The second Provisional Government, July-October Flashcards
What happened following the July Days?
Prince Lvov resigned, and Kerensky responded by forming a ‘government of salvation of the revolution’.
What was the ‘government of salvation of the revolution’ based on?
A new coalition between moderate socialists and the Kadets.
What strengths did Kerensky have?
- His appointed as head of government persuaded many Bolsheviks that they were beaten
- He was a charismatic lader
- He was a gifted orator
- He adept at winning the support of women
- He was a skilful politician
- Cultivated good relationships with Mensheviks and and liberals in order to ensure that his government worked harmoniously
Kerensky understood the importance of…and also…
propaganda and therefore had his public appearances filmed, and played in cinemas.
- He also understood the importance of patriotism
Before the Revolution Kerensky was…
a lawyer who specialised in defending revolutionaries - therefore, he knew many of the leaders of the Soviet.
What were Kerensky’s weaknesses?
- He had very little administrative experience prior to forming his first government
- Therefore he did no fully understand how to run the government
- He also addicted to cocaine and morphine, which he used to help cope with pressures of his role on government
What repression did Kerensky impose to restore domestic order?
1) Press censorship
2) Establishment of military courts to punish deserters and Bolsheviks who were spreading anti-war propaganda in the army
3) The death penalty for insubordination in the army
What did Kerensky promise in terms grain? But…
Effective grain distribution to ensure that urban workers had food to eat - but he was unable to persuade the peasants to trade their grain, as he refused to raise the price the government would pay - the policy failed
In Petrograd, in late 1917, how much bread was available?
Just over half the amount that had been available a year earlier.
What plans did Kerensky abandon after the June Offensive?
To launch new military campaigns and the Russian army disintegrated due to mass desertions.
What did Austrian and German forces do in August?
They launched attacks on Russian territory, and captured Riga, the capital of Latvia in August - caused panic that Russia’s enemies were preparing to conquer Petrograd.
Kerensky became head of govern at a time of… Why?
crisis - many socialists had lost faith in the government and Kadet leaders refused to serve in a socialist-led government. Kerensky struggled to assemble a coalition.
How many Kadets did Kerensky’s cabinet contain? Why?
3 - the majority of Kadets abandoned liberalism, believing that Russia needed a military dictatorship - Kadets in the cabinet didn’t represent the mainstream of the party.
Other than Kadets, Kerensky’s cabinet also contained…
SRs and Mensheviks; however, these parties were also split.
What made the holding together of government difficult?
The Mensheviks were suspicious of the Kadets.
By July the Mensheviks and the SRs were…
split - in each case the right-wing factions favoured revolutionary defencism, and support for the Provisional Government. The left-wing factions favoured policies such as Soviet power, worker’s control of industry and a separate peace to end the war with Germany.