The Rosary Flashcards
He received a vision from Mary showing him a wreath of roses
St. Dominic
What did the wreath of roses represented?
When did Our Lady presented herself to St. Dominic?
Which pope advocated to pray the rosary during time when the Turkish Muslims were becoming successful in trying to conquer Christian Europe?
Pope Pius V
A famous event marking the defeat of the Turkish fleet from the Christians and effectively ending the threats of conquest by the Muslims
Battle of Lepanto
When did the Battle of Lepanto happen?
October 7, 1571
It was a momentous event that lead to becoming the feast day for Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
Battle of Lepanto
October 7, 1571
Where did the word rosary came from?
Latin word: Rosarius
What does “rosarius” mean?
garland or bouquet of flowers
An Old English term that originally meant “a prayer”.
To whom did Mary appear to above a rose bush in a grotto?
St. Bernadette
What was the name of the grotto that Our Lady appeared at to St. Bernadette?
When did Mary appeared in front of St. Bernadette?
February 11, 1858
How many times did Mary appear to St. Bernadette?
A total of 18 times
What did Mary told St. Bernadette to do?
To pray for sinners
Have penance
Build a chapel in her honor
At what year did the Church confirmed the authenticity of the apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes?
When did the feast day of the Lady of Lourdes became worldwide?
When did the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima happen?
May 13 - October 13, 1917
To whom did Mary appeared to in Fatima, Portugal?
Lucia de Jesus
Francisco and Jacinta Marto
How old was Lucia at the time of the apparition?
How old were Francisco and Jacinta at the time of the apparition?
(F) 9 and (J) 7
Where did Our Lady of Fatima appeared to the 3 children?
(near) Fatima, Portugal
What did Mary ask of the 3 children in the apparition in Fatima?
To pray the rosary
For what reasons did Mary ask the 3 children in Fatima to pray the rosary for?
World Peace
End of World War I
Conversion of Russia
First secret Mary gave to the 3 children in Fatima?
A devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to Lucia
When was the first secret revealed?
In 1927 when Lucia became a Carmelite nun
Second secret Mary gave to the 3 children in Fatima?
Vision of hell
Third secret Mary gave to the 3 children in Fatima?
A bishop in white will be shot by a group of soldiers
Who revealed the 3rd secret?
Pope John Paul II
When was the 3rd secret revealed?
Joyful Mysteries
The Annunciation The Visitation The Nativity The Presentation at The Temple The Finding of Jesus
Luminous Mysteries
The Baptism The Wedding at Cana Proclamation of the Kingdom Transfiguration Institution of the Eucharist
Who added the Luminous Mystery in the rosary?
Pope John Paul II
When was the Luminous Mystery added?
Sorrowful Mysteries
Agony in the Garden Scourging at the Pillar Crowing of Thorns Carrying of the Cross Crucifixion and Death
Glorious Mysteries
The Resurrection The Ascension The Decent of the Holy Spirit The Assumption of Mary The Coronation of Mary
The special gift that the rosary gave to the Catholics
Prayer for special intention or person