on brings sorrow. Ominous and threatening signs cause fears to arise. The final solution should not be put off. Inertia can set in if you remain unoccupied. Shoring up appearances despite suffering changes nothing. Struggles are over and done with. You may experience a near-death experience or a miraculous escape. KEYS: lethargy, stagnation, immobility, sleep.


14 - Mrs. Hudson / Temperance (The Game)


Regeneration. A chance to harness a variety of conflicting evidence enables you to moderate your line of reasoning. Seek out solutions that lead to a more balanced resolution. The opportunity to reconcile extreme positions enables you to combine reason and deduction and strengthens your position. By mediation or arbitration, you create a united front. Your flow of intuitive reasoning changes as you merge different ideas. This requires an ability to respect sometimes conflicting views and values. Seek out the point of balance. KEYS: tempering outer circumstance through inner values, fusion, regeneration, recombination of resources or potentials, blending or merging with a new idea, correct or incorrect balancing of the personality.


14 - Mrs. Hudson / Temperance (The Fog)


A conflict of interests or a clash between opposites. Anger encourages misunderstandings between people. Failure to go with the flow. The case breaks down and is pushed out of balance by anger and greed. You become enmeshed in other people’s affairs. Your insights antagonize others and create conflict. Living without harmony leaves you with few friends. Self-indulgence or addictive behaviour puts your physical, mental and spiritual health out of balance. KEYS: conflict of interest, mood swings, impatience, frustration.


15 - Professor Moriarty / The Devil (The Game)


Challenges surround you on every side. Obsession comes close to overthrowing your will. When obsession takes up residence, you give away power. Fatal attraction saps your strength. Inflexibility leads to stagnation, imprisonment or bondage. You are likely to be ruled by your demons. Addictive behaviour is fuelled by the neglect of creative possibilities and the need to be part of the crowd. Obstacles can appear huge and seem overwhelming even when they’re not. Past traumas dictate your response to a crisis. KEYS: challenge, ignorance, self-limitation, inflexibility, obstacles which must be overcome, unconscious fears realized, stagnation, incisive change, creative possibilities.


15 - Professor Moriarty / The Devil (The Fog)


The overthrow of illusions may lead to extremes of behaviour. Remember that laughter deflates pomposity. Liberation from stale ideas is always possible. Recovering your humanity brings reality to the case. You find it hard to avoid temptation. By checking motivation, your path becomes clearer as new insights appear. Free yourself from doubts and fears through spontaneity and humour. KEYS: fatalism, weakness, bondage, disease.


16 - Reichenbach Falls / The Tower (The Game)


Sudden and unexpected change. A reversal of energies. Falling into the depths. You may be lucky to anticipate disaster, but be careful, as it can strike as fast as lightning. The transformation of hopes and plans can cleanse the way. Cultivate humility in the face of great obstacles. Loss of the security of routine brings new understanding in the case. Painful self-awareness or sudden news may leave you petrified. Whatever you have been using to shore yourself up falls away, and no amount of effort will prevent it. Reputations may be tarnished and masks come down. KEYS: reversal of energies, humility, shocking change, liberation from outward concepts, the realisation of limitations, natural forces at work, illness which expels poisons from the body, self-awareness.


16 - Reichenbach Falls / The Tower (The Fog)


Looking into the depths. Situations drag on without reason. A sense of being under a cloud. No relief is in sight. Denying what needs attention or continuing to turn a blind eye to things. Disaster is narrowly averted. A period of upheaval without rest or relief. Setbacks intensify. A crisis threatens. Accepting changes, you re-examine the evidence to discover a new direction. KEYS: oppression, enforced exile, persecution, punishment.


17 - The Blue Carbuncle / The Star (The Game)


Hope and inspiration encourage healing. Answers improve the situation. Your expectations and aspirations bring you greater confidence. Popular consciousness supports a new vision in which everyone can share. Emotional expansiveness enables you to enjoy a period of refreshment. Things go with ease and grace. With faith in the future, you can see your way. Seek out a place of sanctuary, and allow time for recovery. KEYS: hope, expectation, prophecy, healing, rebirth, gifts of light, inspiration, good luck, idealism, destiny.


17 - The Blue Carbuncle / The Star (The Fog)


Pessimism dominates your life. You are too stubborn to see the error of your ways. You look for omens of a change for the better and yet fail to welcome them. By refusing to look, you miss the vital clue. Inspiration has dried up and needs refreshment. Conditions are too unstable to make headway. You repress your emotions in response to attach or ingratitude. You are unable to find the right guidance. Following every sign can lead to confusion. Problems with your self- image continue to dog your path. KEYS: disappointment, pessimism, bad luck, stubbornness, hopelessness, instability.


18 - The Hound of the Baskervilles / The Moon (The Game)


Dreams and visions are enhanced by observation. Misreadings may stalk you. You feel guided by unknown forces. Seek validation for your intuitions by investigating the information. This is a time to indulge your theories creatively. The seasonal round and the tides of time point you towards new directions and intuitions. Being under the influence of a strong compulsion or powerful emotion may bring confusion. You can’t see the way forward. A sense of bewilderment makes you proceed with care. Fluctuations of mood can cloud your judgment and lead you to false conclusions. KEYS: tidal change, twilight, deception, period of increase, hidden influences, esoteric forces, delusion, unconscious urges, dreams, error, lies, period of decline.


18 - The Hound of the Baskervilles / The Moon (The Fog)


Hidden dangers lie ahead. You may feel you are being stalked. You could be in the grip of unfounded rumours. You may be prone to act irrationally. Delusions and fear surround you, holding you in thrall. You feel exhausted on every level and welcome alternative views. You cling to irrational ideas and thoughts. Acting without forethought can lead you into danger. KEYS: fluctuation, instability, fraud, fantastic ideas.


19 - The Magnifying Lens / The Sun (The Game)


The fog clears as the sun breaks through. You find your focus. Clarity informs both work and life. Health and energy abound. You true vocation is realized at last. You experience joy, freedom or enthusiasm. Optimism dominates your every move. Recovery after illness brings the return of delight. You give no room to doubt and fear. Doing things naturally brings satisfaction. Speaking and acting directly opens the way ahead. A sense of enlightenment and wholeness expands your views. You enjoy recreation or holiday. There is a sense of accomplishment in all that you attempt. KEYS: clarity of vision, enthusiasm, warmth, purity, a loving heart, joy, freedom, enlightenment, wholeness, health, intolerance of shadows in any aspect of life, directness.


19 - The Magnifying Lens / The Sun (The Fog)


The good fortune of others casts a shadow. A heavy schedule obscures your happiness. Exhaustion clouds your life. You long to have your innocence restored or to enjoy things with simplicity. You expect something for nothing, which gets in the way of good fortune. Your intolerance or sense of rightness is unjustified. Confidence wanes and enthusiasm leaves you. You are overshadowed by another, or cast your own shadow over them. Complex solutions outshine simpler deductions. KEYS: broken futures, delusions of grandeur, pride, vanity.


20 - The Final Problem / The Last Judgement (The Game)


Changes of direction impinge from all sides. New discoveries bring renewal and transformation to your theories. Your vision is prophetic, causing you to re-evaluate your findings. The impulse to change or reform your life gets nearer. You experience a recapitulation of evidence in a new way. A life-changing vision is under way and you are a part of it. You recover something you may have lost sight of. KEYS: renewal, resurrection, ending or beginning, recapitulation of events or ideas, prophetic vision, forgiveness, adjustment, recovery of that which has been lost sight of, impulse to change your life.


20 - The Final Problem / The Last Judgement (The Fog)


Forgiveness or adjustments are difficult when you are grudging with your response. You reap what you sow. You procrastinate while you check the evidence. You ignore new opportunities. Rejecting innovations, you limit yourself to what you know. You wait in line for a chance that may never come. Painful memories hold you in check. Accept what needs to be laid down and make your way without it. KEYS: simplicity, weakness, stagnation, delay.


21 - The London Times / The World (The Game)


Time to rethink your life and begin anew. Look at the bigger picture and see what it means. Things reach a point of culmination or perfection. The case is cracked. By pushing beyond the limits, your view of the situation expands. Becoming perfectly engaged with the essence of the issue, you reach a satisfactory conclusion. Triumph over challenges, fears or limitations. You choose action over inertia. Contemplate your heart’s desire and make one practical step towards it. Experience triumph. KEYS: restoration, culmination, triumph, attainment, perfection, rapture, spiritual healing, creative growth, a fresh start.


21 - The London Times / The World (The Fog)


Delays and postponements trouble you. Obligations drag you down and the case fails to reach completion. Honours are slow in arriving and you feel resentment. You become distracted by the task in hand and miss the bigger picture. Emotional restrictions leave you feeling out of harmony with the world. Clinging to limitations sap the joy of success. Getting our of your own way, you are able to see more clearly. KEYS: obstacles, imperfection, lack of foresight, despair, false leads.